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Annex 30A is amended as follows:


Section 1 is amended as follows:


in note 1.1, the following sentence is added:

The diversion request that needs to be made where an active means of transport entering the customs territory of the Community is to arrive first at a customs office located in a Member State that was not declared in the entry summary declaration contains the information detailed in Table 6.;


note 1.2 is replaced by the following:

note 1.6 is replaced by the following:

Section 2 is amended as follows:

Section 4, Data elements explanatory notes, is amended as follows:

before the data element explanatory note ‘Declaration’, the following is inserted:

between the data element explanatory note ‘Person lodging the summary declaration’ and the data element explanatory note ‘Consignee’, the following is inserted:

the data element explanatory note ‘Carrier’ is replaced by the following:

between the data element explanatory note ‘Identity and nationality of active means of transport crossing the border’ and the data element explanatory note ‘Conveyance reference number’, the following is inserted:

between the data element explanatory note ‘First place of arrival code’ and the data element explanatory note ‘Date and time of arrival at first place of arrival in customs territory’, the following is inserted:

Actual first place of arrival code

Diversion request: the code of the actual customs office of first entry must be provided.

between the data element explanatory note ‘Currency code’ and the data element explanatory note ‘Customs office of exit’, the following is inserted: