Article 1Subject matter and scope
This Regulation lays down requirements for the coordinated allocation and use of Mode S interrogator codes (hereinafter interrogator codes) for the purposes of the safe and efficient operation of air traffic surveillance and civil-military coordination.
This Regulation shall apply to eligible Mode S interrogators and related surveillance systems, their constituents and associated procedures, when supporting the coordinated allocation or use of eligible interrogator codes.
Article 2Definitions
For the purpose of this Regulation the definitions in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 shall apply.
The following definitions shall also apply:
- 1.
‘Mode S interrogator’ means a system, composed of antenna and electronics, supporting addressing of individual aircraft through the Mode Select, known as Mode S;
- 2.
‘interrogator code’ means either an interrogator identifier or a surveillance identifier code used for multisite lockout and possibly communication protocols;
- 3.
‘interrogator identifier code’ (hereinafter II code) means a Mode S interrogator code with a value in the range from 0 to 15 that can be used for both multisite lockout and communications protocols;
- 4.
‘surveillance identifier code’ (hereinafter SI code) means a Mode S interrogator code with a value in the range from 1 to 63 that can be used for multisite lockout protocols, but cannot be used for multisite communications protocols;
- 5.
‘multisite lockout’ means the protocol that allows Mode S target acquisition and lockout by several Mode S interrogators that have overlapping coverage;
- 6.
‘multisite communications protocols’ means the protocols used to coordinate, in areas of overlapping Mode S interrogators coverage, the control of communications performed in more than one transaction;
- 7.
‘Mode S target’ means a platform equipped with a Mode S transponder;
- 8.
‘lockout’ means the protocol that allows the suppression of Mode S all call replies from already acquired Mode S targets;
- 9.
‘Mode S operator’ means a person, organisation or enterprise operating or offering to operate a Mode S interrogator, including:
- (a)
air navigation service providers;
- (b)
Mode S interrogators manufacturers;
- (c)
airport operators;
- (d)
research establishments;
- (e)
any other entity entitled to operate a Mode S interrogator;
- (a)
- 10.
‘interrogator code allocation’ means a definition of values for at least all the key items of an interrogator code allocation as listed in Annex II, Part B;
- 11.
‘interrogator code allocation system’ means a system within the European Air Traffic Management Network, and the associated procedures, through which a centralised service of interrogator code allocation (hereinafter interrogator code allocation service), dealing with the processing of interrogator code applications and the distribution of an interrogator code allocation plan proposal, is provided to Mode S operators through Member States;
- 12.
‘interrogator code application’ means an application from a Mode S operator for the allocation of an interrogator code;
- 13.
‘interrogator code allocation plan proposal’ means a proposal for a complete set of IC allocations, submitted by the interrogator code allocation service for approval by Member States;
- 14.
‘interrogator code allocation plan’ means the most recently approved complete set of interrogator code allocations;
- 15.
‘eligible Mode S interrogator’ means a Mode S interrogator for which at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:
- (a)
the interrogator relies, at least partly, on Mode S all call interrogations and replies for Mode S targets acquisition; or
- (b)
the interrogator locks out acquired Mode S targets in reply to Mode S all call interrogations, permanently or intermittently, in part or totality of its coverage; or
- (c)
the interrogator uses multisite communications protocols for data link applications;
- (a)
- 16.
‘eligible interrogator code’ means any code among the II codes and the SI codes, except:
- (a)
II code 0;
- (b)
the interrogator code(s) reserved for military entities, including intergovernmental organisations in particular North Atlantic Treaty Organisation management and allocation;
- (a)
- 17.
‘Mode S all call interrogations’ means the messages that are normally used by Mode S interrogators to acquire Mode S targets entering their coverage area;
- 18.
‘operational interrogator code’ means any eligible interrogator code other than II code 14;
- 19.
‘competent Member State’ means:
- (a)in the case of an air navigation service provider, the Member State that has certified the provider in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 2096/20054;
- (b)
in other cases, the Member State within the area of responsibility of which the Mode S operator operates, or intends to operate, an eligible Mode S interrogator;
- (a)
- 20.
