Commission Regulation (EC) No 710/2009Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 of 5 August 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, as regards laying down detailed rules on organic aquaculture animal and seaweed production


Annex I is amended as follows:


The heading is replaced by the following:

Fertilizers, soil conditioners and nutrients referred to in Article 3(1) and Article 6d(2)


The headline and the 1st line of the table are replaced by the following:

AuthorisationNameCompound products or products containing only materials listed hereunderDescription, compositional requirements, conditions for use
AFarmyard manure

Products comprising a mixture of animal excrements and vegetable matter (animal bedding)

Factory farming origin forbidden


In the 11th line of the table the last box is replaced by the following:

‘For fur: maximum concentration in mg/kg of dry matter of chromium (VI): 0’


Annex III is amended as follows:

In Section 1, a 4th sub-line is inserted in the 6th line for fattening pigs:

Over 110 kg1,51,2

Annex V is amended as follows:


The heading is replaced by the following:

Feed materials referred to in Article 22(1), (2) and (3) and Articles 25k(1)(d) and 25m(1)


in Section 2.2, the fourth indent is replaced by the following:

  • Hydrolysate and proteolysates obtained by an enzyme action, whether or not in soluble form, solely provided to aquaculture animals and young livestock.


in Section 2.2, the following indent is added:

  • Crustacean meal


Annex VI is amended as follows:


The heading is replaced by the following:

Feed additives and certain substances used in animal nutrition referred to in Article 22(4) and Article 25m(2)


The second indent of Section 1.1(a) is replaced by the following:

  • Synthetic vitamins identical to natural vitamins for monogastric and aquaculture animals;


Section 1.3 is amended as follows:


point (b) is replaced by the following:

(b) Antioxidant substances

  • Tocopherol-rich extracts of natural origin used as an antioxidant

  • Natural antioxidant substances (use restricted to feed for aquaculture)


after point (d) the following point is added:

(e) Emulsifying and stabilising agents

Lecithin of organic sources (use restricted to feed for aquaculture)


Annex VII is replaced by the following:

ANNEX VII Products for cleaning and disinfection

1.Products for cleaning and disinfection of buildings and installations for livestock production referred to in Article 23(4):U.K.

  • Potassium and sodium soap

  • Water and steam

  • Milk of lime

  • Lime

  • Quicklime

  • Sodium hypochlorite (e.g. as liquid bleach)

  • Caustic soda

  • Caustic potash

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Natural essences of plants

  • Citric, peracetic acid, formic, lactic, oxalic and acetic acid

  • Alcohol

  • Nitric acid (dairy equipment)

  • Phosporic acid (dairy equipment)

  • Formaldehyde

  • Cleaning and disinfection products for teats and milking facilities

  • Sodium carbonate

2.Products for cleaning and disinfection for aquaculture animals and seaweed production referred to in Articles 6e(2), 25s(2) and 29a.U.K.

2.1.Substances for cleaning and disinfection of equipment and facilities, in the absence of aquaculture animals:U.K.

  • ozone

  • sodium chloride

  • sodium hypochlorite

  • calcium hypochlorite

  • lime (CaO, calcium oxide)

  • caustic soda

  • alcohol

  • hydrogen peroxide

  • organic acids (acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid)

  • humic acid

  • peroxyacetic acids

  • iodophores

  • copper sulphate: only until 31 December 2015

  • potassium permanganate

  • peracetic and peroctanoic acids

  • tea seed cake made of natural camelia seed (use restricted to shrimp production)

2.2.Limited list of substances for use in the presence of aquaculture animals:U.K.

  • limestone (calcium carbonate) for pH control

  • dolomite for pH correction (use restricted to shrimp production)


In Annex VIII, Section A, the table is amended as follows:


After the 4th line the following line is inserted:

BE 223Sodium metabisulphiteXCrustaceans (2)

After the 14th line the following line is inserted:

BE 330Citric acidXCrustaceans and molluscs (2)

Annex XII is replaced by the following:

ANNEX XII Model of documentary evidence to the operator according to Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 referred to in Article 68 of this Regulation


The following Annex XIIIa is inserted after Annex XIII:


Section 1 U.K.

Organic production of salmonids in fresh water:

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) — Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) — American brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) — Salmon (Salmo salar) — Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) — Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) — American lake trout (or grey trout) (Salvelinus namaycush) — Huchen (Hucho hucho)

Production systemOngrowing farm systems must be fed from open systems. The flow rate must ensure a minimum of 60 % oxygen saturation for stock and must ensure their comfort and the elimination of farming effluent.
Maximum stocking density

Salmonid species not listed below 15 kg/m3

Salmon 20 kg/m3

Brown trout and Rainbow trout 25 kg/m3

Arctic charr 20 kg/m3

Section 2 U.K.

