Part I:

CXL concessions sugar

Third countryOrder numberCN codeQuantities(tonnes)In quota rate(EUR/ton)
Australia09.43171701 11 109 92598
Brazil09.43181701 11 10334 05498
Cuba09.43191701 11 1068 96998
Any third country09.43201701 11 10253 97798
India09.4321170110 0000

Part II:

Balkans sugar


Kosovo under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).

Third country or Custom TerritoriesOrder numberCN codeQuantities(tonnes)In quota rate(EUR/ton)
Albania09.43241701 and 17021 0000
Bosnia and Herzegovina09.43251701 and 170212 0000
Serbia or Kosovoa09.43261701 and 1702180 0000
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia09.43271701 and 17027 0000
Croatia09.43281701 and 1702180 0000

Part III:

Exceptional import sugar and industrial import sugar

Import sugarOrder numberCN codeQuantities(tonnes)In quota rate(EUR/ton)
Exceptional09.4380To be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulation
Industrial09.4390To be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulation