SECTION 1 U.K. Concepts

Article 10U.K.

1.For the application of Articles 44 and 45 of Directive 2006/112/EC, the place where the business of a taxable person is established shall be the place where the functions of the business’s central administration are carried out.

2.In order to determine the place referred to in paragraph 1, account shall be taken of the place where essential decisions concerning the general management of the business are taken, the place where the registered office of the business is located and the place where management meets.

Where these criteria do not allow the place of establishment of a business to be determined with certainty, the place where essential decisions concerning the general management of the business are taken shall take precedence.

3.The mere presence of a postal address may not be taken to be the place of establishment of a business of a taxable person.

Article 11U.K.

1.For the application of Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC, a ‘fixed establishment’ shall be any establishment, other than the place of establishment of a business referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation, characterised by a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of human and technical resources to enable it to receive and use the services supplied to it for its own needs.

2.For the application of the following Articles, a ‘fixed establishment’ shall be any establishment, other than the place of establishment of a business referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation, characterised by a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of human and technical resources to enable it to provide the services which it supplies:

(a)Article 45 of Directive 2006/112/EC;

(b)from 1 January 2013, the second subparagraph of Article 56(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC;

(c)until 31 December 2014, Article 58 of Directive 2006/112/EC;

(d)Article 192a of Directive 2006/112/EC.

3.The fact of having a VAT identification number shall not in itself be sufficient to consider that a taxable person has a fixed establishment.

Article 12U.K.

For the application of Directive 2006/112/EC, the ‘permanent address’ of a natural person, whether or not a taxable person, shall be the address entered in the population or similar register, or the address indicated by that person to the relevant tax authorities, unless there is evidence that this address does not reflect reality.

Article 13U.K.

The place where a natural person ‘usually resides’, whether or not a taxable person, as referred to in Directive 2006/112/EC shall be the place where that natural person usually lives as a result of personal and occupational ties.

Where the occupational ties are in a country different from that of the personal ties, or where no occupational ties exist, the place of usual residence shall be determined by personal ties which show close links between the natural person and a place where he is living.

[F1Article 13a U.K.

The place where a non-taxable legal person is established, as referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 56(2) and Articles 58 and 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC, shall be:


the place where the functions of its central administration are carried out; or


the place of any other establishment characterised by a sufficient degree of permanence and a suitable structure in terms of human and technical resources to enable it to receive and use the services supplied to it for its own needs.]

[F1Article 13b U.K.

For the application of Directive 2006/112/EC, the following shall be regarded as immovable property :


any specific part of the earth, on or below its surface, over which title and possession can be created;


any building or construction fixed to or in the ground above or below sea level which cannot be easily dismantled or moved;


any item that has been installed and makes up an integral part of a building or construction without which the building or construction is incomplete, such as doors, windows, roofs, staircases and lifts;


any item, equipment or machine permanently installed in a building or construction which cannot be moved without destroying or altering the building or construction.]

SECTION 2 U.K. Place of supply of goods (Articles 31 to 39 of Directive 2006/112/EC)

Article 14U.K.

Where in the course of a calendar year the threshold applied by a Member State in accordance with Article 34 of Directive 2006/112/EC is exceeded, Article 33 of that Directive shall not modify the place of supplies of goods other than products subject to excise duty carried out in the course of the same calendar year which are made before the threshold applied by the Member State for the calendar year then current is exceeded provided that all of the following conditions are met:


the supplier has not exercised the option provided for under Article 34(4) of that Directive;


the value of his supplies of goods did not exceed the threshold in the course of the preceding calendar year.

However, Article 33 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall modify the place of the following supplies to the Member State in which the dispatch or transport ends:


the supply of goods by which the threshold applied by the Member State for the calendar year then current was exceeded in the course of the same calendar year;


any subsequent supplies of goods within that Member State in that calendar year;


supplies of goods within that Member State in the calendar year following the calendar year in which the event referred to in point (a) occurred.

Article 15U.K.

The section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community referred to in Article 37 of Directive 2006/112/EC, shall be determined by the journey of the means of transport and not by the journey completed by each of the passengers.

SECTION 3 U.K. Place of intra-Community acquisitions of goods (Articles 40, 41 and 42 of Directive 2006/112/EC)

Article 16U.K.

Where an intra-Community acquisition of goods within the meaning of Article 20 of Directive 2006/112/EC has taken place, the Member State in which the dispatch or transport ends shall exercise its power of taxation irrespective of the VAT treatment applied to the transaction in the Member State in which the dispatch or transport began.

