ANNEX 45k(referred to in Article 787)


CHAPTER ISpecimen of the Export/Security SAD




CHAPTER IIExplanatory notes and particulars (data) for the Export/Security SAD

The acronym “BCP” (Business continuity plan) used in this Chapter refers to situations in which the fallback procedure defined in Article 787(2) applies.

The form contains all information necessary for export and exit data where export and security data are provided together. The form includes information at header level and for one item of goods. It is designed to be used in the context of the BCP.

There are three copies of the Export/Security SAD:

  • Copy 1 is kept by the authorities of the Member State in which export (dispatch) or Community transit formalities are completed;

  • Copy 2 is used for statistical purposes by the Member State of export;

  • Copy 3 is returned to the exporter after being stamped by the customs authority.

The Export/Security SAD contains data valid for the whole of the declaration.

The information contained in the Export/Security SAD shall be based on data derived from the export and exit declaration; where necessary, that information will be amended by the declarant/representative and/or verified by the office of export.

In addition to the provisions in the explanatory notes of Annexes 30A and 37, particulars have to be printed as follows:

  1. 1.

    Box MRN (movement reference number):

    The MRN is to be printed on the first page and on all lists of items except where these forms are used in the context of the BCP in which cases no MRN is allocated.

    The information is alphanumerical and comprises 18 characters following the prescriptions below:



    Field type



    Last two digits of year of formal acceptance of the export declaration (YY)

    Numeric 2



    Identifier of the country of export. (alpha 2 code as provided for box 2 of the Single Administrative Document in Annex 38)

    Alphabetic 2



    Unique identifier for export operation per year and country

    Alphanumeric 13



    Check digit

    Alphanumeric 1


    Fields 1 and 2 as explained above.

    Field 3 shall be filled in with an identifier for the export control system transaction. The way that field is used is under the responsibility of national administrations but each export transaction handled during one year within the given country must have a unique number. National administrations that want to have the office reference number of the competent authorities included in the MRN, could use up to the first 6 characters to insert the national number of the office.

    Field 4 shall be filled with a value that is a check digit for the whole MRN. This field allows for detection of an error when capturing the whole MRN.

    The “MRN” shall also be printed in bar code mode using the standard “code 128”, character set “B”.

  2. 2.

    Box 7 reference numbers:

    Indicate LRN or/and UCR.


    a local reference number as defined in Annex 37a.


    a Unique Consignment Reference Number as referred to in Annex 37, title II, box 7.

  3. 3.

    Box Other SCI (S32):

    Enter other specific circumstance indicator.

The Export/Security SAD shall not be modified nor shall any addition or deletion be made thereto unless otherwise specified in this Regulation.