ANNEX IIMethod for calculating the Energy Efficiency Index and the annual on-mode energy consumption

1.The Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) is calculated as EEI = P/Pref (A), where:

  • Pref (A)

    Pbasic + A × 4,3224 Watts/dm2,

  • Pbasic

    20 Watts for television sets with one tuner/receiver and no hard disc,

  • Pbasic

    24 Watts for television sets with hard disc(s),

  • Pbasic

    24 Watts for television sets with two or more tuners/receivers,

  • Pbasic

    28 Watts for television sets with hard disc(s) and two or more tuners/receivers,

  • Pbasic

    15 Watts for television monitors,

  • A is the visible screen area expressed in dm2,

  • P is the on-mode power consumption of the television in Watts measured in accordance with Annex VII, rounded to one decimal place.