‘interrogator code conflict’ means uncoordinated coverage overlap of two or more Mode S interrogators operating on the same interrogator code, potentially resulting in aircraft remaining undetected by at least one of the Mode S interrogators;
- 21.
‘monitoring of interrogator code conflict’ means the implementation, by a Mode S operator, of technical or procedural means, for identifying the effects of interrogator code conflicts with other Mode S interrogators on the surveillance data provided by its own Mode S interrogators;
- 22.
‘implementation sequence’ means the time-bounded sequence of implementation of interrogator code allocations with which Mode S operators need to comply to avoid temporary interrogator code conflicts;
- 23.
‘matching II code’ means the II code decoded by a Mode S transponder not supporting SI codes, in a Mode S all call interrogation containing an SI code, and which is used by this transponder to encode the all call reply;
- 24.
‘lockout map’ means the Mode S interrogator configuration file defining where and how to apply lockout to Mode S targets.
Article 3Interoperability and performance requirements
Mode S operators shall ensure that the radar head electronics constituent of their Mode S interrogators using an operational interrogator code:
- 1.
support the use of SI codes and II codes in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation provisions specified in Annex I point 1;
- 2.
support the use of II/SI code operation in compliance with the requirements specified in Annex III.
Article 4Associated procedures for Mode S operators
Mode S operators shall only operate an eligible Mode S interrogator, using an eligible interrogator code, if they have received an interrogator code allocation, for this purpose, from the competent Member State.
Mode S operators intending to operate, or operating, an eligible Mode S interrogator for which no interrogator code allocation has been provided, shall submit an interrogator code application to the competent Member State, in accordance with the requirements specified in Annex II, Part A.
Mode S operators shall comply with the key items of the interrogator code allocations they receive as listed in Annex II, Part B.
Mode S operators shall inform the competent Member State at least every six months of any change in the installation planning or in the operational status of the eligible Mode S interrogators regarding any of the interrogator code allocation key items listed in Annex II, Part B.
Mode S operators shall ensure that each of their Mode S interrogators uses exclusively its allocated interrogator code.
Article 5Associated procedures for Member States
Member States shall check the validity of interrogator code applications received from Mode S operators, before making them available through the interrogator code allocation system for coordination. The validity check shall include the key items listed in Annex II, Part A.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the interrogator code allocation system:
checks interrogator code applications for compliance with the format and data conventions;
checks interrogator code applications for completeness, accuracy and timeliness;
within maximum six calendar months from application:
- (i)
performs interrogator code allocation plan update simulations on the basis of the pending applications;
- (ii)
prepares a proposed update of the interrogator code allocation plan for approval by the Member States affected by it;
- (iii)
ensures that the proposed update to the interrogator code allocation plan meets to the greatest extent possible, the operational requirements of the interrogator code applications, as described by key items (g), (h) and (i) listed in Annex II, Part A;
- (iv)
updates, and communicates to Member States the interrogator code allocation plan immediately after its approval, without prejudice to national procedures for the communication of information on Mode S interrogators operated by military.
Changes in the interrogator code allocation plan shall be subject to the approval of all the Member States affected by the update of the plan.
In case of disagreement on the changes referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the Member States concerned shall bring the matter to the Commission for action. The Commission shall act in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004.
Member States referred to in paragraph 3 shall ensure that their interrogator code allocation plan approvals are communicated to other Member States through the interrogator code allocation system.
Member States referred to in paragraph 3 shall ensure that interrogator code allocation changes resulting from an update to the interrogator code allocation plan are communicated to the relevant Mode S operators under their authority within 14 calendar days of the reception of the updated allocation plan.
Member States shall make available to other Member States at least every six months through the interrogator code allocation system an up-to-date record of the allocation and use of interrogator code by the eligible Mode S interrogators within their area of responsibility.
Where an overlap exists between the coverage of a Mode S interrogator located within the area of responsibility of a Member State and the coverage of a Mode S interrogator located within the area of responsibility of a third country, the Member State concerned shall:
ensure that the third country is informed of the safety requirements related to the allocation and use of interrogator codes;
take the necessary measures to coordinate the use of interrogator codes with the third country.
Article 6Associated procedures for air traffic service providers
Air traffic service providers shall not use data from Mode S interrogators operating under the responsibility of a third country if the interrogator code allocation has not been coordinated.
