Case number | Type of merger | Obligations to be assumed |
1 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) acquires one or more full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect after the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of monthly statistical information relating to the preceding month | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted |
2 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions and possibly one or more full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect after the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted |
3 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) acquires one or more full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a month and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of monthly statistical information relating to the preceding month | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assumes, in addition to its own reporting obligations, the reporting obligations of merging institutions for statistical information relating to the month preceding the merger |
4 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions and possibly one or more full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a quarter and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assume, in addition to its own reporting obligations, the reporting obligations of merging institutions for statistical information relating to the month or the quarter preceding the merger, depending on the institution |
5 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more full reporters and possibly one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect after the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding month | The same procedure as in Case 1 is applied |
6 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect after the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | From the maintenance period consecutive to the merger and until the acquiring institution has reported quarterly data for the first time after the merger in accordance with the reduced reporting requirements imposed upon tail reporters as set out in Annex III to this Regulation, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted |
7 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect after the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter and, as a result of the merger, the tail institution becomes a full reporter | The same procedure as in Case 2 is applied |
8 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a quarter and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | From the maintenance period consecutive to the merger and until the acquiring institution has reported for the first time after the merger quarterly data in accordance with the reduced reporting requirements imposed upon tail reporters as set out in Annex III to this Regulation, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the acquiring institution and of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assumes, in addition to its own reporting obligations, the reporting obligations of merging institutions for statistical information relating to the quarter preceding the merger |
9 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more full reporters and possibly one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a month and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of monthly statistical information relating to the preceding month | The same procedure as in Case 3 is applied |
10 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) acquires one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a quarter and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter and, as a result of the merger, the tail institution becomes a full reporter | The same procedure as in Case 4 is applied |
11 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) is created from full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a month and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of monthly statistical information relating to the preceding month | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assumes the reporting obligations of merging institutions for statistical information relating to the month preceding the merger |
12 | A merger where a full reporter (acquiring institution) is created from one or more tail institutions and possibly one or more full reporters (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a quarter and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | For the maintenance period consecutive to the merger, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assumes the reporting obligations of merging institutions for data relating to the month or the quarter preceding the merger, depending on the institution |
13 | A merger where a tail institution (acquiring institution) is created from one or more tail institutions (merging institutions) takes effect within the period between the end of a quarter and the deadline set by the relevant NCB for the reporting of statistical information relating to the preceding quarter | From the maintenance period consecutive to the merger and until the acquiring institution has reported quarterly data for the first time after the merger in accordance with the reduced reporting requirements imposed upon tail reporters as set out in Annex III to this Regulation, the reserve requirement of the acquiring institution is calculated on the basis of a reserve base aggregating the reserve bases of the merging institutions. The reserve bases to be aggregated are those which would have been relevant for this maintenance period had the merger not occurred. Only one lump-sum allowance is granted. The acquiring institution assumes the reporting obligations of merging institutions for data relating to the quarter preceding the merger |
This table presents the details of more complex procedures applied to specific cases. For cases not presented in the table, the normal rules for reporting of statistical information and calculation of reserve requirements, as set out in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1745/2003 (ECB/2003/9), apply.