Article 17Specific mandatory labelling requirements for compound feed

1.In addition to the requirements provided for in Article 15, the labelling of compound feed shall also include the following:

(a)the species or categories of animals for which the compound feed is intended;

(b)the instructions for proper use indicating the purpose for which the feed is intended; such instructions shall, where applicable, be in accordance with point 4 of Annex II;

(c)in cases where the producer is not the person responsible for the labelling, the following shall be provided:

(d)the indication of the minimum storage life in accordance with the following requirements:

If the date of manufacture is indicated on the label, the date indicating minimum storage life may be provided as well as ‘… (time period in days or months) after the date of manufacture’;

(e)a list of the feed materials of which the feed is composed, bearing the heading ‘composition’ and indicating the name of each feed material in accordance with Article 16(1)(a), and listing those feed materials in descending order by weight calculated on the moisture content in the compound feed; that list may include the percentage by weight; and

(f)the compulsory declarations provided for in Chapter II of Annex VI or VII, as applicable.

2.As regards the list provided for in paragraph 1(e), the following requirements shall apply:

(a)the name and percentage by weight of a feed material shall be indicated if its presence is emphasised on the labelling in words, pictures or graphics;

(b)if the percentages by weight of the feed materials contained in compound feed for food-producing animals are not indicated on the labelling, the person responsible for the labelling shall, without prejudice to Directive 2004/48/EC, make available to the purchaser, on request, information on the quantitative composition data within a range of +/– 15 % of the value according to the feed formulation; and

(c)in the case of compound feed intended for non-food producing animals except fur animals, the indication of the specific name of the feed material may be replaced by the name of the category to which the feed materials belong.

3.In the event of any urgency relating to human or animal health or to the environment, and without prejudice to Directive 2004/48/EC, the competent authority may provide the purchaser with information that is available to it under Article 5(2), provided that, after having balanced the respective legitimate interests of the manufacturers and the purchasers, it concludes that the provision of such information is justified. If appropriate, the competent authority shall provide such information subject to the signing of a confidentiality clause by the purchaser.

4.For the purposes of paragraph 2(c), the Commission shall establish a list of categories of feed materials which may be indicated instead of individual feed materials on the labelling of feed for non-food producing animals except fur animals.

Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 28(4).