Article 7Contingency requirements
Air traffic service providers shall assess the possible impact on air traffic services of interrogator code conflicts, and the corresponding potential loss of Mode S target surveillance data from the impacted Mode S interrogators, taking into account their operational requirements and available redundancy.
Unless the potential loss of Mode S target surveillance data has been assessed to have no safety significance, Mode S operators shall:
implement monitoring means to detect interrogator code conflicts caused by other Mode S interrogators impacting eligible Mode S interrogators they operate on any operational interrogator code;
ensure that the interrogator code conflict detection provided by the implemented monitoring means is achieved in a timely manner and within a coverage that satisfy their safety requirements;
identify and implement as appropriate, a fallback mode of operation to mitigate the possible interrogator code conflict hazards on any operational code, identified in the assessment referred to in paragraph 1;
ensure that the implemented fallback mode of operation does not create any interrogator code conflict with other Mode S interrogators referred to by the interrogator code allocation plan.
Mode S operators shall report any identified interrogator conflict involving an eligible Mode S interrogator they operate on any operational interrogator code to the competent Member State and shall make available, through the IC allocation system, the related information to the other Mode S operators.
Article 8Civil-military coordination
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that military units operating eligible Mode S interrogators on any other interrogator code than II code 0 and other codes reserved for military management, comply with Articles 3 to 7 and Article 12.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that military units, operating Mode S interrogators on II code 0 or other interrogator codes reserved for military management, monitor the exclusive use of these interrogator codes, to avoid the uncoordinated use of any eligible interrogator code.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the allocation and use of interrogator codes for military units has no detrimental impact on the safety of general air traffic.
Article 9Safety requirements
Mode S operators shall ensure that potential interrogator code conflict hazards affecting their Mode S interrogators are properly assessed and mitigated.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that any changes to the existing systems and associated procedures referred to in Article 1(2) or the introduction of such new systems and procedures are preceded by a safety assessment, including hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation, conducted by the parties concerned.
For the purposes of the safety assessment provided for in paragraph 2, the requirements specified in Articles 4 to 8 and Article 12 shall also be considered as minimum safety requirements.
Article 10Conformity assessment
Before issuing an EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use as referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004, manufacturers of constituents, or their authorised representatives established in the Community, of the systems referred to in Article 1(2) of this Regulation shall assess the conformity or suitability for use of those constituents in compliance with the requirements set out in Annex IV, Part A to this Regulation.
Article 11Verification of systems
Air navigation service providers which can demonstrate or have demonstrated that they fulfil the conditions set out in Annex V shall conduct a verification of the systems referred to in Article 1(2) in compliance with the requirements set out in Annex VI, Part A.
Air navigation service providers which cannot demonstrate that they fulfil the conditions set out in Annex V shall subcontract to a notified body a verification of the systems referred to in Article 1(2). This verification shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements set out in Annex VI, Part B.
Article 12Additional requirements
Mode S operators shall ensure that their personnel in charge of the implementation of interrogator code allocations are made duly aware of the relevant provisions in this Regulation and that they are adequately trained for their job functions.
Mode S operators shall:
develop and maintain Mode S operations manuals, including the necessary instructions and information to enable their personnel in charge of the implementation of interrogator code allocations to apply the provisions of this Regulation;
ensure that the manuals referred to in point (a) are accessible and kept up-to-date and that their update and distribution are subject to appropriate quality and documentation configuration management;
ensure that the working methods and operating procedures required for the implementation of interrogator code allocations comply with the relevant provisions specified in this Regulation.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the personnel providing the interrogator code allocation service are made duly aware of the relevant provisions of this Regulation and that they are adequately trained for their job functions.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the centralised interrogator code allocation service:
develops and maintains operations manuals containing the necessary instructions and information to enable their personnel to apply the provisions of this Regulation;
ensures that the manuals referred to in point (a) are accessible and kept up-to-date and that their update and distribution are subject to appropriate quality and documentation configuration management;
ensures that the working methods and operating procedures comply with the relevant provisions specified in this Regulation.
Article 13Entry into force and application
This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 3 shall apply from 1 January 2011.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 30 March 2009.
For the Commission
Antonio Tajani