Article 17U.K.

1.Each Member State shall store in an electronic system the following information:

(a)information which it collects pursuant to Chapter 6 of Title XI of Directive 2006/112/EC;

(b)data on the identity, activity, legal form and address of persons to whom it has issued a VAT identification number, collected pursuant to Article 213 of Directive 2006/112/EC, as well as the date on which that number was issued;

(c)data on VAT identification numbers it has issued which have become invalid, and the dates on which those numbers became invalid; and

(d)information which it collects pursuant to Articles 360, 361, 364 and 365 of Directive 2006/112/EC as well as, from 1 January 2015, information which it collects pursuant to Articles 369c, 369f and 369g of that Directive.

2.The technical details concerning the automated enquiry of the information referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1 shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 58(2).

Article 18U.K.

To enable the information referred to in Article 17 to be used in the procedures provided for in this Regulation, that information shall be available for at least five years from the end of the first calendar year in which access to the information is to be granted.

Article 19U.K.

Member States shall ensure that the information available in the electronic system referred to in Article 17 is kept up-to-date, and is complete and accurate.

Criteria shall be defined, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 58(2), to determine which changes are not pertinent, essential or useful and therefore need not be made.

Article 20U.K.

1.The information referred to in Article 17 shall be entered into the electronic system without delay.

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the information referred to in Article 17(1)(a) shall be entered into the electronic system no later than one month after the end of the period to which that information relates.

3.By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2, where information is to be corrected in, or added to, the electronic system pursuant to Article 19, the information must be entered no later than one month after the period in which it was collected.

Article 21U.K.

1.Every Member State shall grant the competent authority of any other Member State automated access to the information stored pursuant to Article 17.

2.With respect to the information referred to in Article 17(1)(a), at least the following details shall be accessible:

(a)VAT identification numbers issued by the Member State receiving the information;

(b)the total value of all intra-Community supplies of goods and the total value of all intra-Community supplies of services to persons holding a VAT identification number referred to in point (a) by all operators identified for the purposes of VAT in the Member State providing the information;

(c)the VAT identification numbers of the persons who carried out the supplies of goods and services referred to in point (b);

(d)the total value of the supplies of goods and services referred to in point (b) from each person referred to in point (c) to each person holding a VAT identification number referred to in point (a);

(e)the total value of the supplies of goods and services referred to in point (b) from each person referred to in point (c) to each person holding a VAT identification number issued by another Member State under the following conditions:


access is in connection with an investigation into suspected fraud;


access is through a Eurofisc liaison official, as referred to in Article 36(1), who holds a personal user identification for the electronic systems allowing access to this information; and


access is only granted during general working hours.

The values referred to in points (b), (d) and (e) shall be expressed in the currency of the Member State providing the information and shall relate to the periods for submission of the recapitulative statements specific to each taxable person which are established in accordance with Article 263 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Article 22U.K.

1.In order to provide a reasonable level of assurance to tax administrations with regard to the quality and reliability of the information available through the electronic system referred to in Article 17, Member States shall adopt the measures necessary to ensure that the data provided by taxable persons and non-taxable legal persons for their identification for VAT purposes in accordance with Article 214 of Directive 2006/112/EC, are, in their assessment, complete and accurate.

Member States shall implement procedures for checking these data as determined by the results of their risk assessment. The checks shall be carried out, in principle, prior to identification for VAT purposes or, where only preliminary checks are conducted before such identification, no later than six months from such identification.

2.The Member States shall inform the Committee referred to in Article 58(1) of the measures implemented at national level to ensure the quality and reliability of the information in accordance with paragraph 1.

Article 23U.K.

Member States shall ensure that the VAT identification number, referred to in Article 214 of Directive 2006/112/EC, is shown as invalid in the electronic system referred to in Article 17 of this Regulation at least in the following situations:


where persons identified for VAT purposes have stated that their economic activity, as defined in Article 9 of Directive 2006/112/EC, has ceased or where the competent tax administration considers that they have ceased such activity. A tax administration may presume in particular that a person has ceased economic activity when, despite being required to do so, that person has failed to submit VAT returns and recapitulative statements for a year after expiry of the deadline for submission of the first return or statement missed. The person shall have the right to prove the existence of an economic activity by other means;


where persons have declared false data in order to obtain VAT identification or have failed to communicate changes to their data and, had the tax administration known, the latter would have refused identification for VAT purposes or withdrawn the VAT identification number.

Article 24U.K.

Where, for the purposes of Articles 17 to 21, the competent authorities of the Member States exchange information by electronic means, they shall take all measures necessary to ensure compliance with Article 55.

Member States shall be responsible for all necessary developments to their systems to permit the exchange of that information using the CCN/CSI network.