Any request by a supplier of goods for a correction in the VAT invoiced by him and reported by him to the Member State where the dispatch or transport of the goods began shall be treated by that Member State in accordance with its own domestic rules.

SECTION 4 U.K. Place of supply of services (Articles 43 to 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC)

Subsection 1 U.K. Status of the customer

Article 17U.K.

1.If the place of supply of services depends on whether the customer is a taxable or non-taxable person, the status of the customer shall be determined on the basis of Articles 9 to 13 and Article 43 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

2.A non-taxable legal person who is identified or required to be identified for VAT purposes under point (b) of Article 214(1) of Directive 2006/112/EC because his intra-Community acquisitions of goods are subject to VAT or because he has exercised the option of making those operations subject to VAT shall be a taxable person within the meaning of Article 43 of that Directive.

Article 18U.K.

1.Unless he has information to the contrary, the supplier may regard a customer established within the Community as a taxable person:

(a)where the customer has communicated his individual VAT identification number to him, and the supplier obtains confirmation of the validity of that identification number and of the associated name and address in accordance with Article 31 of Council Regulation (EC) No 904/2010 of 7 October 2010 on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of value added tax(1);

(b)where the customer has not yet received an individual VAT identification number, but informs the supplier that he has applied for it and the supplier obtains any other proof which demonstrates that the customer is a taxable person or a non-taxable legal person required to be identified for VAT purposes and carries out a reasonable level of verification of the accuracy of the information provided by the customer, by normal commercial security measures such as those relating to identity or payment checks.

2.Unless he has information to the contrary, the supplier may regard a customer established within the Community as a non-taxable person when he can demonstrate that the customer has not communicated his individual VAT identification number to him.

[F1However, irrespective of information to the contrary, the supplier of telecommunications, broadcasting or electronically supplied services may regard a customer established within the Community as a non-taxable person as long as that customer has not communicated his individual VAT identification number to him.]

3.Unless he has information to the contrary, the supplier may regard a customer established outside the Community as a taxable person:

(a)if he obtains from the customer a certificate issued by the customer’s competent tax authorities as confirmation that the customer is engaged in economic activities in order to enable him to obtain a refund of VAT under Council Directive 86/560/EEC of 17 November 1986 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes – Arrangements for the refund of value added tax to taxable persons not established in Community territory(2);

(b)where the customer does not possess that certificate, if the supplier has the VAT number, or a similar number attributed to the customer by the country of establishment and used to identify businesses or any other proof which demonstrates that the customer is a taxable person and if the supplier carries out a reasonable level of verification of the accuracy of the information provided by the customer, by normal commercial security measures such as those relating to identity or payment checks.

Subsection 2 U.K. Capacity of the customer

Article 19U.K.

For the purpose of applying the rules concerning the place of supply of services laid down in Articles 44 and 45 of Directive 2006/112/EC, a taxable person, or a non-taxable legal person deemed to be a taxable person, who receives services exclusively for private use, including use by his staff, shall be regarded as a non-taxable person.

Unless he has information to the contrary, such as information on the nature of the services provided, the supplier may consider that the services are for the customer’s business use if, for that transaction, the customer has communicated his individual VAT identification number.

Where one and the same service is intended for both private use, including use by the customer’s staff, and business use, the supply of that service shall be covered exclusively by Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC, provided there is no abusive practice.

Subsection 3 U.K. Location of the customer

Article 20U.K.

Where a supply of services carried out for a taxable person, or a non-taxable legal person deemed to be a taxable person, falls within the scope of Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC, and where that taxable person is established in a single country, or, in the absence of a place of establishment of a business or a fixed establishment, has his permanent address and usually resides in a single country, that supply of services shall be taxable in that country.

The supplier shall establish that place based on information from the customer, and verify that information by normal commercial security measures such as those relating to identity or payment checks.

The information may include the VAT identification number attributed by the Member State where the customer is established.

Article 21U.K.

Where a supply of services to a taxable person, or a non-taxable legal person deemed to be a taxable person, falls within the scope of Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC, and the taxable person is established in more than one country, that supply shall be taxable in the country where that taxable person has established his business.

However, where the service is provided to a fixed establishment of the taxable person located in a place other than that where the customer has established his business, that supply shall be taxable at the place of the fixed establishment receiving that service and using it for its own needs.

Where the taxable person does not have a place of establishment of a business or a fixed establishment, the supply shall be taxable at his permanent address or usual residence.

Article 22U.K.

1.In order to identify the customer’s fixed establishment to which the service is provided, the supplier shall examine the nature and use of the service provided.

