ANNEX IProducts and destinations excluded from the remote refund zone



Sugar or sugar products of CN code 1701 11 90, 1701 12 90, 1701 91 00, 1701 99 10, 1701 99 90, 1702 40 10, 1702 60 10, 1702 60 95, 1702 90 30, 1702 90 71, 1702 90 95, 2106 90 30, 2106 90 59 — Morocco, Algeria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon


CN 1001 — Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, F2 Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla

CN 1003 — All destinations

CN 1004 — Iceland, Russia


CN 1006 — All destinations

Milk and milk products24

All products — Morocco, Algeria

Milk and milk products of CN code 0401 30; 0402 21; 0402 29; 0402 91; 0402 99; 0403 90; 0404 90; 0405 10; 0405 20; 0405 90 — Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon

0406 — Syria, Lebanon, Mexico

Beef and veal

All products — All destinations


Poultrymeat — All destinations

One day-old chicks of CN code 0105 11 — United States, Canada, Mexico


Eggs in shell of ERN code 0407 00 30 9000 Japan, Russia, China, Taiwan,

Hatching eggs of ERN code 0407 00 11 9000; 0407 00 19 9000 — United States, Canada, Mexico



Type of checks and results

Control code

Article 5(8) of Regulation (EC) No 612/2009

Conformity of the products has been checked by visual check before affixing seal according to Article 5(8) of Regulation (EC) No 612/2009


ANNEX IIIEntries referred to in Article 8


in Bulgarian:

Регламент (ЕО) № 612/2009

in Spanish:

Reglamento (CE) no 612/2009

in Czech:

Nařízení (ES) č. 612/2009

in Danish:

Forordning (EF) nr. 612/2009

in German:

Verordnung (EG) Nr. 612/2009

in Estonian:

Määrus (EÜ) nr 612/2009

in Greek:

Κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 612/2009

in English:

Regulation (EC) No 612/2009

in French:

Règlement (CE) no 612/2009


in Croatian:

Uredba (EZ) br. 612/2009

in Italian:

Regolamento (CE) n. 612/2009

in Latvian:

Regula (EK) Nr. 612/2009

in Lithuanian:

Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 612/2009

in Hungarian:

612/2009/EK rendelet

in Maltese:

Regolament (KE) Nru 612/2009

in Dutch:

Verordening (EG) nr. 612/2009

in Polish:

Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 612/2009

in Portuguese:

Regulamento (CE) n.o 612/2009

in Romanian:

Regulamentul (CE) nr. 612/2009

in Slovak:

Nariadenie (ES) č. 612/2009

in Slovenian:

Uredba (ES) št. 612/2009

in Finnish:

Asetus (EY) N:o 612/2009

in Swedish:

Förordning (EG) nr 612/2009

ANNEX IVEntries referred to in Article 9

in Bulgarian:

Сума на възстановяване под 1 000 EUR

in Spanish:

Restitución inferior a 1 000 EUR

in Czech:

Částka náhrady nižší než 1 000 EUR

in Danish:

Restitutioner mindre end 1 000 EUR

in German:

Erstattung weniger als 1 000 EUR

in Estonian:

Eksporditoetus alla 1 000 euro

in Greek:

Επιστροφή μικρότερη από 1 000 EUR

in English:

Refunds less than EUR 1 000

in French:

Restitution inférieure à 1 000 EUR


in Croatian:

Subvencije manje od 1 000 EUR

in Italian:

Restituzione inferiore a 1 000 EUR

in Latvian:

Kompensācija, kas ir mazāka par EUR 1 000

in Lithuanian:

Išmokos mažesnės negu 1 000 EUR

in Hungarian:

1 000 EUR-nál kevesebb visszatérítés

in Maltese:

Rifużjonijiet ta' anqas minn EUR 1 000

in Dutch:

Restitutie minder dan 1 000 EUR

in Polish:

Refundacja poniżej 1 000 EUR

in Portuguese:

Restituição inferior a 1 000 EUR

in Romanian:

Restituire inferioară valorii de 1 000 EUR

in Slovak:

Náhrady nižšie ako 1 000 EUR

in Slovenian:

Nadomestila manj kot 1 000 EUR

in Finnish:

Alle 1 000 euron tuet

in Swedish:

Bidragsbelopp lägre än 1 000 euro

ANNEX VEntries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 10(1)(c)

in Bulgarian:

Представен е транспортен документ, посочващ местоназначение извън митническата територия на Общността

in Spanish:

Documento transporte con destino fuera de la CE presentado

in Czech:

Přepravní doklad s místem určení mimo ES předložen

in Danish:

Transportdokument med destination uden for EF forelagt

in German:

Beförderungspapier mit Bestimmung außerhalb der EG wurde vorgelegt

in Estonian:

Transpordiks väljaspool EÜd asuvasse sihtkohta on esitatud veodokument

in Greek:

Έγγραφο μεταφοράς με προορισμό εκτός EK

in English:

Transport document indicating a destination outside the customs territory of the Community has been presented

in French:

Document de transport avec destination hors CE présenté


in Croatian:

Podnesena je prijevozna isprava u kojoj se navodi odredište izvan carinskog područja Zajednice

in Italian:

Documento di trasporto con destinazione fuori CE presentato

in Latvian:

Uzrādīts transporta dokuments ar galamērķi ārpus EK

in Lithuanian:

Pateiktas paskirties vietą už EB ribų nurodantis gabenimo dokumentas

in Hungarian:

