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For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:


fur animals’ means animals kept or reared for the production of fur and not used for human consumption;


blood’ means fresh whole blood;


feed material’ means those feed materials, as defined in Article 3(2)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009, that are of animal origin, including processed animal proteins, blood products, rendered fats, egg products, fish oil, fat derivatives, collagen, gelatine and hydrolysed proteins, dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, milk, milk-based products, milk-derived products, colostrum, colostrum products and centrifuge or separator sludge;


blood products’ means derived products from blood or fractions of blood, excluding blood meal; they include dried/frozen/liquid plasma, dried whole blood, dried/frozen/liquid red cells or fractions thereof and mixtures;


processed animal protein’ means animal protein derived entirely from Category 3 material, which have been treated in accordance with Section 1 of Chapter II of Annex X (including blood meal and fishmeal) so as to render them suitable for direct use as feed material or for any other use in feedingstuffs, including petfood, or for use in organic fertilisers or soil improvers; however, it does not include blood products, milk, milk-based products, milk-derived products, colostrum, colostrum products, centrifuge or separator sludge, gelatine, hydrolysed proteins and dicalcium phosphate, eggs and egg-products, including eggshells, tricalcium phosphate and collagen;


blood meal’ means processed animal protein derived from the heat treatment of blood or fractions of blood in accordance with Section 1 of Chapter II of Annex X;


fishmeal’ means processed animal protein derived from aquatic animals, except sea mammals;


rendered fats’ means either fats derived from the processing of:


animal by-products; or


products for human consumption, which an operator has destined for purposes other than human consumption;


fish oil’ means oil derived from the processing of aquatic animals or oil from the processing of fish for human consumption, which an operator has destined for purposes other than human consumption;


apiculture by-products’ means honey, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis or pollen not intended for human consumption;


collagen’ means protein-based products derived from hides, skins, bones and tendons of animals;


gelatine’ means natural, soluble protein, gelling or non-gelling, obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen produced from bones, hides and skins, tendons and sinews of animals;


greaves’ means the protein-containing residue of rendering, after partial separation of fat and water;


hydrolysed proteins’ means polypeptides, peptides and aminoacids, and mixtures thereof, obtained by the hydrolysis of animal by-products;


white water’ means a mixture of milk, milk-based products or products derived thereof with water which is collected during the rinsing of dairy equipment including containers used for dairy products, prior to their cleaning and disinfection;


canned petfood’ means heat-processed petfood contained within a hermetically sealed container;


dogchews’ means products for pet animals to chew, produced from untanned hides and skins of ungulates or from other material of animal origin;


flavouring innards’ means a liquid or dehydrated derived product of animal origin used to enhance the palatability values of petfood;


[F1petfood means feed, other than material referred to in Article 24(2), for use as feed for pet animals, and dogchews consisting of animal by-products or derived products which:


contain Category 3 material, other than material referred to in Article 10(n), (o) and (p) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009; and


may contain imported Category 1 material comprising of animal by-products derived from animals which have been submitted to illegal treatment as defined in Article 1(2)(d) of Directive 96/22/EC or Article 2(b) of Directive 96/23/EC;]


processed petfood’ means petfood, other than raw petfood, which has been processed in accordance with point 3 of Chapter II of Annex XIII;


raw petfood’ means petfood containing certain Category 3 material which has not undergone any preserving process other than chilling or freezing;


catering waste’ means all waste food, including used cooking oil originating in restaurants, catering facilities and kitchens, including central kitchens and household kitchens;


[F1digestion residues means residues, including the liquid fraction, resulting from the transformation of animal by-products in a biogas plant;]


digestive tract content’ means the content of the digestive tract of mammals and ratites;


fat derivatives’ means derived products from rendered fats, which, as regards rendered fats of Category 1 or Category 2 material, have been processed in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex XIII;


guano’ means a natural product which has been collected from the excrements of bats or wild sea birds and which is not mineralised;


meat-and-bone meal’ means animal protein derived from the processing of Category 1 or Category 2 materials in accordance with one of the processing methods set out in Chapter III of Annex IV;


treated hides and skins’ means derived products from untreated hides and skins, other than dogchews, that have been:




dry-salted or wet-salted for a period of at least 14 days prior to dispatch;


salted for a period of at least seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate;


dried for a period of at least 42 days at a temperature of at least 20 °C; or


subject to a preservation process other than tanning;


untreated hides and skins’ means all cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues that have not undergone any treatment, other than cutting, chilling or freezing;


untreated feathers and parts of feathers’ means feathers and parts of feathers, other than feathers or parts of feathers, which have been treated:


with a steam current; or


by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain;


[F2untreated wool means wool, other than wool which has:


undergone factory washing;


been obtained from tanning;


been treated by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain;


been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, and has undergone factory-washing which consisting of the immersion of the wool in series of baths of water, soap and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide; or


been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, is intended for being dispatched directly to a plant producing derived products from wool for the textile industry and has undergone at least one of the following treatments:


chemical depilation by means of slaked lime or sodium sulphide;


fumigation in formaldehyde in a hermetically sealed chamber for at least 24 hours;


industrial scouring which consists of the immersion of wool in a water-soluble detergent held at 60–70 °C;


storage, which may include the journey time, at 37 °C for eight days, 18 °C for 28 days or 4 °C for 120 days;


untreated hair means hair, other than hair which has:


undergone factory washing;


been obtained from tanning;


been treated by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain;


been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, and has undergone factory-washing which consisting of the immersion of the hair in series of baths of water, soap and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide; or


been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, is intended for being dispatched directly to a plant producing derived products from hair for the textile industry and has undergone at least one of the following treatments:


chemical depilation by means of slaked lime or sodium sulphide;


fumigation in formaldehyde in a hermetically sealed chamber for at least 24 hours;


industrial scouring which consists of the immersion of hair in a water-soluble detergent held at 60–70 °C;


storage, which may include the journey time, at 37 °C for eight days, 18 °C for 28 days or 4 °C for 120 days;]


untreated pig bristles’ means pig bristles, other than pig bristles which have:


undergone factory washing;


been obtained from tanning; or


been treated by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain;


display item’ means animal by-products or derived products intended for exhibitions or artistic activities;


intermediate product’ means a derived product:


which is intended for the manufacture of medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products, medical devices, active implantable medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices or laboratory reagents;


whose design, transformation and manufacturing stages have been sufficiently completed in order to be regarded as a derived product and to qualify the material directly or as a component of a product for that purpose;


which however requires some further handling or transformation, such as mixing, coating, assembling, packaging or labelling to make it suitable for placing the product on the market or putting it into service, as applicable, as a medicinal product, veterinary medicinal product, medical device, active implantable medical device, in vitro diagnostic medical device or laboratory reagent;


laboratory reagent’ means a packaged product, ready for use, containing animal by-products or derived products and intended as such or in combination with substances of non-animal origin for specific laboratory use as a reagent or reagent product, calibrator or control material to detect, measure, examine or produce other substances;


product used for in vitro diagnosis’ means a packaged product, ready for use, containing a blood product or another animal by-product, and used as a reagent, reagent product, calibrator, kit or any other system, whether used alone or in combination, intended to be used in vitro for the examination of samples of human or animal origin, solely or principally with a view to the diagnosis of a physiological state, state of health, disease or genetic abnormality or to determine safety and compatibility with reagents; it does not include donated organs or blood;


research and diagnostic samples’ means animal by-products and derived products intended for the following purposes: examination in the context of diagnostic activities or analysis for the promotion of progress in science and technology, in the context of educational or research activities;


trade samples’ means animal by-products or derived products intended for particular studies or analyses with a view to carrying out a production process or developing feedingstuffs or other derived products, including testing of machinery, for use in an establishment or plant which is:


producing feedingstuffs, or products for uses other than food and feed; or


processing animal by-products or derived products;


co-incineration’ means the recovery or disposal of animal by-products or derived products, if they are waste, in a co-incineration plant;


combustion’ means a process involving the oxidisation of fuel in order to use the energy value of the animal by-products or derived products, if they are not waste;


incineration’ means the disposal of animal by-products or derived products as waste, in an incineration plant, as defined in point 4 of Article 3 of Directive 2000/76/EC;


incineration and co-incineration residues’ means any residues as defined in point 13 of Article 3 of Directive 2000/76/EC, which are generated by incineration or co-incineration plants treating animal by-products or derived products;


colour-coding’ means the systematic use of colours as set out in point 1(c) of Chapter II of Annex VIII for displaying information as provided for in this Regulation on the surface or on part of the surface of a packaging, container or vehicle, or on a label or symbol applied to them;


intermediate operations’ means the operations, other than storage, referred to in Article 19(b);


tanning’ means the hardening of hides, using vegetable tanning agents, chromium salts or other substances such as aluminium salts, ferric salts, silicic salts, aldehydes and quinones, or other synthetic hardening agents;


taxidermy’ means the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike effect, so that no unacceptable risks to public and animal health may be transmitted through the mounted skin;


trade’ means trade in goods between Member States as referred to in Article 28 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;


processing methods’ means the methods listed in Chapters III and IV of Annex IV;


batch’ means a unit of production produced in a single plant using uniform production parameters, such as the origin of the materials, or a number of such units, when produced in continuous order in a single plant and stored together as a shipping unit;


hermetically sealed container’ means a container that is designed and intended to be secure against the entry of micro-organisms;


biogas plant’ means a plant in which animal by-products or derived products are at least part of the material which is submitted to biological degradation under anaerobic conditions;


collection centres’ means premises other than processing plants in which the animal by-products referred to in Article 18(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 are collected with the intention to be used for feeding to the animals referred to in the same Article;


composting plant’ means a plant in which animal by-products or derived products are at least part of the material which is submitted to biological degradation under aerobic conditions;


co-incineration plant’ means any stationary or mobile plant whose main purpose is the generation of energy or the production of material products as defined in point 5 of Article 3 of Directive 2000/76/EC;


incineration plant’ means any stationary or mobile technical unit and equipment dedicated to the thermal treatment of waste as defined in point 4 of Article 3 of Directive 2000/76/EC;


petfood plant’ means premises or facilities for the production of petfood or flavouring innards, as referred to in Article 24(1)(e) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009;


processing plant’ means premises or facilities for the processing of animal by-products as referred to in Article 24(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, in which animal by-products are processed in accordance with Annex IV and/or Annex X.