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CHAPTER IIIU.K.Recovery of benefits provided but not due, recovery of provisional payments and contributions, offsetting and assistance with recovery

Section 3U.K.Recovery

Article 76U.K.Requests for information

1.At the request of the applicant party, the requested party shall provide any information which would be useful to the applicant party in the recovery of its claim.

In order to obtain that information, the requested party shall make use of the powers provided for under the laws, regulations or administrative provisions applying to the recovery of similar claims arising in its own Member State.

2.The request for information shall indicate the name, last known address, and any other relevant information relating to the identification of the legal or natural person concerned to whom the information to be provided relates and the nature and amount of the claim in respect of which the request is made.

3.The requested party shall not be obliged to supply information:

(a)which it would not be able to obtain for the purpose of recovering similar claims arising in its own Member State;

(b)which would disclose any commercial, industrial or professional secrets; or

(c)the disclosure of which would be liable to prejudice the security of or be contrary to the public policy of the Member State.

4.The requested party shall inform the applicant party of the grounds for refusing a request for information.