EK-n kívüli rendeltetésű szállítmány szállítási okmánya bemutatva

in Maltese:

Dokument tat-trasport b'destinazzjoni għal barra mill-KE, ippreżentat

in Dutch:

Vervoerdocument voor bestemming buiten de EG voorgelegd

in Polish:

Przedstawiony dokument przewozowy wskazujący miejsce przeznaczenia poza WE

in Portuguese:

Documento transporte com destino fora da CE apresentado

in Romanian:

Document de transport care indică o destinație aflată în afara teritoriului vamal al Comunității – prezentat

in Slovakian:

Prepravný doklad s miestom určenia mimo ES bol predložený

in Slovenian:

Predložena je bila prevozna listina z navedbo destinacije izven carinskega območja Skupnosti

in Finnish:

Kuljetusasiakirja, jossa ilmoitetaan yhteisön tullialueen ulkopuolinen määräpaikka, on esitetty

in Swedish:

Transportdokument med slutlig destination utanför gemenskapens tullområde har lagts fram

ANNEX VIEntries referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 11(4)

in Bulgarian:

Напускане на митническата територия на Общността под митнически режим опростен общностен транзит с железопътен транспорт или големи контейнери:

  • Транспортен документ:

    • вид:

    • номер:

  • Дата на приемане за транспортиране от железопътните органи или съответното транспортно предприятие:

in Spanish:

Salida del territorio aduanero de la Comunidad bajo el régimen de tránsito comunitario simplificado por ferrocarril o en grandes contenedores:

  • Documento de transporte:

    • tipo:

    • número:

  • Fecha de aceptación para el transporte por parte de la administración ferroviaria o de la empresa de transportes de que se trate:

in Czech:

Výstup z celního území Společenství ve zjednodušeném tranzitním režimu Společenství pro přepravu po železnici nebo pro přepravu ve velkokapacitních kontejnerech:

  • Přepravní doklad:

    • druh:

    • číslo:

  • Den přijetí pro přepravu orgány železnice nebo příslušným přepravcem:

in Danish:

Udgang af Fællesskabets toldområde i henhold til ordningen for den forenklede procedure for fællesskabsforsendelse med jernbane eller store containere:

  • Transportdokument:

    • type:

    • nummer:

  • Dato for jernbaneforvaltningens eller det pågældende transportfirmas accept af forsendelsen:

in German:

Ausgang aus dem Zollgebiet der Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des vereinfachten gemeinschaftlichen Versandverfahrens mit der Eisenbahn oder in Großbehältern:

  • Beförderungspapier:

    • Art:

    • Nummer:

  • Zeitpunkt der Annahme zur Beförderung durch die Eisenbahnverwaltung oder das betreffende Beförderungsunternehmen:

in Estonian:

Ühenduse tolliterritooriumilt väljaviimine ühenduse lihtsustatud transiidiprotseduuri alusel raudteed mööda või suurtes konteinerite

  • Veodokument:

    • liik:

    • number:

  • Transpordiks vastuvõtmise kuupäev raudteeasutuste või asjaomase transpordiasutuse poolt:

in Greek:

Έξοδος από το τελωνειακό έδαφος της Κοινότητας υπό το απλοποιημένο καθεστώς της κοινοτικής διαμετακόμισης με σιδηρόδρομο ή μεγάλα εμπορευματοκιβώτια:

  • Έγγραφο μεταφοράς:

    • τύπος:

    • αριθμός:

  • Ημερομηνία αποδοχής για μεταφορά από τον οργανισμό σιδηροδρόμων ή την εμπλεκόμενη εταιρεία μεταφοράς:

in English:

Exit from the customs territory of the Community under the simplified Community transit procedure for carriage by rail or large containers:

  • Transport document:

    • type:

    • number:

  • Date of acceptance for carriage by the railway authorities or the transport undertaking concerned:

in French:

Sortie, territoire douanier de la Communauté sous le régime, transit communautaire simplifié par chemin de fer ou par grands conteneurs:

  • document de transport:

    • espèce:

    • numéro:

  • date d’acceptation pour le transport par l’administration des chemins de fer ou par l’entreprise de transports concernée:


in Croatian

Izlaz iz carinskog područja Zajednice u pojednostavnjenom postupku provoza Zajednice pri prijevozu željeznicom ili velikim kontejnerima:

  • Prijevozna isprava:

    • vrsta:

    • broj:

  • Datum prihvaćanja robe za prijevoz željeznicom ili drugim oblikom prijevoza:

in Italian:

Uscita dal territorio doganale della Comunità in regime di transito comunitario semplificato per ferrovia o grandi contenitori:

  • Documento di trasporto:

    • tipo:

    • numero:

  • Data di accettazione per il trasporto da parte delle ferrovie o dell'impresa di trasporto interessata:

in Latvian:

Izvešana no Kopienas muitas teritorijas saskaņā ar vienkāršoto Kopienas tranzīta procedūru pārvešanai pa dzelzceļu vai lielos konteineros:

  • Transporta dokuments:

    • veids:

    • numurs:

  • Datums, kad produktu pārvešanai pieņēmušas dzelzceļa iestādes vai attiecīgais transporta uzņēmums:

in Lithuanian:

Išvežama iš Bendrijos muitų teritorijos pagal supaprastintą Bendrijos tranzito tvarką, taikomą gabenimui geležinkeliu arba didelėse talpose:

  • gabenimo dokumentas:

    • rūšis:

    • numeris:

  • geležinkelių administracijos ar atitinkamos transporto įmonės priėmimo pervežimui data:

in Hungarian:

A Közösség vámterületét egyszerűsített közösségi árutovábbítási eljárás keretében elhagyta, vasúton vagy konténerben történő szállítással:

  • Szállítási okmány:

    • típus:

    • szám:

  • A szállítás elfogadásának dátuma a vasút vagy az érintett szállítmányozási vállalat ügyintézése által:

in Maltese:

Ħruġ mit-territorju doganali tal-Komunità bil-ferrovija permezz ta' trasport imħallat bit-triq u bil-ferrovija:

  • Dokument ta' trasport:

    • ġeneru:

    • numru:

  • Data ta' l-aċċettazzjoni għat-trasport mill-amministrazzjoni tal-ferrovija:

in Dutch:

Uitgang uit het douanegebied van de Gemeenschap onder de regeling voor vereenvoudigd communautair douanevervoer per spoor of in grote containers:

  • Vervoerdocument:

    • Type:

    • Nummer:

  • Datum van aanneming ten vervoer door de betrokken spoorwegadministratie of de betrokken vervoeronderneming:

in Polish:

Opuszczenie obszaru celnego Wspólnoty zgodnie z uproszczoną procedurą tranzytu wspólnotowego dla przewozu koleją lub w wielkich kontenerach:

  • Dokument przewozowy:

    • rodzaj:

    • numer:

  • Data przyjęcia transportu przez administrację kolejową lub przez określone przedsiębiorstwo przewozowe:

in Portuguese:

Saída do território aduaneiro da Comunidade ao abrigo do regime do trânsito comunitário simplificado por caminho-de-ferro ou em grandes contentores:

  • Documento de transporte:

    • tipo:

    • número:

  • Data de aceitação para o transporte pela administração dos caminhos-de-ferro ou pela empresa de transporte interessada:

in Romanian:

Ieșire de pe teritoriul vamal al Comunității în cadrul regimului de tranzit comunitar simplificat pentru transportul pe calea ferată sau în containere mari:

  • Document de transport:

    • tip:

    • număr:

  • Data acceptării pentru transport de către autoritățile feroviare sau întreprinderea de transport în cauză:

in Slovakian:

Výstup z colného územia Spoločenstva podľa zjednodušeného tranzitného postupu Spoločenstva na železničnú prepravu alebo na prepravu vo veľkých prepravných kontajneroch:

  • Prepravný doklad:

    • typ:

    • číslo:

  • Dátum prijatia zo strany železničnej spoločnosti alebo zo strany príslušnej prepravnej spoločnosti:

in Slovenian:

Izstop iz carinskega območja Skupnosti po železnici s kombiniranim cestno-železniškim prevozom:

  • Prevozna listina:

    • vrsta:

    • številka:

  • Datum, ko je železnica ali zadevni prevoznik blago prevzel za prevoz:

in Finnish:

Viety yhteisön tullialueelta yksinkertaistetussa yhteisön passitusmenettelyssä rautateitse tai suurissa konteissa:

  • Kuljetusasiakirja:

    • tyyppi:

    • numero:

  • Päivä, jona rautatieviranomainen tai asianomainen kuljetusyritys hyväksyi kuljetettavaksi:

in Swedish:

Utförsel från gemenskapens tullområde enligt det förenklade transiteringsförfarandet för järnvägstransporter eller transporter i stora containrar:

  • Transportdokument:

    • typ:

    • nummer:

  • Mottagningsdag för befordran hos järnvägsföretaget eller det berörda transportföretaget:

ANNEX VIIEntries referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 11(5)

in Bulgarian:

Излизане от митническата територия на Общността по железен път при комбиниран железопътен и автомобилен транспорт:

  • Транспортен документ:

    • вид:

    • номер:

  • Дата на приемане за транспортиране от железопътните органи:

in Spanish:

Salida del territorio aduanero de la Comunidad por ferrocarril en transporte combinado por ferrocarril-carretera:

  • Documento de transporte:

    • tipo:

    • número:

  • Fecha de aceptación del transporte por parte de la administración ferroviaria:

in Czech:

Opuštění celního území Společenství po železnici nebo kombinovanou přepravou po železnici a silnici:

  • Přepravní doklad:

    • druh:

    • číslo:

  • Den přijetí pro přepravu orgány železnice:

in Danish:

Udgang af Fællesskabets toldområde ad jernbane ved kombineret jernbane/landevejstransport:

  • Transportdokument:

    • type:

    • nummer:

  • Dato for overtagelse ved jernbane:

in German:

Ausgang aus dem Zollgebiet der Gemeinschaft mit der Eisenbahn zur Beförderung im kombinierten Straßen- und Schienenverkehr:

  • Beförderungspapier:

    • Art:

    • Nummer:

  • Zeitpunkt der Annahme zur Beförderung durch die Eisenbahnverwaltung:

in Estonian:

Ühenduse tolliterritooriumilt väljaviimine raudteed mööda, raudtee- ja maanteetranspordi ühendveo korras

  • Veodokument:

    • liik:

    • number:

  • Transpordiks vastuvõtmise kuupäev raudteeasutuste poolt:

in Greek:

Έξοδος από το τελωνειακό έδαφος της Κοινότητας σιδηροδρομικώς με συνδυασμένη μεταφορά σιδηροδρομικώς-οδικώς:

  • Έγγραφο μεταφοράς:

    • είδος:

    • αριθμός:

  • Ημερομηνία αποδοχής για τη μεταφορά από τον οργανισμό σιδηροδρόμων:

in English:

Exit from the customs territory of the Community by rail under combined transport by road and by rail:

  • Transport document:

    • type:

    • number:

  • Date of acceptance for carriage by the railway authorities:

in French:

Sortie, territoire douanier de la Communauté par chemin de fer, en transport combiné rail-route:

  • document de transport:

    • espèce:

    • numéro:

  • date d’acceptation pour le transport par l’administration des chemins de fer:


in Croatian:

Izlaz iz carinskog područja Zajednice željeznicom s kombiniranim cestovno-željezničkim prijevozom:

  • Prijevozna isprava:

    • vrsta:

    • broj:

  • Datum prihvaćanja robe za prijevoz željeznicom:

in Italian:

Uscita dal territorio doganale della Comunità per ferrovia nell'ambito di un trasporto combinato strada-ferrovia:

  • Documento di trasporto:

    • tipo:

    • numero:

  • Data di accettazione del trasporto da parte dell'amministrazione delle ferrovie:

in Latvian:

Izvešana no Kopienas muitas teritorijas pa dzelzceļu dzelzceļa – autotransporta kombinētā transporta režīmā:

  • Transporta dokuments:

    • veids:

    • numurs:

  • Datums, kad produktu pārvešanai pieņēmušas dzelzceļa iestādes:

in Lithuanian:

Išvežama iš Bendrijos muitų teritorijos geležinkeliu pagal gabenimo kombinuotu transportu (automobilių keliais ir geležinkeliu) tvarką:

  • gabenimo dokumentas:

    • rūšis:

    • numeris:

  • geležinkelių administracijos priėmimo pervežimui data:

in Hungarian:

A Közösség vámterületét elhagyta vasúton, kombinált szállítással (vasút-közút):

  • Szállítási okmány:

    • típus:

    • szám:

  • A szállítás elfogadásának dátuma a vasúti ügyintézés által:

in Maltese:

Ħruġ mit-territorju doganali tal-Komunità skond ir-regoli tat-transitu komunitarju simplifikat bil-ferrovija jew b'kontejners kbar:

  • Dokument ta' trasport:

    • ġeneru:

    • numru:

  • Data ta' l-aċċettazzjoni għat-trasport mill-amministrazzjoni tal-ferrovija jew mill-impriża tat-trasporti konċernata

in Dutch:

Uitgang uit het douanegebied van de Gemeenschap per spoor, bij gecombineerd rail-wegvervoer:

  • Vervoerdocument:

    • Type:

    • Nummer:

  • Datum van aanneming ten vervoer door de spoorwegadministratie:

in Polish:

Wywóz z obszaru celnego Wspólnoty drogą kolejową lub drogą kombinowanego transportu drogowo-kolejowego:

  • Dokument przewozowy:

    • rodzaj:

    • numer:

  • Data przyjęcia transportu przez administrację kolejową:

in Portuguese:

Saída do território aduaneiro da Comunidade por caminho -deferro, em transporte combinado rodo-ferroviário:

  • Documento de transporte:

    • tipo:

    • número:

  • Data de aceitação do transporte pela administração dos caminhos-de-ferro ou pela empresa de transporte interessada:

in Romanian:

Ieșie de pe teritoriul vamal al Comunității pe calea ferată prin transport combinat rutier și feroviar:

  • Document de transport:

    • tip:

    • număr:

  • Data acceptării pentru transport de către autoritățile feroviare:

in Slovakian:

Výstup z colného územia Spoločenstva železničnou dopravou, kombinovanou železničnou a cestnou dopravou:

  • Prepravný doklad:

    • typ:

    • číslo:

  • Dátum prijatia zo strany železničnej spoločnosti:

in Slovenian:

Izstop iz carinskega območja Skupnosti po železnici s kombiniranim cestno-železniškim prevozom:

  • Prevozna listina:

    • vrsta:

    • številka:

  • Datum, ko je železnica prevzela blago v prevoz:

in Finnish:

Viety yhteisön tullialueelta rautateitse yhdistetyssä rautatie- ja maantiekuljetuksessa:

  • Kuljetusasiakirja:

    • tyyppi:

    • numero:

  • Päivä, jona rautatieviranomainen hyväksyi kuljetettavaksi:

in Swedish:

Utförsel från gemenskapens tullområde på järnväg vid kombinerad järnvägs- och landsvägstransport:

  • Transportdokument:

    • typ:

    • nummer:

  • Mottagningsdag för befordran hos järnvägsföretaget:

ANNEX VIIIRequirements for approval and control of SAs by Member States


  1. (a)

    The SA must be an entity having legal capacity and has to be registered in the Register of companies of the responsible Member State.

  2. (b)

    The SA’s constituting articles must stipulate that one of its declared aims is control and supervision of agricultural products at international level.

  3. (c)

    The SA must have international coverage in order to be able to carry out certification on a worldwide basis, either by implantation through subsidiaries in a number of third countries and/or by way of directly attending the discharge operations with their own salaried inspectors from the nearest regional office or from the national office in the Community or with local agents that are subjected to proper supervision by the SA.

    The subsidiaries referred to in the first subparagraph must be owned by more than half of the capital by the SA. However, if national legislation in the third country concerned limits foreign ownership of the capital to 50 % or less, effective control of the subsidiary shall be sufficient for the purpose of the first subparagraph. This control shall be proved by appropriate means, such as, in particular, the existence of a management agreement, composition of its board of directors and senior management or similar arrangements.

