Regulation (EC) No 80/2009 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EC) No 80/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89 (Text with EEA relevance)


Article 9U.K.Data provided by participating carriers

Participating carriers, and intermediaries handling the data, shall ensure that the data which they submit to a CRS are accurate and that the data allow the system vendor to respect the rules set out in Annex I.

Article 10U.K.Specific rules for parent carriers

1.A parent carrier shall not, subject to reciprocity as referred to in paragraph 2, discriminate against a competing CRS by refusing to provide the latter, on request and with equal timeliness, with the same data on schedules, fares and availability relating to its own transport products as those which it provides to its own CRS or to distribute its transport products through another CRS, or by refusing to accept or to confirm with equal timeliness a reservation made through a competing CRS for any of its transport products which are distributed through its own CRS. The parent carrier shall be obliged to accept and to confirm only those bookings which are in conformity with its fares and conditions.

2.A competing CRS shall not refuse to store data concerning timetables, fares and available seats in respect of transport services offered by a parent carrier and shall load and process data with equal care and timeliness as that accorded to its other customers and subscribers on any of the markets, subject only to the constraints of the loading method selected by individual carriers.

3.The parent carrier shall not be obliged to accept any costs in this connection except for reproduction of the data to be provided and for accepted bookings. The booking fee payable to a CRS for an accepted booking made in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be in line with the fee charged by the same CRS to other participating carriers for equivalent transactions.

4.A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly discriminate in favour of its own CRS by linking the use of any specific CRS by a subscriber with the receipt of any commission or other incentive or disincentive for the sale of its transport products.

5.A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly discriminate in favour of its own CRS by requiring the use of any specific CRS by a subscriber for sale or issue of tickets for any transport products provided either directly or indirectly by itself.