In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2, the following definitions shall apply:
‘datum’ means a parameter or set of parameters that define the position of the origin, the scale, and the orientation of a coordinate system, in accordance with EN ISO 19111,
‘geodetic datum’ means a datum describing the relationship of a coordinate system to the Earth, in accordance with EN ISO 19111,
‘coordinate system’ means a set of mathematical rules for specifying how coordinates are to be assigned to points, in accordance with EN ISO 19111,
‘coordinate reference system’ means a coordinate system which is related to the real world by a datum, in accordance with EN ISO 19111. This definition includes coordinate systems based on geodetic or Cartesian coordinates and coordinate systems based on map projections.
‘map projection’ means a change of coordinates, based on a one-to-one relationship, from a geodetic coordinate system to a plane, based on the same datum, in accordance with EN ISO 19111,
‘compound coordinate reference system’ means a coordinate reference system using two other independent coordinate reference systems, one for the horizontal component and one for the vertical component, to describe a position, in accordance with EN ISO 19111,
‘geodetic coordinate system’ means a coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height, in accordance with EN ISO 19111.
For the three-dimensional and two-dimensional coordinate reference systems and the horizontal component of compound coordinate reference systems used for making spatial data sets available, the datum shall be the datum of the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) in areas within its geographical scope, or the datum of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) or other geodetic coordinate reference systems compliant with ITRS in areas that are outside the geographical scope of ETRS89. Compliant with the ITRS means that the system definition is based on the definition of the ITRS and there is a well documented relationship between both systems, according to EN ISO 19111.
Spatial data sets shall be made available using at least one of the coordinate reference systems specified in sections 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3, unless one of the conditions specified in section 1.3.4 holds.
Three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates based on a datum specified in 1.2 and using the parameters of the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) ellipsoid.
Three-dimensional geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height) based on a datum specified in 1.2 and using the parameters of the GRS80 ellipsoid.
Two-dimensional geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude) based on a datum specified in 1.2 and using the parameters of the GRS80 ellipsoid.
Plane coordinates using the ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area coordinate reference system.
Plane coordinates using the ETRS89 Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate reference system.
Plane coordinates using the ETRS89 Transverse Mercator coordinate reference system.
For the vertical component on land, the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) shall be used to express gravity-related heights within its geographical scope. Other vertical reference systems related to the Earth gravity field shall be used to express gravity-related heights in areas that are outside the geographical scope of EVRS.
For the vertical component in the free atmosphere, barometric pressure, converted to height using ISO 2533:1975 International Standard Atmosphere shall be used.
Exceptions, where other coordinate reference systems than those listed in 1.3.1, 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 may be used, are:
Other coordinate reference systems may be specified for specific spatial data themes in this Annex.
For regions outside of continental Europe, Member States may define suitable coordinate reference systems.
The geodetic codes and parameters needed to describe these coordinate reference systems and to allow conversion and transformation operations shall be documented and an identifier shall be created, according to EN ISO 19111 and ISO 19127.
For the display of spatial data sets with the view network service as specified in Regulation No 976/2009, at least the coordinate reference systems for two-dimensional geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude) shall be available.
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2, the following definitions shall apply:
‘grid’ means a network composed of two or more sets of curves in which the members of each set intersect the members of the other sets in an algorithmic way,
‘grid cell’ means a cell delineated by grid curves,
‘grid point’ means a point located at the intersection of two or more curves in a grid.
The grid specified in section 2.2.1 shall be used in INSPIRE, unless one of the conditions specified in section 2.2.2 holds.
The grid defined in this Section shall be used as a geo-referencing framework where grids with fixed and unambiguously defined locations of equal-area grid cells are required.
The grid is based on the ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (ETRS89-LAEA) coordinate reference system with the centre of the projection at the point 52° N, 10° E and false easting: x0 = 4 321 000 m, false northing: y0 = 3 210 000 m.
The origin of the grid coincides with the false origin of the ETRS89-LAEA coordinate reference system (x=0, y=0).
Grid points of grids based on ETRS89-LAEA shall coincide with grid points of the grid.
The grid is hierarchical, with resolutions of 1m, 10m, 100m, 1 000m, 10 000m and 100 000m.
The grid orientation is south-north, west-east.
The grid is designated as Grid_ETRS89-LAEA. For identification of an individual resolution level the cell size in metres is appended.
The reference point of a grid cell shall be the lower left corner of the grid cell.
For the unambiguous referencing and identification of a grid cell, the cell code composed of the size of the cell and the coordinates of the lower left cell corner in ETRS89-LAEA shall be used. The cell size shall be denoted in metres (‘m’) for cell sizes up to 100m or kilometres (‘km’) for cell sizes of 1 000m and above. Values for northing and easting shall be divided by 10n, where n is the number of trailing zeros in the cell size value.
Exceptions, where other grids than that specified in section 2.2.1 may be used, are:
Other grids may be specified for specific spatial data themes in this Annex. In this case, data exchanged using such a theme-specific grid shall use standards in which the grid definition is either included with the data, or linked by reference.
For grid referencing in regions outside of continental Europe Member States may define their own grid based on a geodetic coordinate reference system compliant with ITRS and a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection, following the same principles as laid down for the grid specified in section 2.2.1. In this case, an identifier for the coordinate reference system shall be created.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects from data sets that relate to the spatial data theme Geographical Names:
Named Place
Any real world entity referred to by one or several proper nouns.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometry associated to the named place. This data specification does not restrict the geometry types. | GM_Object | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
leastDetailedViewingResolution | Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance, above which the named place and its associated name(s) should no longer be displayed in a basic viewing service. | MD_Resolution | voidable |
localType | Characterisation of the kind of entity designated by geographical name(s), as defined by the data provider, given in at least in one official language of the European Union. | LocalisedCharacterString | voidable |
mostDetailedViewingResolution | Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance, below which the named place and its associated name(s) should no longer be displayed in a basic viewing service. | MD_Resolution | voidable |
name | Name of the named place. | GeographicalName | |
relatedSpatialObject | Identifier of a spatial object representing the same entity but appearing in other themes of INSPIRE, if any. | Identifier | voidable |
type | Characterisation of the kind of entity designated by geographical name(s). | NamedPlaceTypeValue | voidable |
Proper noun applied to a real world entity.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
grammaticalGender | Classes of nouns reflected in the behaviour of associated words. | GrammaticalGenderValue | voidable |
grammaticalNumber | Grammatical category of nouns that expresses count distinctions. | GrammaticalNumberValue | voidable |
language | Language of the name, given as a three letters code, in accordance with either ISO 639-3 or ISO 639-5. | CharacterString | voidable |
nameStatus | Qualitative information enabling to discern which credit should be given to the name with respect to its standardisation and/or its topicality. | NameStatusValue | voidable |
nativeness | Information enabling to acknowledge if the name is the one that is/was used in the area where the spatial object is situated at the instant when the name is/was in use. | NativenessValue | voidable |
pronunciation | Proper, correct or standard (standard within the linguistic community concerned) pronunciation of the geographical name. | PronunciationOfName | voidable |
sourceOfName | Original data source from which the geographical name is taken from and integrated in the data set providing/publishing it. For some named spatial objects it might refer again to the publishing data set if no other information is available. | CharacterString | voidable |
spelling | A proper way of writing the geographical name. | SpellingOfName |
Proper, correct or standard (standard within the linguistic community concerned) pronunciation of a name.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
pronunciationIPA | Proper, correct or standard (standard within the linguistic community concerned) pronunciation of a name, expressed in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). | CharacterString | voidable |
pronunciationSoundLink | Proper, correct or standard (standard within the linguistic community concerned) pronunciation of a name, expressed by a link to any sound file. | URI | voidable |
At least one of the two attributes pronunciationSoundLink and pronunciationIPA shall not be void.
Proper way of writing a name.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
script | Set of graphic symbols (for example an alphabet) employed in writing the name, expressed using the four letters codes defined in ISO 15924, where applicable. | CharacterString | voidable |
text | Way the name is written. | CharacterString | |
transliterationScheme | Method used for the names conversion between different scripts. | CharacterString | voidable |
The grammatical gender of a geographical name.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The grammatical number of a geographical name.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The status of a geographical name, that is the information enabling to discern which credit should be given to the name with respect to its standardisation and/or its topicality.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The type of a named place.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The nativeness of a geographical name.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Layer Name | Layer Title | Spatial object type |
GN.GeographicalNames | Geographical Names | NamedPlace |
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects from data sets that relate to the spatial data theme Administrative Units:
Administrative Boundary
Administrative Unit
NUTS Region
A line of demarcation between administrative units.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
country | Two-character country code according to the Interinstitutional style guide published by the Publications Office of the European Union. | CountryCode | |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometric representation of border line. | GM_Curve | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
legalStatus | Legal status of this administrative boundary. | LegalStatusValue | voidable |
nationalLevel | The hierarchy levels of all adjacent administrative units this boundary is part of. | AdministrativeHierarchyLevel | |
technicalStatus | The technical status of the administrative boundary. | TechnicalStatusValue | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
admUnit | The administrative units separated by this administrative boundary. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
Unit of administration where a Member State has and/or exercises jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
country | Two-character country code according to the Interinstitutional style guide published by the Publications Office of the European Union. | CountryCode | |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometric representation of spatial area covered by this administrative unit. | GM_MultiSurface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
name | Official national geographical name of the administrative unit, given in several languages where required. | GeographicalName | |
nationalCode | Thematic identifier corresponding to the national administrative codes defined in each country. | CharacterString | |
nationalLevel | Level in the national administrative hierarchy, at which the administrative unit is established. | AdministrativeHierarchyLevel | |
nationalLevelName | Name of the level in the national administrative hierarchy, at which the administrative unit is established. | LocalisedCharacterString | voidable |
residenceOfAuthority | Center for national or local administration. | ResidenceOfAuthority | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
administeredBy | Administrative unit established at same level of national administrative hierarchy that administers this administrative unit. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
boundary | The administrative boundaries between this administrative unit and all the units adjacent to it. | AdministrativeBoundary | voidable |
coAdminister | Administrative unit established at same level of national administrative hierarchy which is co-administered by this administrative unit. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
condominium | Condominium administered by this administrative unit. | Condominium | voidable |
lowerLevelUnit | Units established at a lower level of the national administrative hierarchy which are administered by the administrative unit. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
NUTS | NUTS region that topologically contains this administrative unit. | NUTSRegion | voidable |
upperLevelUnit | Unit established at a higher level of national administrative hierarchy that this administrative unit administers | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
Association role condominium applies only for administrative units which nationalLevel=‘1st order’ (country level).
No unit at lowest level can associate units at lower level.
No unit at highest level can associate units at a higher level.
An administrative area established independently to any national administrative division of territory and administered by two or more countries.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometric representation of spatial area covered by this condominium | GM_MultiSurface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
name | Official geographical name of this condominium, given in several languages where required. | GeographicalName | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
admUnit | The administrative unit administering the condominium | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
Territorial unit for statistics defined in the framework of the Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Statistical units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
NUTSCode | Unique code of the territorial unit for statistics as defined in the framework of the Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003. | CharacterString | |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometric representation of spatial area covered by this NUTS region. | GM_MultiSurface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier |
Data type representing the name and position of a residence of authority.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geometry | Position of the residence of authority. | GM_Point | voidable |
Name | Name of the residence of authority. | GeographicalName |
Description of the legal status of administrative boundaries.
Value | Definition |
agreed | The edge-matched boundary has been agreed between neighbouring administrative units and is stable now. |
notAgreed | The edge-matched boundary has not yet been agreed between neighbouring administrative units and could be changed. |
Description of the technical status of administrative boundaries.
Value | Definition |
edgeMatched | The boundaries of neighbouring administrative units have the same set of coordinates. |
notEdgeMatched | The boundaries of neighbouring administrative units do not have the same set of coordinates. |
Levels of administration in the national administrative hierarchy. This code list reflects the level in the hierarchical pyramid of the administrative structures, which is based on geometric aggregation of territories and does not necessarily describe the subordination between the related administrative authorities.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Layer Name | Layer Title | Spatial object type |
AU.AdministrativeUnit | Administrative unit | AdministrativeUnit |
AU.AdministrativeBoundary | Administrative boundary | AdministrativeBoundary |
AU.Condominium | Condominium | Condominium |
AU.NUTSRegion | NUTS Region | NUTSRegion |
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2, the following definition shall apply:
‘addressable object’ means a spatial object to which it is meaningful to associate addresses.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects from data sets that relate to the spatial data theme Addresses:
Address Area Name
Address Component
Administrative Unit Name
Postal Descriptor
Thoroughfare Name
An identification of the fixed location of property by means of a structured composition of geographic names and identifiers.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
alternativeIdentifier | External, thematic identifier of the address spatial object, which enables interoperability with existing legacy systems or applications. | CharacterString | voidable |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
locator | Human readable designator or name. | AddressLocator | |
position | Position of a characteristic point which represents the location of the address according to a certain specification, including information on the origin of the position. | GeographicPosition | |
status | Validity of the address within the life-cycle (version) of the address spatial object. | StatusValue | voidable |
validFrom | Date and time of which this version of the address was or will be valid in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which this version of the address ceased or will cease to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
building | Building that the address is assigned to or associated with. | Type to be specified in the spatial data theme Buildings | voidable |
component | Represents that the address component is engaged as a part of the address. | AddressComponent | |
parcel | Cadastral parcel that this address is assigned to or associated with. | CadastralParcel | voidable |
parentAddress | Main (parent) address with which this (sub) address is tightly connected | Address | voidable |
An address shall have an administrative unit address component spatial object whose level is 1 (Country).
An address shall have exactly one default geographic position (the ‘default’ attribute of the GeographicPosition spatial object must be ‘true’).
An address component which represents the name of a geographic area or locality that groups a number of addressable objects for addressing purposes, without being an administrative unit.
This type is a sub-type of AddressComponent.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
name | Proper noun applied to the address area. | GeographicalName |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
namedPlace | The named place that this address area name represents. | NamedPlace | voidable |
Identifier or geographic name of a specific geographic area, location, or other spatial object which defines the scope of an address.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
alternativeIdentifier | External, thematic identifier of the address component spatial object, which enables interoperability with existing legacy systems or applications. | CharacterString | voidable |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
status | Validity of the address component within the life-cycle (version) of the address component spatial object. | StatusValue | voidable |
validFrom | Date and time of which this version of the address component was or will be valid in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which the address component ceased/will cease to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
situatedWithin | Another address component within which the spatial object represented by this address component is situated. | AddressComponent | voidable |
An address component which represents the name of a unit of administration where a Member State has and/or exercises jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance.
This type is a sub-type of AddressComponent.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
level | The level of administration in the national administrative hierarchy. | AdministrativeHierarchyLevel | |
name | Official, geographical name of the administrative unit, given in different languages where required. | GeographicalName |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
adminUnit | The administrative unit that is the source of the content of the administrative unit name. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
An address component which represents the identification of a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points in a country, region or city for postal purposes.
This type is a sub-type of AddressComponent.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
postCode | A code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points. | CharacterString | |
postName | One or more names created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points. | GeographicalName |
If no post code exists, a post name is required.
If no post name exists, a post code is required.
An address component which represents the name of a passage or way through from one location to another.
This type is a sub-type of AddressComponent.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
name | Name of the thoroughfare. | ThoroughfareNameValue |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
transportLink | One or several transport network links to which the spatial object of the thoroughfare name has been designated. | TransportLink | voidable |
Human readable designator or name that allows a user or application to reference and distinguish the address from neighbour addresses, within the scope of a thoroughfare name, address area name, administrative unit name or postal descriptor, in which the address is situated.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | A number or a sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator within the relevant scope(s). | LocatorDesignator | |
level | The level to which the locator refers. | LocatorLevelValue | |
name | A geographic name or descriptive text associated to a property identified by the locator. | LocatorName |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
withinScopeOf | The address component that defines the scope within which the address locator is assigned according to rules ensuring unambiguousness. | AddressComponent | voidable |
If no designator exists, a name is required.
If no name exists, a designator is required.