  4. (d)

    The SA must have proved experience in control and supervision in agricultural and food products. This experience shall be established by submitting evidence relating to the inspections carried out over the previous three years, or currently in progress. These references must include information on the type of checks carried out (nature, quantity of products, place of inspection, etc.) and names and addresses of bodies or entities which can provide information about the applicant.

  5. (e)

    The SA must fulfil the requirements laid down in the standard norm EN 45011, points 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4, 4.2(a) to (p), 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8.1(b) to (f), 4.8.2, 4.9.1, 4.10, 5, 7, 9.4.

  6. (f)

    The SA’s financial situation (capital, turnover, etc.) must be sound. Proofs of the financial soundness, as well as its annual accounts for the past three years, containing the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, and, if required by law the auditors’ report and the directors’ report, shall be presented.

  7. (g)

    The administrative organisation of the SA must have an ‘internal audit unit’, which will be responsible for assisting the national authorities in the activities of control and inspection that they will undertake on the approved SAs.


1.Performance’s engagements of SAs

Approved SAs must engage at all time their responsibility and professional competence when delivering the certificates of arrival.

Approved SAs must conform in the course of their activities to the following criteria:

  1. (a)

    they must execute all possible controls to determine the identity and weight of the products covered by the certificates;

  2. (b)

    the management of the SA must properly oversee the controls undertaken by the staff of the company in the third countries of destination;

  3. (c)

    SAs must keep a file on each certificate delivered, in which evidence of the survey work carried out in order to support the conclusions stated in the certificate is recorded (quantitative controls and documentary checks effected, etc.). Files on the certificates issued must be kept for five years;

  4. (d)

    the approved SAs shall verify the unloading operations with their own suitably qualified, permanent personnel or with local agents based or active in the country of destination, or by sending their own personnel from regional offices or a national office in the Community. Intervention of local agents must be regularly supervised by suitably qualified, permanent employees of the SAs.

2.Controlling the performance of SAs


Member States will have the responsibility for checking the soundness and appropriateness of the certification functions carried out by the SAs.

Prior to the three-year renewal period, national authorities shall carry out an inspection visit to the registered office of the SA.

Whenever there are reasonable doubts about the quality and accuracy of the certificates drawn up by a particular SA, the competent authority shall make an on the spot inspection to the registered office of the company in order to verify that the rules contained in this Annex are applied correctly.

The Member States shall pay particular attention while inspecting the SA, to the working methods and operational procedures of the SA in carrying out its functions, as well as examining at random, files concerning certificates presented to the paying agency in the procedure for payment of refunds.

Member States may employ external and independent auditors to carry out the task of controlling the SAs in the framework of the procedure set up in this Annex.

Member States may take any other measures they consider necessary for a proper control of the SAs.


Member States authorities must pay particular attention, when checking the claims for export refunds supported by certificates from SAs, to the following aspects of the certification:

  1. (a)

    requiring that the work done is described in the certificates and satisfying itself that the work as described was sufficient to support the conclusions drawn in the certificate;

  2. (b)

    inquiring into all discrepancies of the certificates submitted;

  3. (c)

    requiring the certificates to be issued within a reasonable time limit, depending of the case at hand.



Certification issued by approved SAs shall include not only the appropriate information necessary to identify the goods and consignment in question as well as details of means of transport, dates of arrival and unloading, but also a description of the controls and methods applied to verify the identity and weight of the certified products.

The controls and verifications undertaken by the SAs must be carried out at the time the unloading, which can take place during completion of customs formalities for importation or after. However, in exceptional and duly justified cases, the controls and verification for issuing the certificates may take place within six months following the date on which the goods were unloaded and the certification must describe the steps taken for the verification of facts.


In the case of certificates of unloading and importation (Article 17(1)(b)), the certification shall include also verification that the goods have been cleared through customs for definitive importation. This check has to establish a clear link between the relevant customs import document or customs clearing procedure and the operation concerned.


The approved SAs shall be independent of the parties involved in the transaction under scrutiny. In particular, neither the SA carrying out the controls for a particular transaction, nor any subsidiary company belonging to the same group, may take part in the operation as exporter, customs agent, carrier, consignee, warehousekeeper or in any other capacity likely to give rise to a conflict of interest.

ANNEX IXCertificate of unloading and importation referred to in Article 17(1)(b)


ANNEX XRequirements to be observed by official agencies of Member States established in third countries for the application of Article 17(2)(b)


The official agency decides to issue the certificate of unloading on the basis of one or more of the following documents:

  • customs import documents, including computer print-outs if approved as such,

  • national port documents and other documents issued by an official entity,

  • declaration by the captain or the transport company,

  • other forms of receipt provided by the importer.


The official agency issues certificates of unloading in accordance with the following wording:

It is hereby certified that … (description of goods, quantity and packaging identification) have been unloaded … (place of unloading/name of the town) on … (date of unloading).

It is certified in addition that the product has left the place of unloading or at least that, to its knowledge, the product has not subsequently been loaded for re-exportation.

The certificate is issued on the basis of the following documents:

(list of the documents presented which give the basis for the agency issuing the certificate)

Date and place of signature, signature and stamp of official agency


The official agency issuing certificates of unloading shall keep a register and files on all the certificates issued, in which it shall be recorded on the basis of which documentary evidence the certificates were delivered.

