Commission regulation (EC) No 607/2009 (repealed)Show full title

Commission regulation (EC) No 607/2009 of 14 July 2009 laying down certain detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 as regards protected designations of origin and geographical indications, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products (repealed)


PART A — List of wine grape varieties and their synonyms that may appear on the labelling of wines in accordance with Article 62(3)
Name of a protected designation of origin or geographical indicationVariety name or its synonymsCountries that may use the variety name or one of its synonymsa
1Alba (IT) Albarossa Italy°
2Alicante (ES) Alicante Bouschet

Greece°, Italy°, Portugal°, Algeria°, Tunisia°, United States°, Cyprus°, South Africa

N.B.: The name ‘Alicante’ may not be used on its own to designate wine.

3 Alicante Branco Portugal°
4 Alicante Henri Bouschet France°, Serbia and Montenegro (6)
5 Alicante Italy°
6Alikant BuseSerbia and Montenegro (4)
7Avola (IT)Nero d’AvolaItaly
8Bohotin (RO) Busuioacă de Bohotin Romania
9Borba (PT) Borba Spain°
10Bourgogne (FR)BlauburgunderFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (13-20-30), Austria (18-20), Canada (20-30), Chile (20-30), Italy (20-30)
11 Blauer Burgunder Austria (10-13), Serbia and Montenegro (17-30), Switzerland
12 Blauer Frühburgunder Germany (24)
13 Blauer Spätburgunder Germany (30), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(10-20-30), Austria (10-11), Bulgaria (30), Canada (10-30), Chile (10-30), Romania (30), Italy (10-30)
14 Burgund Mare Romania (35, 27, 39, 41)
15 Burgundac beli Serbia and Montenegro (34)
16Burgundac CrniCroatia°
17 Burgundac crni Serbia and Montenegro (11-30)
18 Burgundac siviCroatia°, Serbia and Montenegro°
19 Burgundec bel Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia°
20 Burgundec crn Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (10-13-30)
21 Burgundec siv Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia°
22 Early Burgundy United States°
23Fehér Burgundi, BurgundiHungary (31)
24FrühburgunderGermany (12), Netherlands°
25GrauburgunderGermany, Bulgaria, Hungary°, Romania (26)
26Grauer BurgunderCanada, Romania (25), Germany, Austria
27GrossburgunderRomania (37, 14, 40, 42)
28Kisburgundi kékHungary (30)
29 NagyburgundiHungary°
30SpätburgunderFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (10-13-20), Serbia and Montenegro (11-17), Bulgaria (13), Canada (10-13), Chile, Hungary (29), Moldavia°, Romania (13), Italy (10-13), United Kingdom, Germany (13)
31WeißburgunderSouth Africa (33), Canada, Chile (32), Hungary (23), Germany (32, 33), Austria (32), United Kingdom°, Italy
32 Weißer Burgunder Germany (31, 33), Austria (31), Chile (31), Switzerland°, Slovenia, Italy
33 WeissburgunderSouth Africa (31), Germany (31, 32), United Kingdom, Italy
34Weisser BurgunderSerbia and Montenegro (15)
35Calabria (IT)Calabrese Italy
36Cotnari (RO) Grasă de Cotnari Romania
37Franken (DE) BlaufränkischCzech Republic (39), Austria°, Germany, Slovenia (Modra frankinja, Frankinja), Hungary, Romania (14, 27, 39, 41)
38 Frâncușă Romania
39 Frankovka Czech Republic (37), Slovakia (40), Romania (14, 27, 38, 41)
40 Frankovka modrá Slovakia (39)
41 KékfrankosHungary, Romania (37, 14, 27, 39)
42Friuli (IT)FriulanoItaly
43Graciosa Graciosa Portugal°





45Moravské (CZ)Cabernet Moravia Czech Republic°
46Moravia dulce Spain°
47Moravia agria Spain°
48 Muškat moravský Czech Republic°, Slovakia
49Odobești (RO) Galbenă de Odobești Romania
50Porto (PT) Portoghese Italy°
51Rioja (ES) Torrontés riojano Argentina°
52Sardegna (IT)Barbera SardaItaly
53Sciacca (IT)SciaccarelloFrance
PART B — List of wine grape varieties and their synonyms that may appear on the labelling of wines in accordance with Article 62(4)

For the states concerned, the derogations provided for in this Annex are authorised only in the case of wines bearing a protected designation of origin or geographical indication produced with the varieties concerned.