Where the nature and use of the service provided do not enable him to identify the fixed establishment to which the service is provided, the supplier, in identifying that fixed establishment, shall pay particular attention to whether the contract, the order form and the VAT identification number attributed by the Member State of the customer and communicated to him by the customer identify the fixed establishment as the customer of the service and whether the fixed establishment is the entity paying for the service.

Where the customer’s fixed establishment to which the service is provided cannot be determined in accordance with the first and second subparagraphs of this paragraph or where services covered by Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC are supplied to a taxable person under a contract covering one or more services used in an unidentifiable and non-quantifiable manner, the supplier may legitimately consider that the services have been supplied at the place where the customer has established his business.

2.The application of this Article shall be without prejudice to the customer’s obligations.

Article 23U.K.

1.From 1 January 2013, where, in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 56(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC, a supply of services is taxable at the place where the customer is established, or, in the absence of an establishment, where he has his permanent address or usually resides, the supplier shall establish that place based on factual information provided by the customer, and verify that information by normal commercial security measures such as those relating to identity or payment checks.

2.Where, in accordance with Articles 58 and 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC, a supply of services is taxable at the place where the customer is established, or, in the absence of an establishment, where he has his permanent address or usually resides, the supplier shall establish that place based on factual information provided by the customer, and verify that information by normal commercial security measures such as those relating to identity or payment checks.

[F2Article 24 U.K.

Where services covered by the first subparagraph of Article 56(2) or Articles 58 and 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC are supplied to a non-taxable person who is established in more than one country or who has his permanent address in one country and his usual residence in another, priority shall be given:


in the case of a non-taxable legal person, to the place referred to in point (a) of Article 13a of this Regulation, unless there is evidence that the service is used at the establishment referred to in point (b) of that article;


in the case of a natural person, to the place where he usually resides, unless there is evidence that the service is used at his permanent address.]

[F1Subsection 3a U.K. Presumptions for the location of the customer

Article 24a U.K.

1. For the application of Articles 44, 58 and 59a of Directive 2006/112/EC, where a supplier of telecommunications, broadcasting or electronically supplied services provides those services at a location such as a telephone box, a telephone kiosk, a wi-fi hot spot, an internet café, a restaurant or a hotel lobby where the physical presence of the recipient of the service at that location is needed for the service to be provided to him by that supplier, it shall be presumed that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place of that location and that the service is effectively used and enjoyed there.

2. If the location referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is on board a ship, aircraft or train carrying out a passenger transport operation effected within the Community pursuant to Articles 37 and 57 of Directive 2006/112/EC, the country of the location shall be the country of departure of the passenger transport operation.

[F3Article 24b U.K.

For the application of Article 58 of Directive 2006/112/EC, where telecommunications, broadcasting or electronically supplied services are supplied to a non-taxable person:


through his fixed land line, it shall be presumed that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place of installation of the fixed land line;


through mobile networks, it shall be presumed that the place where the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides is the country identified by the mobile country code of the SIM card used when receiving those services;


for which the use of a decoder or similar device or a viewing card is needed and a fixed land line is not used, it shall be presumed that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place where that decoder or similar device is located, or if that place is not known, at the place to which the viewing card is sent with a view to being used there;


under circumstances other than those referred to in Article 24a and in points (a), (b) and (c) of this Article, it shall be presumed that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place identified as such by the supplier on the basis of two items of non-contradictory evidence as listed in Article 24f of this Regulation.

Without prejudice to point (d) of the first paragraph, for supplies of services falling under that point, where the total value of such supplies, exclusive of VAT, provided by a taxable person from his business establishment or a fixed establishment located in a Member State, does not exceed EUR 100 000 , or the equivalent in national currency, in the current and the preceding calendar year, the presumption shall be that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place identified as such by the supplier on the basis of one item of evidence provided by a person involved in the supply of the services other than the supplier or the customer, as listed in points (a) to (e) of Article 24f.

Where, during a calendar year, the threshold provided in the second paragraph has been exceeded, that paragraph shall not apply as of that time and until such time as the conditions provided in that paragraph are fulfilled again.

The corresponding value in national currency of the amount shall be calculated by applying the exchange rate published by the European Central Bank on the date of adoption of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2459 (3) .]

Article 24c U.K.

For the application of Article 56(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC, where the hiring, other than short-term hiring, of means of transport is supplied to a non-taxable person, it shall be presumed that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides at the place identified as such by the supplier on the basis of two items of non-contradictory evidence as listed in Article 24e of this Regulation.

Subsection 3b U.K. Rebuttal of presumptions

Article 24d U.K.

