

SECTION 7Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems

Article 72Use of terms

For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:


‘bottom fishing activities’ means fishing activities where the fishing gear is likely to contact the seafloor during the normal course of fishing operations;


‘existing bottom fishing areas’ means areas where VMS data and/or other available geo-reference data indicate that bottom fishing activities have been conducted within a reference period of 1987 to 2007;


‘new bottom fishing areas’ means areas within the SEAFO Regulatory Area other than existing bottom fishing areas;


‘exploratory fisheries’ means fisheries conducted in new bottom fishing areas;


‘marine ecosystem’ means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit;


‘Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME)’ means any marine ecosystem whose integrity (i.e. ecosystem structure or function) is, according to the best scientific information available and to the principle of precaution, threatened by significant adverse impacts resulting from physical contact with bottom gears in the normal course of fishing operations, including reefs, seamounts, hydrothermal vents, cold water corals or cold water sponge beds. The most vulnerable ecosystems are those that are easily disturbed and that are very slow to recover, or may never recover;


‘significant adverse impacts’ means impacts (evaluated individually, in combination or cumulatively) which compromise ecosystem integrity in a manner that impairs the ability of affected populations to replace themselves and that degrades the long-term natural productivity of habitats, or causes on more than a temporary basis significant loss of species richness, habitat or community types;


‘bottom gears’ means gears deployed in the normal course of fishing operations in contact with the seabed, including bottom trawls, dredges, bottom-set gill nets, bottom-set longlines, pots and traps;


‘VME encounter’ means an encounter by a vessel with VME indicator organisms occurring above the threshold level of a catch per set of more than 100 kg of live coral and/or 1 000 kg of live sponge


‘VME indicator organisms’ means corals and sponges;


‘Indicator species of coral’ means antipatharians, gorgonians, cerianthid anemone fields, lophelia, or sea pen fields.

Article 73Identification of existing bottom fishing areas

Member States with vessels involved in bottom fishing activities in the period of 1987-2007 in the SEAFO Convention Area shall submit comprehensive maps of existing fishing areas to the Commission by 1 April 2009. The Commission shall forward these maps to the Executive Secretary of SEAFO without delay. Maps shall be based on VMS data and/or other available geo-reference data and expressed in the most precise spatial and temporal resolution as possible.

Article 74Bottom fishing activities in new bottom fishing areas

1.As from 1 November 2009, all exploratory fisheries or fishing activities with bottom gear not previously used in the existing fishing area concerned shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements set out in an Exploratory Bottom Fisheries Protocol.

2.The Exploratory Bottom Fisheries Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 shall be developed by each Member State concerned and include the following:

(a)a harvesting plan which outlines target species, dates and areas. Area and effort restrictions shall be considered to ensure fisheries occur on a gradual basis in a limited geographical area;

(b)where possible, an initial assessment of the known and anticipated impacts of its bottom fishing activities on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems;

(c)a mitigation plan including measures to prevent significant adverse impact to Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems that may be encountered during the fishery;

(d)a catch monitoring plan that includes recording/reporting of all species caught. The recording/reporting of catch shall be sufficiently detailed to conduct an assessment of activity, if required;

(e)a data collection plan to facilitate the identification of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems/species in the area fished.

3.As from the date referred to in paragraph 1, exploratory fisheries or fishing activities with bottom gear not previously used in the existing fishing area shall not commence until the information outlined in paragraph 2 has been provided by the Member States to the SEAFO Executive Secretary via the Commission.

4.Member States shall provide a report of the results of bottom fishing activities to the SEAFO Secretary via the Commission.

Article 75Assessment of bottom fishing activities in new and existing areas

1.Member States whose vessels conduct or intend to conduct bottom fishing activities in the SEAFO Regulatory Area shall carry out an assessment of the known and anticipated impacts of those activities on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. Such an assessment shall aim at determining if such activities, taking account of the history of bottom fishing activities in the SEAFO Regulatory Area, would have a significant adverse impact on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems.

2.For the purposes of the implementation of the assessment referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall rely on the best scientific and technical information available concerning the location of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the areas in which their fishing vessels intend to operate. That information shall include, where available, scientific data on the basis of which the likelihood of occurrence of such ecosystems can be estimated.

3.Member States shall submit their assessment referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to the Commission and SEAFO Secretariat as soon as possible but not later than 1 September 2009. This submission shall also include a description of the mitigation measures intended to prevent significant adverse impacts on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and be carried out in accordance with guidance developed by the SEAFO Scientific Committee, as available.

Article 76Scientific Observers

1.In addition to the requirement set out in Article 70, Member States shall ensure that vessels flying their flag and conducting exploratory fisheries in accordance with Article 74 have a scientific observer on board. Observers shall collect data in accordance with a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Data Collection Protocol.

2.The Observers collecting data in accordance with the Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Data Collection Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 shall:

(a)monitor any set for evidence of VMEs and the presence of vulnerable marine species;

(b)record the following information for identification of VMEs: vessel name, gear type, date, position (latitude/longitude), depth, species code, trip-number, set-number, and name of the observer on datasheets;

(c)collect representative biological samples from the entire catch. Biological samples shall be collected and frozen when requested by the scientific authority in a flag Member State or by the Commission;

(d)transmit samples to the scientific authority of a flag Member State at the end of the fishing trip.

Article 77VME encounters

1.Vessels flying Community flag conducting bottom fishing activities within the SEAFO Regulatory Area shall comply with the following:

(a)where a VME encounter is suspected based on the available information, in particular where significant quantities of VME indicator organisms are present in the catch, the vessels shall quantify catch of VME indicator organisms. Observers deployed in accordance with Article 74 shall identify corals, sponges and any other VME organisms to the lowest possible taxonomical level and apply the Exploratory Bottom Fisheries Protocol as provided for in Article 74(2) and SEAFO catch sampling forms. Observers shall submit SEAFO trip summary reports to flag Member States which without delay shall forward the information to the SEAFO Secretariat via the Commission;

(b)where a VME encounter is confirmed, on the basis of measures taken under point (a), the vessel master shall:


report the incident to the flag Member State, which without delay shall forward the information to the Commission and the SEAFO Executive Secretary. The Commission shall immediately request Member States to alert all Community vessels authorised to operate in the SEAFO Regulatory Area,


cease fishing, haul the gear, and move away at least two nautical miles from the endpoint of the tow/set in the direction least likely to result in further encounters based on all available sources of information. Any further tows or sets shall be parallel to the tow/set when the encounter was made.

2.The Commission shall, in case a confirmed VME encounter takes place in new fishing areas, upon a notification from the SEAFO Executive Secretary, implement an interim closure of two miles radius around the reporting position referred to in paragraph 1(b). The reporting position is that provided by the vessel, either the endpoint of the tow/set or another position that the evidence suggests is closest to the exact encounter location. This temporary closure shall apply until such time when the SEAFO Secretariat advises that the area can be reopened.