2.1.MMFs are defined as those collective investment undertakings (CIUs) the shares/units of which are, in terms of liquidity, close substitutes for deposits and which primarily invest in money market instruments and/or in MMF shares/units and/or in other transferable debt instruments with a residual maturity of up to and including one year, and/or in bank deposits, and/or which pursue a rate of return that approaches the interest rates of money market instruments. The criteria applied in order to identify MMFs are derived from the public prospectus as well as fund rules, instruments of incorporation, established statutes or by-laws, subscription documents or investment contracts, marketing documents, or any other statement with similar effects, of the CIUs.
The MMF itself or the person legally representing it ensures the provision of any information required to meet its statistical reporting requirements. Where necessary for practical reasons, the data may be effectively submitted by any of the entities that act in the context of financial activities involving MMF shares/units, such as depositories.