ANNEX IIIFood simulants

F24.Food simulant assignment for testing overall migration

For tests to demonstrate compliance with the overall migration limit food simulants shall be chosen as set out in Table 3:

Table 3Food simulant assignment for demonstrating compliance with the overall migration limit

Foods covered

Food simulants in which testing shall be performed

all types of food


distilled water or water of equivalent quality or food simulant A;


food simulant B; and


food simulant D2.

all types of food except for acidic foods


distilled water or water of equivalent quality or food simulant A; and


food simulant D2.

F1all aqueous and alcoholic foods and milk products with a pH ≥ 4,5

food simulant D1

all aqueous and alcoholic foods and milk products with a pH < 4,5

food simulant D1 and food simulant B

all aqueous foods and alcoholic foods up to an alcohol content of 20 %

food simulant C

all aqueous and acidic foods and alcoholic foods up to an alcohol content of 20 %


food simulant C; and


food simulant B.