Arguments and evidence shall be generated to show that:
accuracy and resolution requirements are complied with at data origination and maintained through to publication to the next intended user, including, whenever the resolution of a data item is reduced or changed, or the data is translated into a different coordinate system or unit of measurement;
the origin and change history for each data item is recorded and available for audit;
the aeronautical data or aeronautical information is complete or any missing items are declared;
all data origination, production, storage, handling, processing, transfer or distribution processes used for each data item are defined and adequate for the assigned level of integrity of the data item;
data validation and verification processes are adequate for the assigned integrity level of the data item;
manual or semi-automated data processes are performed by trained and qualified staff, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities that are recorded in the organisation’s quality system;
all tools and/or software used to support or implement the processes are validated as fit for purpose in accordance with Annex V;
an effective error reporting, measurement and corrective action process is in operation in accordance with Part F.