Regulation (EU) No 1343/2011 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EU) No 1343/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on certain provisions for fishing in the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) Agreement area and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea

(A) GFCM/SAC Fleet Segmentation U.K.

Groups< 6 metres6-12 metres12-24 metresMore than 24 metres
1. Polyvalent small-scale vessels without engine
2. Polyvalent small-scale vessels with engine
3. Trawlers
4. Purse seiners
5. Longliners
6. Pelagic Trawlers
7. Tuna seiners
8. Dredgers
9. Polyvalent vessels

Description of segmentsU.K.

A Polyvalent small-scale vessels without engine

All vessels less than 12 metres in length (LOA) without an engine (wind or propulsion).

B Polyvalent small-scale vessels with engine less than 6 m

All vessels under 6 metres in length (LOA) with engine.

C Polyvalent small-scale vessels with engine between 6 and 12 metres

All vessels between 6 and 12 metres in length (LOA) with engine, that use different gears during the year without clear predominance of one of them or that use a gear not considered in this classification.

D Trawlers less than 12 m

All vessels less than 12 metres in length (LOA) allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a demersal trawl.

E Trawlers between 12 and 24 m

All vessels, between 12 and 24 metres in length (LOA) allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a demersal trawl.

F Trawlers longer than 24 m

All vessels over 24 metres in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a demersal trawl.

G Purse Seiners between 6 and 12 m

All vessels between 6 and 12 m in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a purse seine.

H Purse Seiners longer than 12 m

All vessels over 12 m in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a purse seine, excluding those using a tuna seine during any time of the year.

I Longliners longer than 6 m

All vessels over 6 m in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a longline.

J Pelagic Trawlers longer than 6 m

All vessels over 6 m in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a pelagic trawl.

K Tuna seiners

All vessels operating with a Tuna Seine for any length of time during the year.

L Dredgers longer than 6 m

All vessels over 6 m in length (LOA), allocating more than 50 percent of their effort operating with a dredge.

M Polyvalent vessels longer than 12 m

All vessels over 12 metres in length (LOA), that use different gears during the year without clear predominance of one of them or that use a gear not considered in this classification.

Note: All the cells are open for collecting information. The cells left blank in the above table are considered as unlikely to have a significant population. However, if necessary, it is advisable to merge the information of a ‘blank cell’ with the most appropriate neighbouring ‘grey cell’.U.K.