Article 4.European network of transmission system operators for gas
Article 12.Regional cooperation of transmission system operators
Article 14.Third-party access services concerning transmission system operators
Article 15.Third-party access services concerning storage and LNG facilities
Article 16.Principles of capacity-allocation mechanisms and congestion-management procedures concerning transmission system operators
Article 17.Principles of capacity-allocation mechanisms and congestion-management procedures concerning storage and LNG facilities
Article 18.Transparency requirements concerning transmission system operators
Article 19.Transparency requirements concerning storage facilities and LNG facilities
Article 26.Right of Member States to provide for more detailed measures
1. Third-party access services concerning transmission system operators
1. Transmission system operators shall offer firm and interruptible services down...
2. Harmonised transport contracts and common network codes shall be designed...
3. Transmission system operators shall develop network codes and harmonised contracts...
5. Transmission system operators shall harmonise formalised request procedures and response...
6. Transmission system operators shall not separately charge network users for...
7. Information requests that require extraordinary or excessive expenses such as...
8. Transmission system operators shall cooperate with other transmission system operators...
9. Transmission system operators shall publish at least annually, by a...
10. Transmission system operators shall maintain and make available to the...
2. Those mechanisms and procedures shall take into account the integrity...
3. Those mechanisms and procedures shall neither hamper the entry of...
4. Those mechanisms and procedures shall provide appropriate economic signals for...
5. Network users shall be advised about the type of circumstance...
6. Should difficulties in meeting contractual delivery obligations arise due to...
2.2. Congestion-management procedures in the event of contractual congestion
1. In the event that contracted capacity goes unused, transmission system...
2. Revenues from released interruptible capacity shall be split according to...
3. A reasonable price for released interruptible capacity may be determined...
4. Where appropriate, transmission system operators shall make reasonable endeavours to...
3. Definition of the technical information necessary for network users to...
3.1. Definition of the technical information necessary for network users to...
3.2. Definition of all relevant points for transparency requirements
3.3. Information to be published at all relevant points and the...
(1) At all relevant points, transmission system operators shall publish the...
(2) At all relevant points, the information under paragraph 3.3(1)(a), (b)...
(3) At all relevant points, transmission system operators shall publish historical...
(4) Transmission system operators shall publish measured values of the gross...
(5) For all relevant points, transmission system operators shall publish available...
3.4. Information to be published regarding the transmission system and the...
(1) Transmission system operators shall ensure the publication on a daily...
(2) Transmission system operators shall publish harmonised conditions under which capacity...
(3) Regarding the balancing service of its system, each transmission system...
(4) Where flexibility services, other than tolerances, are offered for third...
(5) Transmission system operators shall publish, per balancing zone, the amount...
(7) Transmission system operators shall keep at the disposal of the...