Commission Regulation (EC) No 610/2009Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 610/2009 of 10 July 2009 laying down detailed rules for the application of the tariff quota for beef and veal originating in Chile (Codified version)

Article 10

1.By way of derogation from the second subparagraph of Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, Member States shall notify to the Commission:

(a)no later than 31 August following the end of each import tariff quota period the quantities of products, including nil returns, for which import licences were issued in the previous import tariff quota period;

(b)no later than 31 October following the end of each import tariff quota period the quantities of products, including nil returns, covered by unused or partly used import licences and corresponding to the difference between the quantities entered on the back of the import licences and the quantities for which they were issued.

2.No later than 31 October following the end of each import tariff quota period, Member States shall notify to the Commission the quantities of products which were actually released for free circulation during the preceding import tariff quota period.

However, as of the import tariff quota period starting on 1 July 2009, Member States shall forward to the Commission details of the quantities of products put into free circulation as of 1 July 2009 in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006.

3.The notifications referred to in paragraph 1 and the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be made as indicated in Annexes V, VI and VII to this Regulation and the product categories indicated in Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 382/2008 shall be used.