Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)
A. General
1.An applicant for a skill test shall have received instruction on the same class or type of aircraft to be used in the test.
2.Failure to achieve a pass in all sections of the test in two attempts will require further training.
3.There is no limit to the number of skill tests that may be attempted.
4.Unless otherwise determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21, the syllabus of flight instruction shall comply with this Appendix. The syllabus may be reduced to give credit for previous experience on similar aircraft types, as determined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21.
5.Except in the case of skill tests for the issue of an ATPL, when so defined in the operational suitability data established in accordance with Part-21 for the specific type, credit may be given for skill test items common to other types or variants where the pilot is qualified.
6.The examiner may choose between different skill test or proficiency check scenarios containing simulated relevant operations developed and approved by the competent authority. Full flight simulators and other training devices, when available, shall be used, as established in this Part.
7.During the proficiency check, the examiner shall verify that the holder of the class or type rating maintains an adequate level of theoretical knowledge.
8.Should the applicant choose to terminate a skill test for reasons considered inadequate by the examiner, the applicant shall retake the entire skill test. If the test is terminated for reasons considered adequate by the examiner, only those sections not completed shall be tested in a further flight.
9.At the discretion of the examiner, any manoeuvre or procedure of the test may be repeated once by the applicant. The examiner may stop the test at any stage if it is considered that the applicant’s demonstration of flying skill requires a complete re-test.
10.An applicant shall be required to fly the aircraft from a position where the PIC or co-pilot functions, as relevant, can be performed and to carry out the test as if there is no other crew member if taking the test/check under single-pilot conditions. Responsibility for the flight shall be allocated in accordance with national regulations.
11.During pre-flight preparation for the test the applicant is required to determine power settings and speeds. The applicant shall indicate to the examiner the checks and duties carried out, including the identification of radio facilities. Checks shall be completed in accordance with the check-list for the aircraft on which the test is being taken and, if applicable, with the MCC concept. Performance data for take-off, approach and landing shall be calculated by the applicant in compliance with the operations manual or flight manual for the aircraft used. Decision heights/altitude, minimum descent heights/altitudes and missed approach point shall be agreed upon with the examiner.
12.The examiner shall take no part in the operation of the aircraft except where intervention is necessary in the interests of safety or to avoid unacceptable delay to other traffic.
13.The skill test for a multi-pilot aircraft or a single-pilot aeroplane when operated in multi-pilot operations shall be performed in a multi-crew environment. Another applicant or another type rated qualified pilot may function as second pilot. If an aircraft is used, the second pilot shall be the examiner or an instructor.
14.The applicant shall operate as PF during all sections of the skill test, except for abnormal and emergency procedures, which may be conducted as PF or PNF in accordance with MCC. The applicant for the initial issue of a multi-pilot aircraft type rating or ATPL shall also demonstrate the ability to act as PNF. The applicant may choose either the left hand or the right hand seat for the skill test if all items can be executed from the selected seat.
15.The following matters shall be specifically checked by the examiner for applicants for the ATPL or a type rating for multi-pilot aircraft or for multi-pilot operations in a single-pilot aeroplane extending to the duties of a PIC, irrespective of whether the applicant acts as PF or PNF:
management of crew cooperation;
maintaining a general survey of the aircraft operation by appropriate supervision; and
setting priorities and making decisions in accordance with safety aspects and relevant rules and regulations appropriate to the operational situation, including emergencies.
16.The test/check should be accomplished under IFR, if the IR rating is included, and as far as possible be accomplished in a simulated commercial air transport environment. An essential element to be checked is the ability to plan and conduct the flight from routine briefing material.
17.When the type rating course has included less than 2 hours flight training on the aircraft, the skill test may be conducted in an FFS and may be completed before the flight training on the aircraft. In that case, a certificate of completion of the type rating course including the flight training on the aircraft shall be forwarded to the competent authority before the new type rating is entered in the applicant’s licence.
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