Representation of an address spatial object for use in external application schemas that need to include the basic, address information in a readable way.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
addressArea | The name or names of a geographic area or locality that groups a number of addressable objects for addressing purposes, without being an administrative unit. | GeographicalName | voidable |
adminUnit | The name or names of a unit of administration where a Member State has and/or exercises jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance. | GeographicalName | |
locatorDesignator | A number or a sequence of characters which allows a user or an application to interpret, parse and format the locator within the relevant scope. A locator may include more locator designators. | CharacterString | |
locatorName | Proper noun(s) applied to the real world entity identified by the locator. | GeographicalName | |
postCode | A code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points. | CharacterString | voidable |
postName | One or more names created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points. | GeographicalName | voidable |
thoroughfare | The name or names of a passage or way through from one location to another like a road or a waterway. | GeographicalName | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
addressFeature | Reference to the address spatial object. | Address | voidable |
The position of a characteristic point which represents the location of the address according to a certain specification, including information on the origin of the position.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
default | Specifies whether or not this position should be considered as the default. | Boolean | |
geometry | The position of the point expressed in coordinates in the chosen spatial reference system. | GM_Point | |
method | Description of how and by whom the geographic position of the address was created or derived. | GeometryMethodValue | voidable |
specification | Information defining the specification used to create or derive this geographic position of the address. | GeometrySpecificationValue | voidable |
A number or a sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator within the relevant scope(s). The full identification of the locator could include one or more locator designators.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The identifying part of the locator designator composed by one or more digits or other characters. | CharacterString | |
type | The type of locator value, which enables an application to interpret, parse or format it according to certain rules. | LocatorDesignatorTypeValue |
Proper noun applied to the real world entity identified by the locator.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
name | The identifying part of the locator name. | GeographicalName | |
type | The type of locator value, which enables an application to interpret, parse or format it according to certain rules. | LocatorNameTypeValue |
A part of the full name resulting from the subdivision of the thoroughfare name into separate, semantic parts, using the same language and script as the full thoroughfare name.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
part | The character string that expresses the separate part of the name using the same language and script as the full thoroughfare name. | CharacterString | |
type | A classification of the part of name according to its semantics (meaning) in the complete thoroughfare name. | PartTypeValue |
Proper noun applied to thoroughfare optionally including a subdivision of the name into parts.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
name | Proper noun applied to the thoroughfare. | GeographicalName | |
nameParts | One or several parts into which the thoroughfare name can be subdivided. | PartOfName | voidable |
Description of how and by whom this geographic position of the address was created or derived.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Information defining the specification used to create or derive this geographic position of the address.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Description of the semantics of the locator designator.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The level to which the locator refers.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Description of the semantics of the locator name.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A classification of the part of name according to its semantics in the complete thoroughfare name.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Current validity of the real world address or address component.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Layer Name | Layer Title | Spatial object type |
AD.Address | Addresses | Address |
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects from data sets that relate to the spatial data theme Cadastral Parcels:
Basic Property Unit
Cadastral Boundary
Cadastral Parcel
Cadastral Zoning
Cadastral Parcels shall always be made available.
Basic property units shall be made available by Member States where unique cadastral references are given only for basic property units and not for parcels.
Cadastral boundaries shall be made available by Member States where absolute positional accuracy information is recorded for the cadastral boundary.
The basic unit of ownership that is recorded in the land books, land registers or equivalent. It is defined by unique ownership and homogeneous real property rights, and may consist of one or more adjacent or geographically separate parcels.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
areaValue | Registered area value giving quantification of the area projected on the horizontal plane of the cadastral parcels composing the basic property unit. | Area | voidable |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
nationalCadastralReference | Thematic identifier at national level, generally the full national code of the basic property unit. Must ensure the link to the national cadastral register or equivalent. | CharacterString | |
validFrom | Official date and time the basic property unit was/will be legally established. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which the basic property unit legally ceased/will cease to be used. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
administrativeUnit | The administrative unit of lowest administrative level containing this basic property unit. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters
Part of the outline of a cadastral parcel. One cadastral boundary may be shared by two neighbouring cadastral parcels.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
estimatedAccuracy | Estimated absolute positional accuracy of the cadastral boundary in the used INSPIRE coordinate reference system. Absolute positional accuracy is the mean value of the positional uncertainties for a set of positions, where the positional uncertainties are the distance between a measured position and what is considered as the corresponding true position. | Length | voidable |
geometry | Geometry of the cadastral boundary. | GM_Curve | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
validFrom | Official date and time the cadastral boundary was/will be legally established. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which the cadastral boundary legally ceased/will cease to be used. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
parcel | The cadastral parcel(s) outlined by this cadastral boundary. A cadastral boundary may outline one or two cadastral parcels. | CadastralParcel | voidable |
Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters.
Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
areaValue | Registered area value giving quantification of the area projected on the horizontal plane of the cadastral parcel. | Area | voidable |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | Geometry of the cadastral parcel. | GM_Object | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
label | Text commonly used to display the cadastral parcel identification. | CharacterString | |
nationalCadastralReference | Thematic identifier at national level, generally the full national code of the cadastral parcel. Must ensure the link to the national cadastral register or equivalent. | CharacterString | |
referencePoint | A point within the cadastral parcel. | GM_Point | voidable |
validFrom | Official date and time the cadastral parcel was/will be legally established. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which the cadastral parcel legally ceased/will cease to be used. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
administrativeUnit | The administrative unit of lowest administrative level containing this cadastral parcel. | AdministrativeUnit | voidable |
basicPropertyUnit | The basic property unit(s) containing this cadastral parcel. | BasicPropertyUnit | voidable |
zoning | The cadastral zoning of lowest level containing this cadastral parcel. | CadastralZoning | voidable |
Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters.
Type of geometry shall be GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface
Intermediary areas used in order to divide national territory into cadastral parcels.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
estimatedAccuracy | The estimated absolute positional accuracy of cadastral parcels within the cadastral zoning in the used INSPIRE coordinate reference system. Absolute positional accuracy is the mean value of the positional uncertainties for a set of positions, where the positional uncertainties are the distance between a measured position and what is considered as the corresponding true position. | Length | voidable |
geometry | Geometry of the cadastral zoning. | GM_MultiSurface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of spatial object. | Identifier | |
label | Text commonly used to display the cadastral zoning identification. | CharacterString | |
level | Level of the cadastral zoning in the national cadastral hierarchy. | CadastralZoningLevelValue | voidable |
levelName | Name of the level of the cadastral zoning in the national cadastral hierarchy, in at least one official language of the European Union. | LocalisedCharacterString | voidable |
name | Name of the cadastral zoning. | GeographicalName | voidable |
nationalCadastalZoningReference | Thematic identifier at national level, generally the full national code of the cadastral zoning. | CharacterString | |
originalMapScaleDenominator | The denominator in the scale of the original paper map (if any) to whose extent the cadastral zoning corresponds. | Integer | voidable |
referencePoint | A point within the cadastral zoning. | GM_Point | voidable |
validFrom | Official date and time the cadastral zoning was/will be legally established. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | Date and time at which the cadastral zoning legally ceased/will cease to be used. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
upperLevelUnit | The next upper level cadastral zoning containing this cadastral zoning. | CadastralZoning | voidable |
Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters.
A lower level cadastral zoning shall be part of an upper level zoning.
Levels of hierarchy of the cadastral zonings.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
All instances of the spatial object type CadastralParcel shall carry as a thematic identifier the attribute nationalCadastralReference. This attribute must enable users to make the link with rights, owners and other cadastral information in national cadastral registers or equivalent.
If data related to the spatial data theme Cadastral Parcels are made available in plane coordinates using the Lambert Conformal Conic projection, they shall also be made available in at least one other of the coordinate reference systems specified in sections 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.
Layer Name | Layer Title | Spatial object type |
CP.CadastralParcel | Cadastral Parcel | CadastralParcel |
CP.CadastralZoning | Cadastral Zoning | CadastralZoning |
CP.CadastralBoundary | Cadastral Boundary | CadastralBoundary |
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2, the following definitions shall apply:
‘aerodrome reference point’ means the designated geographical location of an aerodrome, located near the initial or planned geometric centre of the aerodrome and normally remaining where originally established,
‘airport/heliport’ means a defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft/helicopters,
‘deep water route’ means a route in a designated area within defined limits which has been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles to a minimum indicated depth of water,
‘inter-modal connection’ means a connection between two elements in different transport networks that use a different transport mode, giving the possibility to change transported media (people, goods, etc) from one transport mode to another,
‘linear element’ means a 1-dimensional object that serves as the axis along which linear referencing is performed,
‘linear referencing’ means a specification of a location relative to a one-dimensional object as a measurement along (and optionally offset from) that element,
‘navaid equipment’ means a physical navaid equipment placed on the Earth surface, like Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR), Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), localizer, Tactical Air Navigation Beacon (TACAN) etc., which help in guiding aircraft traffic safely through existing air routes,
‘object referencing’ means providing the spatial extent of an object by referring to an existing spatial object or collection of spatial objects,
‘railway yard’ means an area crossed by a number of parallel railway tracks (usually more than two) interconnected between them, which are used to stop trains in order to load / unload freight without interrupting the traffic of a main railway line,
‘significant point’ means a specified geographical location used to define an Air Traffic Service (ATS) route, the flight path of an aircraft or for other navigation/ATS purposes.
