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Textual Amendments
Third party network services linked pursuant to Article 12 of Directive 2007/2/EC shall not be taken into account in the quality of service appraisal to avoid any deterioration which may result from cascading effects.
The following Quality of Service criteria relating to performance, capacity and availability shall apply.
The normal situation represents periods out of peak load. It is set at 90 % of the time.
The response time for sending the initial response to a discovery service request shall be maximum 3 seconds in normal situation.
For a 470 Kilobytes image (e.g. 800 × 600 pixels with a colour depth of 8 bits), the response time for sending the initial response to a Get Map Request to a view service shall be maximum 5 seconds in normal situation.
For the Get Download Service Metadata operation, the response time for sending the initial response shall be maximum 10 seconds in normal situation.
For the Get Spatial Data Set operation and for the Get Spatial Object operation, and for a query consisting exclusively of a bounding box, the response time for sending the initial response shall be maximum 30 seconds in normal situation then, and still in normal situation, the download service shall maintain a sustained response greater than 0,5 Megabytes per second or greater than 500 Spatial Objects per second.
For the Describe Spatial Data Set operation and for the Describe Spatial Object Type operation, the response time for sending the initial response shall be maximum 10 seconds in normal situation then, and still in normal situation, the download service shall maintain a sustained response greater than 0,5 Megabytes per second or greater than 500 descriptions of Spatial Objects per second.
The minimum number of simultaneous requests to a discovery service to be served in accordance with the quality of service performance criteria shall be 30 per second.
The minimum number of simultaneous service requests to a view service to be served in accordance with the quality of service performance criteria shall be 20 per second.
The minimum number of simultaneous requests to a download service to be served in accordance with the quality of service performance criteria shall be 10 requests per second. The number of requests processed in parallel may be limited to 50.
The minimum number of simultaneous requests to a transformation service to be served in accordance with the quality of service performance criteria shall be 5 requests per second.
The probability of a network service to be available shall be 99 % of the time.]
In order to be in conformity with the minimum set of search criteria set out in Article 11(2) of Directive 2007/2/EC, the Discovery Service shall support searching with the INSPIRE metadata elements listed in Table 1 of this Annex.
Minimum search criteria | INSPIRE metadata elements |
Keywords | Keyword |
Classification of spatial data and services (For spatial data sets and spatial data set series) | Topic category |
Classification of spatial data and services (For spatial data services) | Spatial data service type |
The quality and validity of spatial data sets | Lineage |
The quality and validity of spatial data sets | Spatial resolution |
Degree of conformity with the implementing rules provided for in Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC | Specification |
Degree of conformity with the implementing rules provided for in Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC | Degree |
Geographical location | Geographic bounding box |
Conditions applying to the access to and use of spatial data sets and services | Conditions applying to access and use |
Conditions applying to the access to and use of spatial data sets and services | Limitations on public access |
The public authorities responsible for the establishment, management, maintenance and distribution of spatial data sets and services | Responsible party |
The public authorities responsible for the establishment, management, maintenance and distribution of spatial data sets and services | Responsible party role |
The following INSPIRE metadata elements or set of elements shall be also available as search criteria:
Resource Title;
Resource Abstract;
Resource type;
Unique Resource Identifier;
Temporal Reference.
To allow for discovering resources through a combination of search criteria, logical and comparison operators shall be supported.
To allow for discovering resources based on the geographic location of the resource, the spatial operator listed in Table 2 shall be supported.
Operator Name | Property |
Intersects | Requires the geographic bounding box INSPIRE metadata element to intersect a defined area of interest |
In order to be in conformity with Article 11(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC, the Discovery Service shall provide the operations listed in Table 3 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Get Discovery Service Metadata | Provides all necessary information about the service and describes service capabilities |
Discover Metadata | The Discover Metadata operation allows requesting INSPIRE metadata elements of resources based on a query statement to be retrieved from the target Discovery Service |
In order to be in conformity with Article 12 of Directive 2007/2/EC, the Discovery Service shall support the operations listed in Table 4 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Publish Metadata | The Publish Metadata operation allows editing INSPIRE metadata elements of resources in the Discovery Service (push or pull metadata mechanisms). Editing meaning insert, update and delete |
Link Discovery Service | The Link Discovery Service function allows the declaration of the availability of a Discovery Service for the discovery of resources through the Member State Discovery Service while maintaining the resource metadata at the owner location |
The request and response parameters of each operation complete the description of each operation and form an integral part of the Discovery Service technical specification.