Name of a protected designation of origin or geographical indicationVariety name or its synonymsCountries that may use the variety name or one of its synonymsa
1Mount Athos — Agioritikos (GR) Agiorgitiko Greece°, Cyprus°

Aglianico del Taburno (IT)

Aglianico del Vulture (IT)

Aglianico Italy°, Greece°, Malta°
3 Aglianicone Italy°

Aleatico di Gradoli (IT)

Aleatico di Puglia (IT)

Aleatico Italy
5Ansonica Costa dell’Argentario (IT) Ansonica Italy
6Conca de Barbera (ES) Barbera Bianca Italy°
7 Barbera South Africa°, Argentina°, Australia°, Croatia°, Mexico°, Slovenia°, Uruguay°, United States°, Greece°, Italy°, Malta°
8 Barbera Sarda Italy°

Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco (IT)

Bosco Eliceo (IT)

Bosco Italy°
10Brachetto d’Acqui (IT) Brachetto Italy
11Etyek-Budai (HU) Budai Hungary°

Cesanese del Piglio (IT)

Cesanese di Olevano Romano (IT)

Cesanese di Affile (IT)

Cesanese Italy

Cortese di Gavi (IT)

Cortese dell’Alto Monferrato (IT)

Cortese Italy

Duna Borrégió (HU)

Dunajskostredský (SK)

Duna gyöngye Hungary
15 Dunaj Slovakia
16Côte de Duras (FR) Durasa Italy
17Korinthos-Korinthiakos (GR) Corinto Nero Italy°
18 Korinthiaki Greece°
19Fiano di Avellino (IT) Fiano Italy
20Fortana del Taro (IT) Fortana Italy

Freisa d’Asti (IT)

Freisa di Chieri (IT)

Freisa Italy

Greco di Bianco (IT)

Greco di Tufo (IT)

Greco Italy

Grignolino d’Asti (IT)

Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese (IT)

Grignolino Italy
24Izsáki Arany Sáfeher (HU) Izsáki Sáfeher Hungary
25Lacrima di Morro d’Alba (IT) Lacrima Italy
26Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro Lambrusco grasparossa Italy
27 Lambrusco Italy
28Lambrusco di Sorbara (IT)
29Lambrusco Mantovano (IT)
30Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Corce (IT)
31 Lambrusco Salamino Italy
32Colli MaceratesiMaceratino Italy
33Vino Nobile de Montepulciano (IT) Montepulciano Italy°
34Nebbiolo d’Alba (IT) Nebbiolo Italy
35Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto (IT) Pignoletto Italy
36Primitivo di Manduria Primitivo Italy

Rheingau (DE)

Rheinhessen (DE)

Rajnai rizling Hungary (40)
38Rajnski rizlingSerbia and Montenegro (39-40-45)
39Renski rizlingSerbia and Montenegro (38-42-45), Slovenia° (44)
40RheinrieslingBulgaria°, Austria, Germany (42), Hungary (37), Czech Republic (48), Italy (42), Greece, Portugal, Slovenia
41Rhine RieslingSouth Africa°, Australia°, Chile (43), Moldavia°, New Zealand°, Cyprus, Hungary°
42Riesling renanoGermany (40), Serbia and Montenegro (38-39-45), Italy (40)
43 Riesling RenanoChile (41), Malta°
44Radgonska ranina Slovenia
45 Rizling rajnski Serbia and Montenegro (38-39-42)
46 Rizling Rajnski Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia°, Croatia°
47 Rizling rýnsky Slovakia°
48 Ryzlink rýnský Czech Republic (40)
49Rossese di Dolceacqua (IT) Rossese Italy
50Sangiovese di Romagna (IT) Sangiovese Italy
51Štajerska SlovenijaŠtajerska belina Slovenia
52Teroldego Rotaliano (IT)Teroldego Italy
53Vinho Verde (PT) Verdea Italy°
54 Verdeca Italy
55 Verdelho South Africa°, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Portugal
56 Verdelho Roxo Portugal°
57 Verdelho Tinto Portugal°
58 Verdello Italy°, Spain°
59 Verdese Italy°
60 Verdejo Spain°

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi (IT)

Verdicchio di Matelica (IT)

Verdicchio Italy

Vermentino di Gallura (IT)

Vermentino di Sardegna (IT)

Vermentino Italy

Vernaccia di San Gimignano (IT)

Vernaccia di Serrapetrona (IT)

Vernaccia Italy
64Zalai borvidék (HU) Zalagyöngye Hungary


terms in italic:reference to the synonym for the wine grape variety
‘°’no synonym
terms in bold:

column 3: name of the wine grape variety

column 4: country where the name corresponds to a variety and reference to the variety

terms not in bold:

column 3: name of the synonym of a vine variety

column 4: name of country using the synonym of a vine variety