The types specified for the spatial data theme transport networks are structured in the following packages:
Common Transport Elements
Air Transport Network
Cable Transport Network
Railway Transport Network
Road Transport Network
Water Transport Network
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Common Transport Elements:
Access Restriction
Condition Of Facility
Maintenance Authority
Marker Post
Owner Authority
Restriction for Vehicles
Traffic Flow Direction
Transport Area
Transport Link
Transport Link Sequence
Transport Link Set
Transport Network
Transport Node
Transport Object
Transport Point
Transport Property
Vertical Position
A restriction on the access to a transport element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
restriction | Nature of the access restriction. | AccessRestrictionValue |
State of a transport network element with regards to its completion and use.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
currentStatus | Current status value of a transport network element with regards to its completion and use. | ConditionOfFacilityValue |
The authority responsible for maintenance of the transport element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
authority | Identification of the maintenance authority. | CI_Citation |
Reference marker placed along a route in a transport network, mostly at regular intervals, indicating the distance from the beginning of the route, or some other reference point, to the point where the marker is located.
This type is a sub-type of TransportPoint.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
location | Distance from the beginning of the route, or some other reference point, to the point where a marker post is located. | Distance |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
route | Route in a transport network along which the marker post is placed. | TransportLinkSet | voidable |
The authority owning the transport element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
authority | Identification of the owning authority. | CI_Citation |
Restriction on vehicles on a transport element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
measure | The measure for the restriction. | Measure | |
restrictionType | The type of restriction. | RestrictionTypeValue |
Indicates the direction of the flow of traffic in relation to the direction of the transport link vector.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
direction | Indicates the direction of the flow of traffic. | LinkDirectionValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object of the type Link or LinkSequence.
Surface that represents the spatial extent of an element of a transport network.
This type is a sub-type of NetworkArea.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport area started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport area no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
All transport areas have an external object identifier.
A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a transport network between two points in the network.
This type is a sub-type of Link.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport link started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport link no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
All transport links have an external object identifier.
A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of transport links, which represents a continuous path in the transport network without any branches. The element has a defined beginning and end and every position on the transport link sequence is identifiable with one single parameter such as length. It describes an element of the transport network, characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of LinkSequence.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport link sequence started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport link sequence no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
A transport link sequence must be composed of transport links that all belong to the same transport network.
All transport link sequences have an external object identifier.
A collection of transport link sequences and or individual transport links that has a specific function or significance in a transport network.
This type is a sub-type of LinkSet.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport link set started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport link set no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
post | Marker post along a route in a transport network. | MarkerPost | voidable |
A transport link set must be composed of transport links and or transport link sequences that all belong to the same transport network.
All transport link sets have an external object identifier.
Collection of network elements that belong to a single mode of transport.
This type is a sub-type of Network.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
typeOfTransport | Type of transport network, based on the type of infrastructure the network uses. | TransportTypeValue |
A point spatial object which is used for connectivity.
This type is a sub-type of Node.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport node started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport node no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
All transport nodes have an external object identifier.
An identity base for transport network objects in the real world.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geographicalName | A geographical name that is used to identify the transport network object in the real world. It provides a ‘key’ for implicitly associating different representations of the object. | GeographicalName | voidable |
A point spatial object - which is not a node - that represents the position of an element of a transport network.
This type is a sub-type of NetworkElement.
This type is a sub-type of TransportObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geometry | The location of the transport point. | GM_Point | |
validFrom | The time when the transport point started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport point no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
All transport points have an external object identifier.
A reference to a property that falls upon the network. This property can apply to the whole of the network element it is associated with or - for linear spatial objects - be described using linear referencing.
This type is a sub-type of NetworkProperty.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
validFrom | The time when the transport property started to exist in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
validTo | The time from which the transport property no longer exists in the real world. | DateTime | voidable |
All transport properties have an external object identifier.
Vertical level relative to other transport network elements.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
verticalPosition | Relative vertical position of the transport element. | VerticalPositionValue |
Possible types of transport networks.
Value | Definition |
air | The transport network consists of transport by air. |
cable | The transport network consists of transport by cable. |
rail | The transport network consists of transport by rail. |
road | The transport network consists of transport by road. |
water | The transport network consists of transport by water. |
Types of access restrictions for a transport element.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Possible restrictions on vehicles that can access a transport element.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Air Transport Network:
Aerodrome Area
Aerodrome Category
Aerodrome Node
Aerodrome Type
Air Link
Air Link Sequence
Air Node
Air Route
Air Route Link
Airspace Area
Apron Area
Condition of Air Facility
Designated Point
Element Length
Element Width
Field Elevation
Instrument Approach Procedure
Lower Altitude Limit
Procedure Link
Runway Area
Runway Centreline Point
Standard Instrument Arrival
Standard Instrument Departure
Surface Composition
Taxiway Area
Touch Down Lift Off Area
Upper Altitude Limit
Use Restriction
A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft and/or helicopters.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Aerodrome category concerning the scope and importance of the air traffic services offered from and to it.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
aerodromeCategory | Value which indicates the category of an aerodrome. | AerodromeCategoryValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Aerodrome Node or an Aerodrome Area.
Node located at the aerodrome reference point of an airport/heliport, which is used to represent it in a simplified way.
This type is a sub-type of AirNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designatorIATA | The three letter IATA designator of the aerodrome (airport/heliport). | CharacterString | voidable |
locationIndicatorICAO | The four letter ICAO location indicator of the aerodrome (airport/heliport), as listed in ICAO DOC 7910. | CharacterString | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
controlTowers | The set of control towers belonging to an aerodrome (airport/heliport). | Type to be specified in the spatial data theme Buildings | voidable |
A code specifying the type of aerodrome.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
aerodromeType | The type of aerodrome. | AerodromeTypeValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Aerodrome Node or Aerodrome Area.
A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of the air network between two points in the network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLink.
This type is abstract.
A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of air links, which represents a continuous path in the air network without any branches.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSequence.
A node which occurs in an air network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportNode.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
significantPoint | Attribute which indicates whether the air node is or is not a significant point. | Boolean |
A specified route designed for channelling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services, from the end of the take-off and initial climb phase to the commencement of the approach and landing phase.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
airRouteType | Route classification. | AirRouteTypeValue | voidable |
designator | Code or designator that identifies an Air Route. | CharacterString | voidable |
A portion of a route to be flown usually without an intermediate stop, as defined by two consecutive significant points.
This type is a sub-type of AirLink.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
airRouteLinkClass | The class or type of an air route link. | AirRouteLinkClassValue | voidable |
A defined volume in the air, described as horizontal projection with vertical limits.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
AirspaceAreaType | A code indicating the general structure or characteristics of a particular airspace. | AirspaceAreaTypeValue |
A defined area, on a land aerodrome/heliport, intended to accommodate aircraft/helicopters for purposes of loading and unloading passengers, mail or cargo, and for fuelling, parking or maintenance.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
State of an air transport network element with regards to its completion and use.
This type is a sub-type of ConditionOfFacility.
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Aerodrome Node, an Aerodrome Area or a Runway Area.
A geographical location not marked by the site of a radio navigation aid, used in defining an ATS route, the flight path of an aircraft or for other navigation or ATS purposes.
This type is a sub-type of AirNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The coded designator of the point. | CharacterString | voidable |
The physical length of the element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
length | The physical length of the element. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is a Runway Area, Taxiway Area or Touch Down Lift Off Area.
The physical width of the element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
width | The physical width of the element. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is a Runway Area, Taxiway Area or Touch Down Lift Off Area.
The aerodrome elevation as the vertical distance between the highest point of the landing area of an aerodrome and mean sea level.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
altitude | Value of the field altitude. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Aerodrome Node or Aerodrome Area.
A series of predetermined manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en route obstacle clearance criteria apply.
This type is a sub-type of ProcedureLink.
Altitude that defines the lower limit of an air transport network object.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
altitude | Value of the altitude limit. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Air Route Link or Airspace Area.
One or more Navaid Equipments providing navigation services.
This type is a sub-type of AirNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The coded identifier given to the navaid system. | CharacterString | voidable |
navaidType | Type of the navaid service. | NavaidTypeValue | voidable |
A series of predetermined manoeuvres with specified protection from obstacles.
This type is a sub-type of AirLink.
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome/heliport prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The full textual designator of the runway, used to uniquely identify it at an aerodrome/heliport which has more than one. | CharacterString | voidable |
runwayType | The type of runway, either runway for airplanes or final approach and take off area (FATO) for helicopters. | RunwayTypeValue | voidable |
An operationally significant position on the centreline of a runway direction.
This type is a sub-type of AirNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
pointRole | The role of the point along the runway direction centreline. | PointRoleValue |
A designated instrument flight rule (IFR) arrival route linking a significant point, normally on an ATS route, with a point from which a published instrument approach procedure can be commenced.
This type is a sub-type of ProcedureLink.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The textual designator of the Standard Instrument Arrival. | CharacterString | voidable |
A designated instrument flight rule (IFR) departure route linking the aerodrome or a specific runway of the aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally on a designated ATS route, at which the en-route phase of a flight commences.
This type is a sub-type of ProcedureLink.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The full textual designator of the Standard Instrument Departure. | CharacterString | voidable |
The composition of an aerodrome/heliport related surface.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
surfaceComposition | A code indicating the composition of an aerodrome/heliport related surface. | SurfaceCompositionValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is a Runway Area, Taxiway Area, Apron Area or Touch Down Lift Off Area.
A defined path at an aerodrome/heliport established for the taxiing of aircraft/helicopters and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The textual designator of the taxiway. | CharacterString | voidable |
A load bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift-off.
This type is a sub-type of AirNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designator | The textual designator of the touch down and lift-off area. | CharacterString | voidable |
Altitude that defines the upper limit of an air transport network object.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
altitude | Value of the altitude limit. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Air Route Link or Airspace Area.
The restrictions to the use of an air network object.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
restriction | The type of use restriction for the air network object. | AirUseRestrictionValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is an Air Route, Air Link (or specialized Air Link), Air Node (or specialized Air Node) or Aerodrome Area.
Aerodrome possible categories concerning the scope and importance of the air traffic services offered from and to it.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code specifying whether a particular entity occurrence is an Aerodrome or a Heliport.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The type of the route from the navigation point of view.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The route classification as ATS route or North Atlantic Tracks.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The use restrictions for an air network object.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Recognised types of Airspace.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Types of Navaid Services.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Role of the Runway Centreline Point.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code that makes a distinction between runways for airplanes and FATO for helicopters.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code indicating the composition of a surface.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Cable Transport Network:
Cableway Link
Cableway Link Sequence
Cableway Link Set
Cableway Node
Linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a cable network between two points in a cableway transport network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLink.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
cablewayType | The type of a cableway transport. | CablewayTypeValue | voidable |
An ordered collection of cableway links that are characterized by one or more thematic identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSequence.
A collection of cableway link sequences and or individual cableway links that has a specific function or significance in a cable transport network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
A point spatial object that is used to represent connectivity between two consecutive cableway links.
This type is a sub-type of TransportNode.
The possible types of cableway transport.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Railway Transport Network:
Design Speed
Nominal Track Gauge
Number of Tracks
Railway Area
Railway Electrification
Railway Line
Railway Link
Railway Link Sequence
Railway Node
Railway Station Area
Railway Station Code
Railway Station Node
Railway Type
Railway Use
Railway Yard Area
Railway Yard Node
The specification of the maximum speed to which a railway line is designed for.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
speed | The specification of the maximum speed to which a railway line is designed for. | Velocity |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
The nominal distance between the two outer rails (gauge) of a railway track.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
nominalGauge | A single value that identifies the track gauge. | Measure | voidable |
nominalGaugeCategory | Provision of the gauge of a railway track as a fuzzy category with respect to the European standard nominal gauge. | TrackGaugeCategoryValue | voidable |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
The number of tracks for a railway stretch.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
minMaxNumberOfTracks | Indicates whether the number of tracks are counted as minimum or maximum value. | MinMaxTrackValue | voidable |
numberOfTracks | The number of tracks present. | Integer |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
Surface occupied by a railway track, including ballast.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Indication whether the railway is provided with an electric system to power vehicles moving along it.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
electrified | Indicates whether the railway is provided with an electric system to power vehicles moving along it. | Boolean |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
A collection of railway link sequences and or individual railway links that are characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
railwayLineCode | A code assigned to a railway line which is unique within a Member State. | CharacterString | voidable |
A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a railway network between two points in the network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLink.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
fictitious | The railway link does not represent a real and existing railway track but a fictitious trajectory. | Boolean | voidable |
A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of railway links, which represents a continuous path in a railway network without any branches. The element has a defined beginning and end and every position on the railway link sequence is identifiable with one single parameter such as length. It describes an element of the railway network, characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSequence.
A point spatial object which represents a significant point along the railway network or defines an intersection of railway tracks used to describe its connectivity.
This type is a sub-type of TransportNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
formOfNode | The function of a railway node within the railway network. | FormOfRailwayNodeValue | voidable |
An area spatial object which is used to represent the topographical limits of the facilities of a railway station (buildings, railway yards, installations and equipment) devoted to carry out railway station operations.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
The unique code assigned to a railway station.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
stationCode | A unique code assigned to a railway station. | CharacterString |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
A railway node which represents the location of a railway station along the railway network.
This type is a sub-type of RailwayNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
numberOfPlatforms | A value indicating the number of platforms available at a railway station. | Integer | voidable |
For a railway station node, the value for the ‘formOfNode’ attribute shall always be ‘RailwayStop’.
The type of railway transport the line is designed for.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
type | The type of railway transport to which the line is designed for. | RailwayTypeValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
The current use of the railway.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
use | The current use of the railway. | RailwayUseValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a railway transport network.
An area spatial object which is used to represent the topographical limits of a railway yard.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
A railway node which occurs within a railway yard area.
This type is a sub-type of RailwayNode.
For a railway yard node, the value for the ‘formOfNode’ attribute shall always be ‘RailwayStop’.
Values to indicate whether number of tracks are counted as the maximum, minimum or average number.
Value | Definition |
average | The number of tracks is the average value for a given part of the railway network. |
maximum | The number of tracks is the maximum value for a given part of the railway network. |
minimum | The number of tracks is the minimum value for a given part of the railway network. |
The possible categories of railways concerning its nominal track gauge.
Value | Definition |
broad | The nominal track gauge property is broader than the standard one. |
standard | The nominal track gauge property is equal to the European standard (1 435 millimetres). |
narrow | The nominal track gauge property is narrower than the standard one. |
notApplicable | The definition of a nominal track gauge property is not applicable to the type of railway transport. |
The possible functions of a railway node within the railway network.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The possible types of railway transport.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The possible uses of railways.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Road Transport Network:
Form of Way
Functional Road Class
Number of Lanes
Road Area
Road Link
Road Link Sequence
Road Name
Road Node
Road Service Area
Road Service Type
Road Surface Category
Road Width
Speed Limit
Vehicle Traffic Area
A collection of road link sequences and or individual road links that represents a route that is part of the international E-road network, characterized by its European route number.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
europeanRouteNumber | Code, identifying the route in the international E-road network. The code always starts with a letter ‘E’, followed by a one-, two- or three-digit number. | CharacterString | voidable |
A classification based on the physical properties of the Road Link.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
formOfWay | Physical form of the way. | FormOfWayValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
A classification based on the importance of the role that the road performs in the road network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
functionalClass | Functional rank of the road link in the road network. | FunctionalRoadClassValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
The number of lanes of a road element.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
direction | Indicates which direction the number of lanes is valid for. | LinkDirectionValue | voidable |
minMaxNumberOfLanes | Indicates if the number of lanes is counted as minimum or maximum value. | MinMaxLaneValue | voidable |
numberOfLanes | Number of lanes. | Integer |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
A collection of road link sequences and/or individual road links that are characterized by one or more thematic identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
localRoadCode | Identification code assigned to the road by the local road authority. | CharacterString | voidable |
nationalRoadCode | The national number of the road. | CharacterString | voidable |
Surface which extends to the limits of a road, including vehicular areas and other parts of it.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
A linear spatial object that describes the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road links can represent paths, bicycle roads, single carriageways, multiple carriageway roads and even fictitious trajectories across traffic squares.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLink.
A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of road links, which represents a continuous path in a road network without any branches. The element has a defined beginning and end and every position on the road link sequence is identifiable with one single parameter such as length. It describes an element of the road network, characterized by one or more thematic identifiers and/or properties.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSequence.
Name of a road, as assigned by the responsible authority.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
name | Name of the road. | GeographicalName |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
A point spatial object that is used to either represent connectivity between two road links or to represent a significant spatial object such as a services station or roundabout.
This type is a sub-type of TransportNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
formOfRoadNode | Description of the function of a road node in the road transport network. | FormOfRoadNodeValue | voidable |
Surface annexed to a road and devoted to offer particular services for it.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Description of the type of road service area and the available facilities.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
availableFacility | Facility that is available for a given road service area. | ServiceFacilityValue | |
type | Type of road service area. | RoadServiceTypeValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object of the type RoadServiceArea or RoadNode (when formOfRoadNode=roadServiceArea).
Specification of the state of the surface of the associated Road Element. Indicates whether a road is paved or unpaved.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
surfaceCategory | Type of road surface. | RoadSurfaceCategoryValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
The width of the road, measured as an average value.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
measuredRoadPart | Indicates to which part of a road the value for the attribute ‘width’ applies. | RoadPartValue | voidable |
width | Road width value. | Measure |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
Limit for the speed of a vehicle on a road.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
areaCondition | Speed limit is dependent on environmental circumstances. | AreaConditionValue | voidable |
direction | Indicates which direction the speed limit is valid for. | LinkDirectionValue | voidable |
laneExtension | Number of lanes (including the start lane) to which the speed limit applies. | Integer | voidable |
speedLimitMinMaxType | Indicates if the speed limit is maximum or minimum and if it is recommended. | SpeedLimitMinMaxValue | |
speedLimitSource | Source for speed limit. | SpeedLimitSourceValue | voidable |
speedLimitValue | Value for speed limit. | Velocity | |
startLane | Index of the first lane to which speed limit applies. For countries with right-hand traffic, the index 1 refers to the rightmost lane and the index is incremented to the left; for countries with left-hand traffic, the index 1 refers to the leftmost lane, and the index is incremented to the right. | Integer | voidable |
validityPeriod | Period during which the speed limit is valid. | TM_Period | voidable |
vehicleType | Vehicle type the speed limit is restricted to. | VehicleTypeValue | voidable |
weatherCondition | Weather condition the speed limit is dependent on. | WeatherConditionValue | voidable |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a road transport network.
Surface that represents the part of a road which is used for the normal traffic of vehicles.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
Values for the functional road classification. This classification is based on the importance of the role that the road performs in the road network.
Value | Definition |
mainRoad | The most important roads in a given network. |
firstClass | The second most important roads in a given network. |
secondClass | The third most important roads in a given network. |
thirdClass | The fourth most important roads in a given network. |
fourthClass | The fifth most important roads in a given network. |
fifthClass | The sixth most important roads in a given network. |
sixthClass | The seventh most important roads in a given network. |
seventhClass | The eighth most important roads in a given network. |
eighthClass | The ninth most important roads in a given network. |
ninthClass | The least important roads in a given network. |
Values to indicate whether number of lanes are counted as the maximum, minimum or average number.
Value | Definition |
maximum | The number of lanes is the maximum value for a given part of the road network. |
minimum | The number of lanes is the minimum value for a given part of the road network. |
average | The number of lanes is the average value for a given part of the road network. |
Possible values to indicate the nature of a speed limit.
Value | Definition |
maximum | Speed limit is a maximum value |
minimum | Speed limit is a minimum value |
recommendedMaximum | Speed limit is a recommended maximum value |
recommendedMinimum | Speed limit is a recommended minimum value |
Speed limit restriction depending on the area.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Functions of road nodes.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Classification based on the physical properties of the road link.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Indication to which part of a road the value of a measurement applies.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Types of road service areas.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Values to indicate whether a road is paved or not paved.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Possible service facilities available at a road service area.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Possible sources for speed limits.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Possible types of vehicles.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Values to indicate weather conditions that affect speed limits.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Water Transport Network:
CEMT Class
Condition of Water Facility
Fairway Area
Ferry Crossing
Ferry Use
Inland Waterway
Marine Waterway
Port Area
Port Node
Restriction for Water Vehicles
Traffic Separation Scheme
Traffic Separation Scheme Area
Traffic Separation Scheme Crossing
Traffic Separation Scheme Lane
Traffic Separation Scheme Roundabout
Traffic Separation Scheme Separator
Water Link Sequence
Water Node
Water Traffic Flow Direction
Waterway Link
Waterway Node
A prominent specially constructed object forming a conspicuous mark as a fixed aid to navigation, or for use in hydrographic survey.
This type is a sub-type of TransportPoint.
A floating object moored to the bottom in a particular (charted) place, as an aid to navigation or for other specific purposes.
This type is a sub-type of TransportPoint.
Classification of an inland waterway according to CEMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport).
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
CEMTClass | Value indicating the classification of an Inland waterway according to CEMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport). | CEMTClassValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a water transport network.
State of a water transport network element with regards to its completion and use.
This type is a sub-type of ConditionOfFacility.
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a water transport network.
The main travelled part of a waterway.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
A special waterway aimed at supporting the transport of passengers, vehicles or other cargo/freight across a water body, and which is normally used as a connection linking two or more nodes of a land based transport network.
This type is a sub-type of Waterway.
The type of transport carried out by a ferry crossing.
This type is a sub-type of TransportProperty.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
ferryUse | Value indicating the type of transport carried out by a ferry crossing. | FerryUseValue |
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a water transport network.
Waterway which is defined at inland continental waters.
This type is a sub-type of Waterway.
Waterway which is defined at sea waters.
This type is a sub-type of Waterway.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
deepWaterRoute | Attribute which indicates if the maritime waterway is a deep water route. | Boolean | voidable |
An area spatial object which is used to represent the physical limits of all the facilities which constitute the terrestrial zone of a sea or inland port.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
A point spatial object which is used to represent a sea or inland port in a simplified way, aproximately located at the bank of the waterbody where the port is placed.
This type is a sub-type of WaterNode.
Restriction on vehicles on a water transport element.
This type is a sub-type of RestrictionForVehicles.
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a water transport network.
A scheme which aims at reducing the risk of collision in congested and/or converging areas by separating traffic moving in opposite, or nearly opposite, directions.
This type is abstract.
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
component | A component of a traffic separation scheme. | TrafficSeparationSchemeArea | |
marineWaterRoute | The collection of marine waterways associated with a traffic separation scheme. | MarineWaterway | |
markerBeacon | A marker forming part of a traffic separation scheme. | Beacon | |
markerBuoy | A marker forming part of a traffic separation scheme. | Buoy |
An area spatial object forming part of a traffic separation scheme.
This type is a sub-type of TransportArea.
This type is abstract.
A defined area where traffic lanes cross.
This type is a sub-type of TrafficSeparationSchemeArea.
An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic flow is established.
This type is a sub-type of TrafficSeparationSchemeArea.
A traffic separation scheme in which traffic moves in a counter-clockwise direction around a specified point or zone.
This type is a sub-type of TrafficSeparationSchemeArea.
A zone separating the lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ships proceeding in the same direction.
This type is a sub-type of TrafficSeparationSchemeArea.
A linear spatial object, composed of an ordered collection of waterway and/or watercourse links (as necessary), which represents a continuous path in the water network without any branches.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSequence.
A point spatial object which is used to represent the connectivity between two different waterway links, or between a waterway link and a watercourse link, in the water transport network.
This type is a sub-type of TransportNode.
This type is abstract.
Indicates the direction of the flow of water transport traffic in relation to the direction of the water transport link vector.
This type is a sub-type of TrafficFlowDirection.
This property can only be associated with a spatial object that is part of a water transport network.
A collection of water link sequences and or individual waterway and/or watercourse links (as necessary) that are characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties, which perform a navigable route within a water body (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, channels or canals).
This type is a sub-type of TransportLinkSet.
This type is abstract.
A linear spatial object that describes the geometry or connectivity of the water transport network between two consecutive waterway or watercourse nodes. It represents a linear section across a body of water which is used for shipping.
This type is a sub-type of TransportLink.
A point spatial object which is used to represent the connectivity between two different waterway links, or between a waterway link and a watercourse link, in the water transport network.
This type is a sub-type of WaterNode.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
formOfWaterwayNode | Description of the function of a waterway node in the water transport network. | FormOfWaterwayNodeValue | voidable |
Inland waterway classification according to CEMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport) Resolution No 92/2.
Value | Definition |
I | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class I, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
II | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class II, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
III | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class III, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
IV | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class IV, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
Va | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class Va, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
Vb | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class Vb, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
VIa | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class VIa, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
VIb | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class VIb, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
VIc | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class VIc, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
VII | Inland waterway belonging to CEMT-class VII, defined by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, Resolution No 92/2 - Table 1. |
Types of transport carried out by a ferry.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Function of a Waterway Node in the water transport network.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The Water transport networks shall re-use, where it exists and is practicable, the water network centreline geometry of the Hydrography theme. Therefore, object referencing shall be used to link the water transport course with the existing water network geometry in the Hydrography theme.
The centrelines of Road and Rail objects shall fall within the extent of the physical real world object that they represent if the Link is indicated as not being ‘fictitious’.
Layer Type | Layer Title | Spatial object type(s) |
TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportNode | Generic Transport Node | TransportNode |
TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportLink | Generic Transport Link | TransportLink |
TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportArea | Generic Transport Area | TransportArea |
TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadLink | Road Link | RoadLink |
TN.RoadTransportNetwork.VehicleTrafficArea | Vehicle traffic Area | VehicleTrafficArea |
TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadServiceArea | Road Service Area | RoadServiceArea |
TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadArea | Road Area | RoadArea |
TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayLink | Railway Link | RailwayLink |
TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayStationArea | Railway Station Area | RailwayStationArea |
TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayYardArea | Railway Yard Area | RailwayYardArea |
TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayArea | Railway Area | RailwayArea |
TN.WaterTransportNetwork.WaterwayLink | Waterway Link | WaterwayLink |
TN.WaterTransportNetwork.FairwayArea | Fairway Area | FairwayArea |
TN.WaterTransportNetwork.PortArea | Port Area | PortArea |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.AirLink | Air Link | AirLink |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.AerodromeArea | Aerodrome Area | AerodromeArea |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.RunwayArea | Runway Area | RunwayArea |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.AirspaceArea | Airspace Area | AirspaceArea |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.ApronArea | Apron Area | ApronArea |
TN.AirTransportNetwork.TaxiwayArea | Taxiway Area | TaxiwayArea |
TN.CableTransportNetwork.CablewayLink | Cableway Link | CablewayLink |
In addition to the definitions set out in Article 2, the following definitions shall apply:
‘aquifer’ means a subsurface layer or layers of rock or other geological strata of sufficient porosity and permeability to allow either a significant flow of groundwater or the abstraction of significant quantities of groundwater,
‘groundwater’ means all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil,
‘sub-basin’ means an area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a series of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes to a particular point in a water course,
The types specified for the spatial data theme Hydrography are structured in the following packages:
Hydro - base
Hydro - Network
Hydro - Physical Waters
Hydro - Reporting
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Hydro - base:
Hydro Object
An identity base for hydrographic (including man-made) objects in the real world.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geographicalName | A geographical name that is used to identify a hydrographic object in the real world. It provides a ‘key’ for implicitly associating different representations of the object. | GeographicalName | voidable |
hydroId | An identifier that is used to identify a hydrographic object in the real world. It provides a ‘key’ for implicitly associating different representations of the object. | HydroIdentifier |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
relatedHydroObject | A related hydrographic object representing the same real-world entity. | HydroObject | voidable |
A hydrographic thematic identifier.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
classificationScheme | A description of the identification scheme (National, European, etc.) being used. | CharacterString | |
localId | A local identifier, assigned by some authority. | CharacterString | |
Namespace | An indicator of the scope for the local identifier. | CharacterString |
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Hydro - Network:
Hydro Node
Watercourse Link
Watercourse Link Sequence
Watercourse Separated Crossing
A node within the hydrographic network.
This type is a sub-type of Node.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
hydroNodeCategory | Nature of the hydro node. | HydroNodeCategoryValue | voidable |
A segment of a watercourse within a hydrographic network.
This type is a sub-type of Link.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
flowDirection | Direction of water flow in the segment relative to digitisation of segment geometry. | LinkDirectionValue | voidable |
length | Length of network segment. | Length | voidable |
A sequence of watercourse links representing a non-branching path through a hydrographic network.
This type is a sub-type of LinkSequence.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
An element in the hydrographic network used to indicate non-interacting crossing of watercourse links separated by level.
This type is a sub-type of GradeSeparatedCrossing.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
Defines categories for different types of hydrographic network nodes.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Hydro - Physical Waters:
Dam or Weir
Drainage Basin
Fluvial Point
Hydro Point of Interest
Hydro Power Plant
Inundated Land
Land-Water Boundary
Man-made Object
Ocean Region
Pumping Station
River Basin
Shoreline Construction
Standing Water
Surface Water
A man-made object allowing the passage of water above or below an obstacle.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
type | The type of physical crossing. | CrossingTypeValue | voidable |
A permanent barrier across a watercourse used to impound water or to control its flow.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
Area having a common outlet for its surface runoff.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
area | Size of the drainage basin area. | Area | voidable |
basinOrder | Number (or code) expressing the degree of branching/dividing in a drainage basin system. | HydroOrderCode | voidable |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the drainage basin, as a surface. | GM_Surface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
origin | Origin of the drainage basin. | OriginValue | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
outlet | The surface water outlet(s) of a drainage basin. | SurfaceWater | voidable |
containsBasin | A smaller sub-basin contained within a larger basin | DrainageBasin | voidable |
A river basin may not be contained in any other basin
A man-made raised long mound of earth or other material.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Natural risk zones in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
A vertically descending part of a watercourse where it falls from a height.
This type is a sub-type of FluvialPoint.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
height | Distance measured from the lowest point of the base at ground or water level (downhill side/downstream side) to the tallest point of the spatial object. | Length | voidable |
A hydro point of interest that affects the flow of a watercourse.
This type is a sub-type of HydroPointOfInterest.
This type is abstract.
A shallow part of a watercourse used as a road crossing.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
A natural place where water appears, disappears or changes its flow.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the hydro point of interest, as a point, curve or surface. | GM_Primitive | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
levelOfDetail | Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance. | MD_Resolution |
A facility for the generation of power from moving water.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Energy resources in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
A tract periodically covered by flood water, excluding tidal waters.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Natural risk zones in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the inundated land, as a surface. | GM_Surface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
inundationReturnPeriod | The average period (in years) between the occurrences of an inundation event. | Number | voidable |
inundationType | The type of a land subject to inundation based on the cause of its flooding. | InundationValue | voidable |
The line where a land mass is in contact with a body of water.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the land-water boundary, as a curve. | GM_Curve | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
origin | Origin of the land-water boundary. | OriginValue | voidable |
waterLevelCategory | Water-level defining the land-water boundary. | WaterLevelValue | voidable |
An enclosure with a pair or series of gates used for raising or lowering vessels as they pass from one water level to another.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
An artificial object which lies inside a body of water and has one of the following types of function: - Retains the water; - Regulates the quantity of water; - Alters the course of the water; - Allows watercourses to cross each other.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
condition | The state of planning, construction, repair, and/or maintenance of the structures and/or equipment comprising a facility and/or located at a site, as a whole. | ConditionOfFacilityValue | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the man-made object, as a point, curve or surface. | GM_Primitive | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
levelOfDetail | Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance. | MD_Resolution |
One of the three large regions of the world-wide ocean, each with associated sub- and marginal areas and subject to an independent flow-regime.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Sea regions in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the ocean region, as a surface. | GM_Surface | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
foreshore | The part of the shore or beach which lies between the low water mark and the upper limit of normal wave action. | Shore | voidable |
A tube for the conveyance of solids, liquids or gases.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Utility and governmental services in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
A facility to move solids, liquids or gases by means of pressure or suction.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Utility and governmental services in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Portions of a stream with accelerated current where it descends rapidly but without a break in the slope of the bed sufficient to form a waterfall.
This type is a sub-type of FluvialPoint.
The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta.
This type is a sub-type of DrainageBasin.
The narrow strip of land in immediate contact with any body of water including the area between high and low water lines.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Land cover in Annex II to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
composition | The primary type(s) of material composing a spatial object, exclusive of the surface. | ShoreTypeValue | voidable |
delineationKnown | An indication that the delineation (for example: limits and information) of a spatial object is known. | Boolean | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the shore, as a surface. | GM_Surface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier |
An artificial structure attached to land bordering a body of water and fixed in position.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
An open, inclined conduit fitted with a gate for regulating water flow.
This type is a sub-type of ManMadeObject.
A body of water that is entirely surrounded by land.
This type is a sub-type of SurfaceWater.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
elevation | Elevation above mean sea level. | Length | voidable |
meanDepth | Average depth of the body of water. | Length | voidable |
surfaceArea | Surface area of the body of water. | Area | voidable |
Standing water geometry may be a surface or point
Any known inland waterway body.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is abstract.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the surface water: - either a curve or surface for a watercourse; - either a point or surface for a standing water. | GM_Primitive | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
levelOfDetail | Resolution, expressed as the inverse of an indicative scale or a ground distance. | MD_Resolution | |
localType | Provides ‘local’ name for the type of surface water. | LocalisedCharacterString | voidable |
origin | Origin of the surface water. | OriginValue | voidable |
persistence | The degree of persistence of water. | HydrologicalPersistenceValue | voidable |
tidal | Identifies whether the surface water is affected by tidal water. | Boolean | voidable |
Association role | Definition | Type | Voidability |
bank | The bank(s) associated to a surface water. | Shore | voidable |
drainsBasin | The basin(s) drained by a surface water. | DrainageBasin | voidable |
neighbour | An association to another instance of the same real-world surface water in another data set. | SurfaceWater | voidable |
A natural or man-made flowing watercourse or stream.