ANNEX XICertificate of unloading referred to in Article 17(2)(c)


ANNEX XIIList of third countries referred to in Article 17(2)(d) which require the products to be imported before the funds can be transferred in payment



Equatorial Guinea




Saint Lucia



ANNEX XIIIList of central bodies in the Member States referred to in Article 22

Member State

Central body


Министерство на земеделието и храните


Bureau d'intervention et de restitution belge (BIRB)

Belgisch Interventie- en Restitutiebureau (BIRB)

Czech Republic

Stántí zemědělský intervenční fond (SZIF)


Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri, FødevareErhverv


Bundesministerium der Finanzen — Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas




Department of Agriculture and Food


Οργανισμός Πληρω μών και Ελέγχου Κοινοτικών Ενισχύσεων Προσανατολισμού και Εγγυήσεων (ΟΠЕКЕΠЕ)


Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación-Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria (FEGA)


Commission interministérielle d’agrément (CIA) des sociétés de contrôle et de surveillance — Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI)


Agencija za plaćanja u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i ruralnom razvoju


Agenzia delle Dogane — Servizio Autonomo Interventi Settore Agricolo (SAISA)


Οργανισμός Αγροτικών Πληρωμών (ΟΑΠ)


Lauku atbalsta dienests (LAD)


Nacionalinė mokejimo agentūra prie Žemes ūkio ministerijos (NMA)


Ministère de l’agriculture, de la viticulture et du développement rural


Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Hivatal (MVH)


Internal Audit and Investigations Department (IAID)


Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij


Bundesministerium für Finanzen


Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi


Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas


Ministerul Agriculturii, Pădurilor și Dezvoltării Rurale


Agencija Republike Slovenije za kmetijske trge in razvoj podeželja


Pôdohospodárska platobná agentúra (PPA)


Maaseutuvirasto (MAVI)


Statens Jordbruksverk (SJV)

United Kingdom

Rural Payments Agency (RPA)

ANNEX XIVList of third countries and territories referred to in Article 24(1)(a)(i) and (ii)






Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ceuta and Melilla

F2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia










Vatican City

ANNEX XVList of products to which Article 27(4)(d) applies

  1. I.

    Products listed in Article 1 (1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (cereals)

  2. II.

    Products listed in Article 1 (1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (rice)

  3. III.

    Products listed in Article 1 (1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (sugar)

  4. IV.

    CN code



    Live bovine animals


    Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled


    Meat of bovine animals, frozen

    0206 10 95

    Thick skirt and thin skirt, fresh or chilled

    0206 29 91

    Thick skirt and thin skirt, frozen

  5. V.

    CN code

    Milk and milk products


    Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter

    0403 90 11 to 0403 90 39

    Buttermilk powder

    0404 90 21 to 0404 90 89

    Milk constituents


    Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk

    0406 20

    Grated or powdered cheese

    0406 30

    Processed cheese

    0406 90 13 to 0406 90 27

    Other cheese

    0406 90 61 to 0406 90 81

    0406 90 86 to 0406 90 88

  6. VI.

    CN code


    2204 29 62

    Table wine in bulk

    2204 29 64

    2204 29 65

    2204 29 71

    2204 29 72

    2204 29 75

    2204 29 83

    2204 29 84

    2204 29 94

    2204 29 98

  7. VII.

    CN code

    Agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty

    1901 90 91

    – – –

    Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose or starch or containing by weight less than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose (including invert sugar) or isoglucose, 5 % glucose or starch, excluding food preparations in powder form of goods of heading Nos 0401 to 0404

    2101 12 92

    – – –

    Preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates of coffee

    2101 20 92

    – – –

    Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates of tea or maté

    3505 10 10 to 3505 10 90

    Dextrines and other modified starches

    3809 10 10 to 3809 10 90

    Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations with a basis of amylaceous substances

ANNEX XVIEntries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 38(2)

in Bulgarian:

Задължително влизане в продоволствен склад за пласиране на продуктите — член 37 от Регламент (ЕО) № 612/2009

in Spanish:

Depositado con entrega obligatoria para el avituallamiento — Aplicación del artículo 37 del Reglamento (CE) no 612/2009

in Czech:

Uskladnění ve skladu s povinnou dodávkou určenou k zásobování — použití článku 37 nařízení (ES) č. 612/2009

in Danish:

Anbringelse på oplag med obligatorisk levering til proviantering — anvendelse af artikel 37 i forordning (EF) nr. 612/2009

in German:

Einlagerung ins Vorratslager mit Lieferpflicht zur Bevorratung — Artikel 37 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 612/2009

in Estonian:

Ladustatud väljastamiseks üksnes pardavarudena — määruse (EÜ) nr 612/2009 artikkel 37

in Greek:

Εναποθήκευση με υποχρεωτική παράδοση για τον ανεφοδιασμό — εφαρμογή του άρθρου 37 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 612/2009

in English:

Compulsory entry into warehouse for delivery for victualling — Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 612/2009

in French:

Mise en entrepôt avec livraison obligatoire pour l’avitaillement — application de l’article 37, règlement (CE) no 612/2009


in Croatian:

Smještaj u skladište s obvezom isporuke za opskrbu - članak 37. Uredbe (EZ) br. 612/2009

in Italian:

Deposito con consegna obbligatoria per l'approvvigionamento — applicazione dell'articolo 37 del regolamento (CE) n. 612/2009

in Latvian:

Obligāta ievešana pārtikas krājumu noliktavā piegādēm – Regulas (EK) Nr. 612/2009 37. pants

in Lithuanian:

Pristatyta į maisto atsargų tiekimo sandėlį, taikant Reglamento (EB) Nr. 612/2009 37 straipsnio nuostatas

in Hungarian:

Élelmiszerraktárban élelmezési ellátmány kötelező szállítása végett történő elhelyezés –—612/2009/EK rendelet 37. cikke szerint

in Maltese:

Impoġġi fil-maħżen b'konsenja obbligatorja għar-razzjonar- applikazzjoni ta' l-Artikolu 37 tar-Regolament Nru 612/2009/KE

in Dutch:

Opslag in depot onder verplichting van levering voor de bevoorrading van zeeschepen of luchtvaartuigen — Toepassing van artikel 37 van Verordening (EG) nr. 612/2009

in Polish:

Złożenie w magazynie żywności z obowiązkową dostawą — zastosowanie art. 37 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 612/2009

in Portuguese:

Colocado em entreposto com destino obrigatório para abastecimento — aplicação do artigo 37.o do Regulamento (CE) n. o 612/2009

in Romanian:

Amplasare în antrepozit obligatorie pentru livrarea de provizii alimentare – articolul 37 din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 612/2009,

in Slovakian:

Uskladnenie v sklade s povinnou dodávkou určenou na zásobovanie – uplatnenie článku 37 nariadenia (ES) č. 612/2009

in Slovenian:

Dano v skladišče z obvezno dobavo za oskrbo – uporaba člena 37 Uredbe (ES) št. 612/2009

in Finnish:

Siirto varastoon sekä pakollinen toimittaminen muonitustarkoituksiin – asetuksen (EY) N:o 612/2009 37 artiklan soveltaminen

in Swedish:

Placering i lager med skyldighet att leverera för proviantering – artikel 37 i förordning (EG) nr 612/2009

ANNEX XVIIEntries referred to in Article 41(5)

in Bulgarian:

Доставки на бордови провизии за платформи — Регламент (ЕО) № 612/2009

in Spanish:

Suministro para el abastecimiento de las plataformas — Reglamento (CE) no 612/2009

in Czech:

Dodávka určená k zásobování plošin – nařízení (ES) č. 612/2009

in Danish:

Proviant til platforme — forordning (EF) nr. 612/2009

in German:

Bevorratungslieferung für Plattformen — Verordnung (EG) Nr. 612/2009

in Estonian:

Ladustatud väljastamiseks üksnes pardavarudena – määrus (EÜ) nr 612/2009

in Greek:

Προμήθειες τροφοδοσίας για εξέδρες — κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 612/2009

in English:

Catering supplies for rigs — Regulation (EC) No 612/2009

in French:

Livraison pour l’avitaillement des plates-formes — règlement (CE) no 612/2009


in Croatian:

Isporuka za opskrbu platformi — Uredba (EZ) br. 612/2009

in Italian

Provviste di bordo per piattaforma — regolamento (CE) n. 612/2009

in Latvian:

Nogāde ieguves urbšanas vai ekstrakcijas platformu personāla apgādei ar pārtiku – Regula (EK) Nr. 612/2009

in Lithuanian:

Maisto atsargų tiekimas platformoms – Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 612/2009

in Hungarian:

Élelmezési ellátmány szállítása fúrótornyokra – 612/2009/EK rendelet

in Maltese:

Konsenja għat-tqassim tal-pjattaformi — Regolament (KE) Nru 612/2009

in Dutch:

Leverantie van boordproviand aan platform — Verordening (EG) nr. 612/2009

in Polish:

Dostawa zaopatrzenia dla platform — rozporządzenie (WE) nr 612/2009

in Portuguese:

Fornecimentos para abastecimento de plataformas — Regulamento (CE) n.o 612/2009

in Romanian:

Livrare pentru aprovizionarea cu alimente a platformelor – Regulamentul (CE) nr. 612/2009

in Slovakian:

Dodávka určená na zásobovanie plošín – Nariadenie (ES) č. 612/2009

in Slovenian:

Dobava za oskrbo ploščadi – Uredba (ES) št. 612/2009

in Finnish:

Muonitustoimitukset lautoille – asetus (EY) N:o 612/2009

in Swedish:

Proviant till plattformar – förordning (EG) nr 612/2009



ANNEX XIXRepealed Regulation with list of its successive amendments

Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 (OJ L 102, 17.4.1999, p. 11)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1557/2000 (OJ L 179, 18.7.2000, p. 6)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 90/2001 (OJ L 14, 18.1.2001, p. 22)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2299/2001 (OJ L 308, 27.11.2001, p. 19)

Only Article 1

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1253/2002 (OJ L 183, 12.7.2002, p. 12)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 444/2003 (OJ L 67, 12.3.2003, p. 3)

Only Article 2

Commission Regulation (EC) No 2010/2003 (OJ L 297, 15.11.2003, p. 13)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 671/2004 (OJ L 105, 14.4.2004, p. 5)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1713/2006 (OJ L 321, 21.11.2006, p. 11)

Only Article 7

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1847/2006 (OJ L 355, 15.12.2006, p. 21)

Only Article 3

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1913/2006 (OJ L 365, 21.12.2006, p. 52)

Only Article 20

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1001/2007 (OJ L 226, 30.8.2007, p. 9)

Only Article 1

Commission Regulation (EC) No 159/2008 (OJ L 48, 22.2.2008, p. 19)

Only Article 1

Commission Regulation (EC) No 499/2008 (OJ L 146, 5.6.2008, p. 9)