The Get Discovery Service Metadata Request parameter indicates the natural language for the content of the Get Discovery Service Metadata Response
The Get Discovery Service Metadata Response shall contain the following sets of parameters:
Discovery Service Metadata,
Operations Metadata,
The Discovery Service Metadata parameters shall at least contain the INSPIRE metadata elements of the Discovery Service.
The Operations Metadata parameter provides metadata about the operations implemented by the Discovery Service. These metadata parameters shall describe each operation. It shall at least provide the following:
indicate for the Publish Metadata if the Pull Mechanism, the Push Mechanism or both are available;
describe each operation, including as a minimum a description of the data exchanged and the network address.
Two language parameters shall be provided:
the Response Language parameter indicating the natural language used in the Get Discovery Service Metadata Response parameters,
the Supported Languages parameter containing the list of the natural languages supported by the Discovery Service.
This Discovery Metadata Request contains the following parameters:
The Language parameter indicates the natural language requested for the content of the Discover Metadata Response.
The Query parameter shall contain the combination of search criteria as specified in part A.
The Discover Metadata Response parameter shall contain at least the INSPIRE metadata elements of each resource matching the query.
The Publish Metadata function enables the publication of the INSPIRE metadata elements of resources at the Discovery Service. Two alternatives are:
Push Mechanism: allowing editing of the INSPIRE metadata elements of resources accessible from the Discovery Service,
Pull Mechanism: allows the Member State Discovery Service to pull INSPIRE metadata elements of resources from a remote location.
At least one of the above alternatives shall be supported.
The Edit Metadata Request parameter provides all information requested for INSPIRE metadata elements of resources to be inserted, updated or deleted at the Discovery Service.
The Collect Metadata Request parameter provides all information about the remote location required to retrieve the available metadata of resources. It shall include as a minimum the INSPIRE metadata elements of the dedicated spatial data service.
The Link Discovery Service operation allows the declaration of the availability of a Discovery Service compliant with this Regulation, for the discovery of resources through the Member State Discovery Service while maintaining the resource metadata at the owner location.
The Link Discovery Service Request parameter shall provide all information about the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Discovery Service compliant with this Regulation, enabling the Member State Discovery Service to get resources metadata based on a combination of search criteria from the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Discovery Service and to collate it with other resources metadata.
In order to be in conformity with Article 11(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC, the View Service shall provide the operations listed in Table 1 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Get View Service Metadata | Provides all necessary information about the service and describes service capabilities |
Get Map | Returns a map containing the geographic and thematic information coming from the available spatial datasets. This map is an image spatially referenced |
In order to be in conformity with Article 12 of Directive 2007/2/EC, the view Service shall support the operations listed in Table 2 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Link View Service | Allows a Public Authority or a Third Party to declare a view Service for the viewing of its resources through the Member State View Service while maintaining the viewing capability at the Public Authority or the Third party location |
The request and response parameters of each operation complete the description of each operation and form an integral part of the View Service technical specification.
The Get View Service Metadata Request parameter indicates the natural language requested for the content of the Get View Service Metadata Response.
The Get View Service Metadata Response shall contain the following set of parameters:
View Service Metadata,
Operations Metadata,
Layers Metadata.
The View Service Metadata parameters shall at least contain the INSPIRE metadata elements of the View Service.
The Operation Metadata parameter describes the operations of the View Service and shall contain as a minimum a description of the data exchanged and the network address of each operation.
Two language parameters shall be provided:
the Response Language parameter indicating the natural language used in the Get Service Metadata Response parameters,
the Supported Languages parameter containing the list of the natural languages supported by this view service.
The metadata elements listed in Table 3 shall be provided for each layer.
Metadata elements | Description |
Resource Title | The title of the layer, used for human communication, for presentation of the layer, e.g. in a menu |
Resource Abstract | Layer abstract |
Keyword | Additional keywords |
Geographic Bounding Box | The minimum bounding rectangle in all supported Coordinate Reference Systems of the area covered by the layer |
Unique Resource Identifier | The Unique Resource Identifier of the resource used to create the layer |
The layer specific parameters listed in Table 4 shall be provided for each layer.
