in Annex I, the following Part D is added:
1.1.Flight information concerned
1.1.1.The information subject to the logon forward process shall include as a minimum:
aircraft identification,
departure aerodrome,
destination aerodrome,
logon type,
logon parameters.
1.2.Rules of application
1.2.1.One logon forward process shall be performed for each data-link logged-on flight planned to cross the boundary.
1.2.2.The logon forward process shall be initiated at or as soon as possible after the earlier of the times determined from the following:
a parameter number of minutes before the estimated time at the coordination point,
the time at which the flight is at a bilaterally agreed distance from the coordination point,
in accordance with the letters of agreement.
1.2.3.Eligibility criteria for the logon forward process shall be in accordance with the letters of agreement.
1.2.4.The logon forward information shall be included with the corresponding flight information in the receiving unit.
1.2.5.The logged-on status of the flight may be displayed at the appropriate working position within the receiving unit.
1.2.6.Completion of the logon forward process, including confirmation from the receiving unit shall be provided to the transferring unit.
1.2.7.Failure of the logon forward process to confirm completion, within the applicable quality of service requirements, shall result in the initiation of an air-ground data link contact request to the aircraft.
2.1.Flight information concerned
2.1.1.The information subject to the next authority notified process shall include as a minimum:
aircraft identification,
departure aerodrome,
destination aerodrome.
2.2.Rules of application
2.2.1.One next authority notified process shall be performed for each eligible flight crossing the boundary.
2.2.2.The next authority notified process shall be initiated after the next data authority request with the aircraft has been acknowledged by the airborne system.
2.2.3.Following the successful processing of the next authority notified information the receiving unit shall initiate a controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) start request with the aircraft.
2.2.4.If the next authority notified information has not been received within a bilaterally agreed parameter time, local procedures shall be applied by the receiving unit for the initiation of data link communications with the aircraft.
2.2.5.Completion of the next authority notified process, including confirmation from the receiving unit shall be provided to the transferring unit.
2.2.6.Failure of the next authority notified process to confirm completion, within the applicable quality of service requirements shall result in the initiation of local procedures in the transferring unit.’;