Only Article 2

ANNEX XXCorrelation Table

Regulation (EC) No 800/1999

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 1

Article 2(1)(a) to (j)

Article 2(1)(a) to (j)

Article 2(1)(l) to (q)

Article 2(1)(k) to (p)

Article 2 (1) (q)

Article 2(2) and (3)

Article 2(2) and (3)

Article 3

Article 3

Article 4

Article 4

Article 5(1) to (6)

Article 5(1) to (6)

Article 5(7) first subparagraph

Article 5(7) first subparagraph

Article 5(7) second subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 5(7) second subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 5(7) second subparagraph first indent

Article 5(7) second subparagraph (a)

Article 5(7) second subparagraph second indent

Article 5(7) second subparagraph (b)

Article 5(7) third, fourth and fifth subparagraphs

Article 5(7) third, fourth and fifth subparagraphs

Article 5(8)

Article 5(8)

Articles 6, 7 and 8

Articles 6, 7 and 8

Article 8a

Article 9

Article 9(1) introductory sentence

Article 10(1) introductory sentence

Article 9(1)(a)

Article 10(1)(a)

Article 9(1)(b), (c) and (d)

Article 10(1)(b), (c) and (d)

Article 9(2) introductory sentence

Article 10(2) introductory sentence

Article 9(2)(a)

Article 10(2)(a)

Article 9(2)(b)

Article 10(2)(b)

Article 9(3)

Article 10(3)


Article 11

Article 11

Article 12

Article 12

Article 13

Article 13

Article 14

Article 14(1)

Article 15

Article 15

Article 16

Article 16

Article 17

Article 16a

Article 18

Article 16b

Article 19

Article 16c

Article 20

Article 16d

Article 21

Article 16e

Article 22

Article 16f

Article 23

Article 17

Article 24

Article 18

Article 25

Article 19

Article 26

Article 20(1) and (2)

Article 27(1) and (2)

Article 20(3) introductory sentence

Article 27(3) introductory sentence

Article 20(3) first indent

Article 27(3)(a)

Article 20(3) second indent

Article 27(3)(b)

Article 20(4)

Article 27(4)

Article 21

Article 28

Article 22

Article 29

Article 23

Article 30

Article 24

Article 31

Article 25

Article 32

Article 36

Article 33

Article 37

Article 34

Article 38

Article 35

Article 39

Article 36

Article 40(1) first subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 37(1) first subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 40(1) first subparagraph first indent

Article 37(1) first subparagraph (a)

Article 40(1) first subparagraph second indent

Article 37(1) first subparagraph (b)

Article 40(1) first subparagraph third indent

Article 37(1) first subparagraph (c)

Article 40(1) second subparagraph

Article 37(1) second subparagraph

Article 40(2) and (3)

Article 37(2) and (3)

Article 41

Article 38

Article 42(1)

Article 39(1)

Article 42(2) first subparagraph

Article 39(2) first subparagraph

Article 42(2) second subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 39(2) second subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 42(2) second subparagraph first indent

Article 39(2) second subparagraph (a)

Article 42(2) second subparagraph second indent

Article 39(2) second subparagraph (b)

Article 42(3) and (4)

Article 39(3) and (4)

Article 43

Article 40

Article 44(1) and (2)

Article 41(1) and (2)

Article 44(3) first and second subparagraphs

Article 41(3) first and second subparagraphs

Article 44(3) third subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 41(3) third subparagraph introductory sentence

Article 44(3) third subparagraph first indent

Article 41(3) third subparagraph (a)

Article 44(3) third subparagraph second indent

Article 41(3) third subparagraph (b)

Article 44(3) third subparagraph third indent

Article 41(3) third subparagraph (c)

Article 44(4) to (7)

Article 41(4) to (7)

Article 45(1) and (2)

Article 42(1) and (2)

Article 45(3) introductory sentence

Article 42(4) introductory sentence

Article 45(3)(a) first and second subparagraphs

Article 42(4)(a) first and second subparagraphs

Article 45(3)(a), third subparagraph

Article 42(3)

Article 45(3)(b), (c) and (d)

Article 42(4)(b), (c) and (d)

Article 45(4) to (7)

Article 42(5) to (8)

Article 46

Article 43

Article 47

Article 44

Article 48

Article 45

Article 49

Article 46

Article 50(1) and (2)

Article 47(1) and (2)

Article 50(3) first subparagraph, introductory sentence, first and second indents

Article 47(3) first suibparagraph

Article 50(3) second, third and fourth subparagraphs

Article 47(3) second, third and fourth subparagraphs

Article 50(4), (5) and (6)

Article 47(4), (5) and (6)

Article 51(1)

Article 48(1)

Article 51(1a)

Article 48(2)

Article 51(2) to (11)

Article 48(3) to (12)

Article 52

Article 49

Article 53

Article 50

Article 54

Article 51

Article 55 first paragraph

Article 52

Article 55 second and third paragraphs

Annex I

Annex Ia

Annex V

Annexe Ib

Annex VI

Annex Ic

Annex VII

Annex II

Annex XII

Annex IIa

Annex XVI

Annex IIb

Annex XVII

Annex III


Annex IV

Annex XIV

Annex V

Annex XV

Annex VI

Annex VIII

Annex VII

Annex IX

Annex VIII

Annex X

Annex IX

Annex XI

Annex X

Annex XIII

Annex XI

Annex I

Annex XII

Annex III

Annex XIII

Annex II

Annex XIV

Annex IV

Annex XIX

Annex XX