Parameter | Description |
Name | Harmonised name of the layer |
Coordinate Reference Systems | List of Coordinate Reference Systems in which the layer is available |
Styles | List of the rendering styles available for the layer. |
A style shall be composed of a title and a unique identifier | |
Legend URL | Location of the legend for each style, language and dimension pairs |
Dimension Pairs | Indicates the supported two dimensional axis pairs for multi-dimensional spatial data sets and spatial data sets series |
The Get Map Request parameters listed in Table 5 shall be provided
Parameter | Description |
Layers | List of layer names to be included in the map |
Styles | List of style to be used for each layer |
Coordinate Reference System | Coordinate Reference System of the map |
Bounding box | The 4 corner Coordinate of the two dimensional map for the selected Dimension pair and in the selected Coordinate Reference System |
Image width | The map width in pixels |
Image height | The map height in pixels |
Image format | The output image format |
Language | language to be used for the response |
Dimension pair | The two dimensional axis to be used for the map. For example, a geographical dimension and time |
The Link View Service parameter shall provide all information about the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s View Service compliant with this regulation, enabling the Member State View Service to get a map from the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s View Service and to collate it with other maps.
The View Service shall have the following characteristics.
The layers shall be simultaneously viewed using a single coordinate reference system and the View Service shall support at least the Coordinate Reference Systems in Annex I, point 1 of Directive 2007/2/EC.
The View Service shall support at least one of the following image formats:
the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format,
the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), without compression.
Textual Amendments
In order to be in conformity with Article 11(1)(c) of Directive 2007/2/EC, the Download Service shall at least provide the operations listed in Table 1 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Get Download Service Metadata | Provides all necessary information about the service, the available Spatial Data Sets, and describes the service capabilities. |
Get Spatial Data Set | The Get Spatial Data Set operation allows the retrieval of a Spatial Data Set. |
Describe Spatial Data Set | This operation returns the description of all the types of Spatial Objects contained in the Spatial Data Set. |
Link Download Service | Allows the declaration, by a Public Authority or a Third Party, of the availability of a Download Service for downloading Spatial Data Sets or, where practicable, Spatial Objects, through the Member State’s Download Service while maintaining the downloading capability at the Public Authority or the Third Party location. |
The request and response parameters of each operation complete the description of each operation and form an integral part of the Download Service’s technical specifications.
The Get Download Service Metadata request parameter shall indicate the natural language to be used for the content of the Get Download Service Metadata response.
The Get Download Service Metadata response shall contain the following sets of parameters:
Download Service Metadata,
Operations Metadata,
Spatial Data Sets Metadata.
The Download Service Metadata parameters shall at least contain the INSPIRE metadata elements of the Download Service.
The Operations metadata parameter provides metadata about the operations implemented by the Download Service. It shall at least provide a description of each operation, including as a minimum a description of the data exchanged and the network address.
Two language parameters shall be provided:
the response Language parameter indicating the natural language used in the Get Download Service Metadata response parameters,
the Supported languages parameter containing the list of the natural languages supported by the Download Service.
The INSPIRE metadata elements of the available Spatial Data Sets shall be provided. In addition, for each Spatial Data Set, the list of those Coordinate Reference Systems referred to in Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 which are available shall also be provided.
The Get Spatial Data Set request contains the following parameters:
Spatial Data Set Identifier,
Coordinate Reference System.
The Language parameter shall indicate the natural language requested for the Spatial Data Set.
The Spatial Data Set Identifier parameter shall contain the Unique Resource Identifier of the Spatial Data Set.
The Coordinate Reference System parameter shall contain one of the Coordinate Reference Systems included in the list of available Coordinate Reference Systems referred to in point 2.2.4.
The Get Spatial Data Set response parameter shall be the requested Spatial Data Set in the requested language and in the requested Coordinate Reference System.
The Describe Spatial Data Set request shall contain the following parameters:
Spatial Data Set Identifier.
The Language parameter shall indicate the natural language requested for the description of the Spatial Objects type.
The Spatial Data Set Identifier parameter shall contain the Unique Resource Identifier of the Spatial Data Set.
The Describe Spatial Data Set response parameter shall be the description of the Spatial Objects in the requested Spatial Data Set and in the requested language.
The Link Download Service operation allows the declaration of the availability of a Download Service compliant with this Regulation, for the download of resources through the Member State’s Download Service while maintaining the resources at the owner location.
The Link Download Service request parameter shall provide all information about the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Download Service compliant with this Regulation, enabling the Member State Download Service to provide access to Spatial Data Sets and, where practicable, to Spatial Objects from the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Download Service.
Where the Download Service gives direct access to spatial data sets, it shall provide, in addition to the operations listed in Table 1, the operations listed in Table 2 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Get Spatial Object | This operation allows the retrieval of Spatial Objects based upon a query. |
Describe Spatial Object Type | This operation returns the description of the specified Spatial Objects types. |
The request and response parameters of each operation complete the description of each operation and form an integral part of the Download Service’s technical specifications.
