SECTION 4 Specifications and change management

Article 71Data Exchange and Technical Specifications

Following an opinion of the Climate Change Committee pursuant to Article 3 of Council Decision 1999/468/EC14, the Commission shall adopt the Data Exchange and Technical Specifications necessary for exchanging data between registries and transaction logs, including the identification codes, automated checks and response codes, as well as the testing procedures and security requirements necessary for the launching of data exchange. The Data Exchange and Technical Specifications shall be consistent with the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol elaborated pursuant to Decision 12/CMP.1.

Article 72Change management

If a new version or release of a KP registry, including the Union registry is required, that registry shall complete the testing procedures set out in the Data Exchange and Technical Specifications provided for in Article 71 before a communication link is established and activated between the new version or release of that registry and the EUTL or ITL.