Organic production of salmonids in sea water:

Salmon (Salmo salar), Brown trout (Salmo trutta) — Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Maximum stocking density10 kg/m3 in net pens

Section 3 U.K.

Organic production of cod (Gadus morhua) and other Gadidae, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), sea bream (Sparus aurata), meagre (Argyrosomus regius), turbot (Psetta maxima [= Scopthalmus maximux]), red porgy (Pagrus pagrus [= Sparus pagrus]), red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and other Sparidae, and spinefeet (Siganus spp.)

Production systemIn open water containment systems (net pens/cages) with minimum sea current speed to provide optimum fish welfare or in open systems on land.
Maximum stocking density

For fish other than turbot: 15 kg/m3

For turbot: 25 kg/m2

Section 4 U.K.

Organic production of sea bass, sea bream, meagre, mullets (Liza, Mugil) and eel (Anguilla spp.) in earth ponds of tidal areas and costal lagoons

Containment systemTraditional salt pans transformed into aquaculture production units and similar earth ponds in tidal areas
Production system

There shall be adequate renewal of water to ensure the welfare of the species,

At least 50 % of the dikes must have plant cover

Wetland based depuration ponds required

Maximum stocking density4 kg/m3

Section 5 U.K.

Organic production of Sturgeon in fresh water:

Species concerned: Acipenser family

Production system

Water flow in each rearing unit shall be sufficient to ensure animal welfare

Effluent water to be of equivalent quality to incoming water

Maximum stocking density30 kg/m3

Section 6 U.K.

Organic production of fish in inland waters:

Species concerned: Carp family (Cyprinidae) and other associated species in the context of polyculture, including perch, pike, catfish, coregonids, sturgeon.

Production system

In fishponds which shall periodically be fully drained and in lakes. Lakes must be devoted exclusively to organic production, including the growing of crops on dry areas.

The fishery capture area must be equipped with a clean water inlet and of a size to provide optimal comfort for the fish. The fish must be stored in clean water after harvest.

Organic and mineral fertilisation of the ponds and lakes shall be carried out in compliance with Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 with a maximum application of 20 kg Nitrogen/ha.

Treatments involving synthetic chemicals for the control of hydrophytes and plant coverage present in production waters are prohibited.

Areas of natural vegetation shall be maintained around inland water units as a buffer zone for external land areas not involved in the farming operation in accordance with the rules of organic aquaculture.

For grow-out “polyculture” shall be used on condition that the criteria laid down in the present specifications for the other species of lakes fish are duly adhered to.

Farming yieldThe total production of species is limited to 1 500 kg of fish per hectare per year.

Section 7 U.K.

Organic production of penaeid shrimps and freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium spp.):

Establishment of production unit/sLocation to be in sterile clay areas to minimise environmental impact of pond construction. Ponds to be built with the natural pre-existing clay. Mangrove destruction is not permitted.
Conversion timeSix months per pond, corresponding to the normal lifespan of a farmed shrimp.
Broodstock originA minimum of half the broodstock shall be domesticated after three years operating The remainder is to be pathogen free wild broodstock originating from sustainable fisheries. A compulsory screening to be implemented on the first and second generation prior to introducing to the farm.
Eyestalk ablationIs prohibited.
Maximum on farm stocking densities and production limits

Seeding: maximum 22 post larvae/m2

Maximum instantaneous biomass: 240 g/m2

Section 8 U.K.

Molluscs and echinoderms:

Production systems

Long-lines, rafts, bottom culture, net bags, cages, trays, lantern nets, bouchot poles and other containment systems.

For mussel cultivation on rafts the number of drop-ropes shall not exceed one per square meter of surface area. The maximum drop-rope length shall not exceed 20 metres. Thinning-out of drop-ropes shall not take place during the production cycle, however sub-division of drop ropes shall be permitted without increasing stocking density at the outset.

Section 9 U.K.

Tropical fresh water fish: milkfish (Chanos chanos), tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), siamese catfish (Pangasius spp.):

Production systemsPonds and net cages
Maximum stocking density

Pangasius: 10 kg/m3

Oreochromis: 20 kg/m3

Section 10 U.K.

Other aquaculture animal species: none