This type is a sub-type of SurfaceWater.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
condition | The state of planning, construction, repair, and/or maintenance of a watercourse. | ConditionOfFacilityValue | voidable |
delineationKnown | An indication that the delineation (for example: limits and information) of a spatial object is known. | Boolean | voidable |
length | Length of the watercourse. | Length | voidable |
level | Vertical location of watercourse relative to ground. | VerticalPositionValue | voidable |
streamOrder | Number (or code) expressing the degree of branching in a stream system. | HydroOrderCode | voidable |
width | Width of watercourse (as a range) along its length. | WidthRange | voidable |
Watercourse geometry may be a curve or surface
A condition attribute may be specified only for a man-made watercourse
A poorly drained or periodically flooded area where the soil is saturated with water, and vegetation is supported.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Land cover in Annex II to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
geometry | The geometry of the wetland, as a surface. | GM_Surface | |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
localType | Provides ‘local’ name for the type of wetland. | LocalisedCharacterString | voidable |
Tidal | Identifies whether the wetland is affected by tidal water. | Boolean | voidable |
A hydrologically meaningful ‘order code’ for ordering hierarchies of watercourses and drainage basins.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
order | Number (or code) expressing the degree of branching or dividing in a stream or drainage basin system. | CharacterString | |
orderScheme | A description of the concept for ordering. | CharacterString | |
scope | An indicator of the scope or origin for an order code (including whether it is national, supranational or European). | CharacterString |
The range of a watercourse’s horizontal width along its length.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
lower | Lower bound of width. | Length | |
upper | Upper bound of width. | Length |
An enumeration type specifying a set of hydrographic ‘origin’ categories (natural, man-made) for various hydrographic objects.
Value | Definition |
natural | An indication that a spatial object is natural. |
manMade | An indication that a spatial object is man-made. |
Man-made physical watercourse crossing types.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Categories of hydrological persistence of a body of water.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The type of a land subject to inundation.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Natural risk zones in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Categories of shore area composition.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Land cover in Annex II to Directive 2007/2/EC.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The tidal datum / waterlevel to which depths and heights are referenced.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects related to Hydro - Reporting:
WFD Coastal Water
WFD Ground Water Body
WFD Lake
WFD River
WFD River or Lake
WFD Surface Water Body
WFD Transitional Water
WFD Water Body
Surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest point of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured, extending where appropriate up to the outer limit of transitional waters.
This type is a sub-type of WFDSurfaceWaterBody.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Coastal water geometry must be a surface
A distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers.
This type is a sub-type of WFDWaterBody.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geometry | The geometry of the WFD groundwater body. | GM_Primitive | voidable |
A body of standing inland surface water.
This type is a sub-type of WFDRiverOrLake.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Lake geometry must be a surface
A body of inland water flowing for the most part on the surface of the land but which may flow underground for part of its course.
This type is a sub-type of WFDRiverOrLake.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
River geometry must be a curve
Main and large attributes may not be specified for canals
Abstract class containing common attributes for a WFD river or lake.
This type is a sub-type of WFDSurfaceWaterBody.
This type is abstract.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
large | Rivers with a catchment area > 50,000 km2; or rivers and main tributaries that have a catchment area between 5,000 km2 and 50,000 km2. Lakes that have a surface area > 500 km2. | Boolean | voidable |
main | Rivers that have a catchment area > 500 km2. Lakes that have a surface area > 10 km2. | Boolean | voidable |
A discrete and significant element of surface water.
This type is a sub-type of WFDWaterBody.
This type is abstract.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
artificial | ‘Artificial water body’ means a body of surface water created by human activity. | Boolean | |
geometry | The geometry of the WFD surface water body: - a surface for a WFD coastal water; - a surface for a WFD transitional water; - a curve for a WFD river; - a surface for a WFD lake. | GM_Primitive | |
heavilyModified | ‘Heavily modified water body’ means a body of surface water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity is substantially changed in character, as designated by the Member State in accordance with the provisions of WFD Annex II. | Boolean | |
representativePoint | Representative point of the WFD water body. | GM_Point | voidable |
heavilyModified attribute allowed only if not artificial
Bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline in character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows.
This type is a sub-type of WFDSurfaceWaterBody.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Transitional water geometry must be a surface
Abstract class representing a WFD body of surface water or body of groundwater.
This type is a sub-type of HydroObject.
This type is abstract.
This type is a candidate type to be considered by the spatial data theme Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units in Annex III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
beginLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
endLifespanVersion | Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. | DateTime | voidable |
inspireId | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier |
The centrelines of watercourse objects shall fall within the extent of the physical real world object that they represent if the Watercourse Link is indicated as not being ‘fictitious’.
Layer Type | Layer Title | Spatial object type(s) |
HY.PhysicalWaters.Waterbodies | Waterbody | Watercourse, StandingWater |
HY.PhysicalWaters.LandWaterBoundary | Land-Water Boundary | LandWaterBoundary |
HY.PhysicalWaters.Catchments | Catchment | DrainageBasin, RiverBasin |
HY.Network | Hydrographic Network | HydroNode, WatercourseLink |
HY.PhysicalWaters.HydroPointOfInterest | Hydro Point of Interest | Rapids, Falls |
HY.PhysicalWaters.ManMadeObject | Man-made Object | Crossing, DamOrWeir, Sluice, Lock, Ford, ShorelineConstruction |
HY.HydroObject | Shore, Wetland | Shore, Wetland |
HY.Reporting.WFDRiver | WFD-River | WFDRiver |
HY.Reporting.WFDLake | WFD-Lake | WFDLake |
HY.Reporting.WFDTransitionalWater | WFD-Transitional water | WFDTransitionalWater |
HY.Reporting.WFDCoastalWater | WFD-Coastal water | WFDCoastalWater |
HY.OceanRegion | Ocean Region | OceanRegion |
The following spatial object types shall be used for the exchange and classification of spatial objects from data sets that relate to the spatial data theme Protected Sites:
Protected Site
An area designated or managed within a framework of international, Union and Member States’ legislation to achieve specific conservation objectives.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
geometry | The geometry defining the boundary of the Protected Site. | GM_Object | |
inspireID | External object identifier of the spatial object. | Identifier | |
legalFoundationDate | The date that the protected site was legally created. This is the date that the real world object was created, not the date that its representation in an information system was created. | DateTime | voidable |
legalFoundationDocument | A URL or text citation referencing the legal act that created the Protected Site. | CI_Citation | voidable |
siteDesignation | The designation (type) of Protected Site. | DesignationType | voidable |
siteName | The name of the Protected Site. | GeographicalName | voidable |
siteProtectionClassification | The classification of the protected site based on the purpose for protection. | ProtectionClassificationValue | voidable |
A data type designed to contain a designation for the Protected Site, including the designation scheme used and the value within that scheme.
Attribute | Definition | Type | Voidability |
designation | The actual Site designation. | DesignationValue | |
designationScheme | The scheme from which the designation code comes. | DesignationSchemeValue | |
percentageUnderDesignation | The percentage of the site that falls under the designation. This is used in particular for the IUCN categorisation. If a value is not provided for this attribute, it is assumed to be 100 % | Percentage |
Sites must use designations from an appropriate designation scheme, and the designation code value must agree with the designation scheme.
The protected site classification based on the purpose of protection.
Value | Definition |
natureConservation | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of biological diversity. |
archaeological | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of archaeological heritage. |
cultural | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of cultural heritage. |
ecological | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of ecological stability. |
landscape | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of landscape characteristics. |
environment | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of environmental stability. |
Geological | The Protected Site is protected for the maintenance of geological characteristics. |
The scheme used to assign a designation to the Protected Sites.
This code list may be extended by the Member States.
Abstract base type for code lists containing the classification and designation types under different schemes.
This type is abstract.
A code list for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature classification scheme.
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code list for the National Monuments Record classification scheme.
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code list for the Natura2000 designation scheme, in accordance with Council Directive 92/43/EEC(1) (Habitats Directive).
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code list for the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) designation scheme.
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code list for the Man and Biosphere Programme classification scheme.
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
A code list for the World Heritage designation scheme.
This type is a sub-type of DesignationValue.
This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.
Layer Type | Layer Title | Spatial object type(s) |
PS.ProtectedSite | Protected Sites | ProtectedSite |