The Get Spatial Object request shall support the following parameters:
Spatial Data Set Identifier,
Coordinate Reference System,
The Language parameter shall indicate the natural language requested for the Spatial Objects.
The Spatial Data Set Identifier parameter shall contain the Unique Resource Identifier of the required Spatial Data Set. Where the parameter is not provided, it shall be assumed that all available Spatial Data Sets have been selected.
The Coordinate Reference System parameter shall contain one of the Coordinate Reference Systems included in the list of Coordinate Reference Systems set out in Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010.
The query parameter shall be composed of the search criteria listed in part C.
The Get Spatial Object response shall contain the following parameters:
Spatial Objects Set,
Spatial Objects Set Metadata.
The Spatial Objects Set parameter shall be the set of Spatial Objects which complies with Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 and fulfils the search criteria in the query, in the requested language and in the Coordinate Reference System.
The Spatial Objects Set Metadata parameter shall contain at least the INSPIRE metadata elements of the set of Spatial Objects.
The Describe Spatial Object Type request shall contain the following parameters:
Spatial Object Type.
The Language parameter shall indicate the natural language requested for the description of the Spatial Object type.
The Spatial Object Type parameter shall contain the language-neutral name of the Spatial Object Type as specified in Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010. Where the parameter is not provided, it shall be assumed that all types of Spatial Objects have been selected.
The Describe Spatial Object type response parameter shall be the description of the spatial object type, in conformity with Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010.
For the purposes of the Get Spatial Object Operation of the Download Service, the following search criteria shall be implemented:
Unique Resource Identifier of Spatial Data Set,
all relevant key attributes and the relationship between Spatial Objects as set out in Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010; in particular the Unique Identifier of Spatial Object and the temporal dimension characteristics, including the date of update,
bounding box, expressed in any of the Coordinate Reference Systems listed in Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010,
Spatial Data Theme.
To allow for discovering spatial objects through a combination of search criteria, logical and comparison operators shall be supported.]
In order to be in conformity with Article 11(1)(d) of Directive 2007/2/EC, the Transformation Service shall provide the operations listed in Table 1 of this Annex.
Operation | Role |
Get Transformation Service Metadata | Provides all necessary information about the service and describes the service capabilities, including the supported transformation category, supported transformations, accepted input data types, supported model definition and mapping languages. |
Transform | Carries out the actual transformation process. |
Link Transformation Service | Allows the declaration of availability of a Transformation Service for Transforming Spatial Data Sets through the Member State’s Transformation Services while maintaining the Transformation capability at the Public Authority or the Third party location. |
The request and response parameters of each operation complete the description of each operation and form an integral part of the Transformation Service’s technical specifications.
The Get Transformation Service Metadata request parameter shall indicate the natural language for the content of the Get Transformation Service Metadata response.
The Get Transformation Service Metadata response shall contain the following sets of parameters:
Transformation Service Metadata,
Operations Metadata,
The Transformation Service Metadata parameter shall at least contain the INSPIRE metadata elements of the Transformation Service.
The Operations Metadata parameter provides metadata about the operations implemented by the Transformation Service.
It shall describe each operation, including as a minimum a description of the data exchanged and the network address, and shall list the following:
the transformation categories accepted by the Transform operation,
the encoding for the input Spatial Data Set accepted by the Transform operation,
the Data Model languages accepted by the Transform operation,
the Model Mapping languages accepted by the Transform operation.
Two parameters shall be provided:
the response language parameter indicating the natural language used in the Get Transformation Service Metadata response,
the supported languages parameter containing the list of the natural languages supported by the Transformation Service.
The Transform request shall contain the following parameters:
Input Spatial Data Set,
Source Model,
Target Model,
Model Mapping.
The Input Spatial Data Set parameter shall indicate the Spatial Data Set to be transformed.
The Source Model parameter shall specify the model of the Input Spatial Data Set.
The Target Model parameter shall specify the model to which the input Spatial Data Set shall be transformed.
The Model Mapping parameter shall specify the mapping from the Source Model to the Target Model.
The Transform response parameter shall contain the Spatial Data Set transformed in conformity with Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010.
The Link Transformation Service request parameter shall provide all information about the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Transformation Service in conformity with this Regulation, enabling the use of the Public Authority’s or Third Party’s Transformation Service by the Member State’s Transformation Service.]