Description of the goods

Classification(CN code)





A product in the form of a steel disc, cut from a flat hot-rolled plate, with a diameter of approximately 187 cm and a thickness of approximately 1,5 cm, with a stamped small hole and larger oval-shaped hole.

After presentation, it is to be further processed (milling and drilling of additional holes, mounting of a steel rim and a surface treatment and coating) prior to being used.

It is to be used together with a similar disc of a thickness of approximately 2,5 cm to connect one blade to the blade bearing in the nacelle of a so-called ‘wind turbine’ (a wind engine integrated with a generator).

See image3.

7326 90 98

Classification is determined by General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 7326, 7326 90 and 7326 90 98.

Classification under heading 7308 as a part of a structure or under Section XVI as a part of a machine is excluded because, as presented, the product cannot be identified as a ‘part’ given that it requires further processing.

It is therefore to be classified according to its constituent material under CN code 7326 90 98 as other articles of steel.

The image is purely for information.
