15 hours of dual flight instruction in the class in which the skill test will be taken;
6 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 3 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 150 km (80 NM), during which 1 full stop landing at an aerodrome different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made.
The amount of credit shall be decided by the ATO where the pilot undergoes the training course, on the basis of a pre-entry flight test, but shall in any case:
not exceed the total flight time as PIC;
not exceed 50 % of the hours required in (a);
not include the requirements of (a)(2).
3 hours of flight instruction, including:
10 dual take-offs and landings; and
10 supervised solo take-offs and landings.
a skill test to demonstrate an adequate level of practical skill in the new class. During this skill test, the applicant shall also demonstrate to the examiner an adequate level of theoretical knowledge for the other class in the following subjects:
Operational procedures;
Flight performance and planning;
Aircraft general knowledge.
at least 12 hours of flight time as PIC, including 12 take-offs and landings; and
refresher training of at least 1 hour of total flight time with an instructor.
undertake a proficiency check with an examiner before they resume the exercise of the privileges of their licence; or
perform the additional flight time or take-offs and landings, flying dual or solo under the supervision of an instructor, in order to fulfil the requirements in (a).