Basic Instrument Flight Module
This comprises 10 hours of instrument time under instruction, of which up to 5 hours can be instrument ground time in a BITD, FNPT I or II, or an FFS. Upon completion of the Basic Instrument Flight Module, the candidate shall be issued a Course Completion Certificate.
Procedural Instrument Flight Module
This comprises the remainder of the training syllabus for the IR(A), 40 hours single-engine or 45 hours multi-engine instrument time under instruction, and the theoretical knowledge course for the IR(A).
The ATO shall ensure that the applicant for a multi-engine IR(A) course who has not held a multi-engine aeroplane class or type rating has received the multi-engine training specified in Subpart H prior to commencing the flight training for the IR(A) course.
theoretical knowledge instruction to the IR knowledge level;
instrument flight instruction.
Basic Instrument Flight Module: Procedure and manoeuvre for basic instrument flight covering at least:
basic instrument flight without external visual cues:
horizontal flight,
turns in level flight, climbing, descent;
instrument pattern;
steep turn;
recovery from unusual attitudes;
limited panel;
recognition and recovery from incipient and full stalls;
Procedural Instrument Flight Module:
pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate air traffic services documents in the preparation of an IFR flight plan;
procedure and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions covering at least:
transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off,
standard instrument departures and arrivals,
en-route IFR procedures,
holding procedures,
instrument approaches to specified minima,
missed approach procedures,
landings from instrument approaches, including circling;
in-flight manoeuvres and particular flight characteristics;
if required, operation of a multi-engine aeroplane in the above exercises, including operation of the aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine simulated inoperative and engine shutdown and restart (the latter exercise to be carried out at a safe altitude unless carried out in an FFS or FNPT II).