1. Where a supplier supplies a service listed in Article 58 of Directive 2006/112/EC, he may rebut a presumption referred to in Article 24a or in point (a), (b) or (c) of Article 24b of this Regulation on the basis of three items of non-contradictory evidence indicating that the customer is established, has his permanent address or usually resides elsewhere.

2. A tax authority may rebut presumptions that have been made under Article 24a, 24b or 24c where there are indications of misuse or abuse by the supplier.

Subsection 3c U.K. Evidence for the identification of the location of the customer and rebuttal of presumptions

Article 24e U.K.

For the purposes of applying the rules in Article 56(2) of Directive 2006/112/EC and fulfilling the requirements of Article 24c of this Regulation, the following shall, in particular, serve as evidence:


the billing address of the customer;


bank details such as the location of the bank account used for payment or the billing address of the customer held by that bank;


registration details of the means of transport hired by the customer, if registration of that means of transport is required at the place where it is used, or other similar information;


other commercially relevant information.

Article 24f U.K.

For the purpose of applying the rules in Article 58 of Directive 2006/112/EC and fulfilling the requirements of point (d) of Article 24b or Article 24d(1) of this Regulation, the following shall, in particular, serve as evidence:


the billing address of the customer;


the internet Protocol (IP) address of the device used by the customer or any method of geolocation;


bank details such as the location of the bank account used for payment or the billing address of the customer held by that bank;


the Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) stored on the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card used by the customer;


the location of the customer’s fixed land line through which the service is supplied to him;


other commercially relevant information.]

Subsection 4 U.K. Common provision regarding determination of the status, the capacity and the location of the customer

Article 25U.K.

For the application of the rules governing the place of supply of services, only the circumstances existing at the time of the chargeable event shall be taken into account. Any subsequent changes to the use of the service received shall not affect the determination of the place of supply, provided there is no abusive practice.

Subsection 5 U.K. Supply of services governed by the general rules

Article 26U.K.

A transaction whereby a body assigns television broadcasting rights in respect of football matches to taxable persons, shall be covered by Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Article 27U.K.

The supply of services which consist in applying for or receiving refunds of VAT under Council Directive 2008/9/EC of 12 February 2008 laying down detailed rules for the refund of value added tax, provided for in Directive 2006/112/EC, to taxable persons not established in the Member State of refund but established in another Member State(4) shall be covered by Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Article 28U.K.

In so far as they constitute a single service, the supply of services made in the framework of organising a funeral shall fall within the scope of Articles 44 and 45 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Article 29U.K.

Without prejudice to Article 41 of this Regulation, the supply of services of translation of texts shall fall within the scope of Articles 44 and 45 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Subsection 6 U.K. Supply of services by intermediaries

Article 30U.K.

The supply of services of intermediaries as referred to in Article 46 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall cover the services of intermediaries acting in the name and on behalf of the recipient of the service procured and the services performed by intermediaries acting in the name and on behalf of the provider of the services procured.

Article 31U.K.

Services supplied by intermediaries acting in the name and on behalf of another person consisting of the intermediation in the provision of accommodation in the hotel sector or in sectors having a similar function shall fall within the scope of:


Article 44 of Directive 2006/112/EC if supplied to a taxable person acting as such, or a non-taxable legal person deemed to be a taxable person;


Article 46 of that Directive, if supplied to a non-taxable person.

[F1Subsection 6a U.K. Supply of services connected with immovable property

[F1Article 31a U.K.

1. Services connected with immovable property, as referred to in Article 47 of Directive 2006/112/EC, shall include only those services that have a sufficiently direct connection with that property. Services shall be regarded as having a sufficiently direct connection with immovable property in the following cases:

(a) where they are derived from an immovable property and that property makes up a constituent element of the service and is central to, and essential for, the services supplied;

(b) where they are provided to, or directed towards, an immovable property, having as their object the legal or physical alteration of that property.

2. Paragraph 1 shall cover, in particular, the following:

(a) the drawing up of plans for a building or parts of a building designated for a particular plot of land regardless of whether or not the building is erected;

(b) the provision of on site supervision or security services;

(c) the construction of a building on land, as well as construction and demolition work performed on a building or parts of a building;

(d) the construction of permanent structures on land, as well as construction and demolition work performed on permanent structures such as pipeline systems for gas, water, sewerage and the like;

(e) work on land, including agricultural services such as tillage, sowing, watering and fertilisation;

(f) surveying and assessment of the risk and integrity of immovable property;

(g) the valuation of immovable property, including where such service is needed for insurance purposes, to determine the value of a property as collateral for a loan or to assess risk and damages in disputes;

(h) the leasing or letting of immovable property other than that covered by point (c) of paragraph 3, including the storage of goods for which a specific part of the property is assigned for the exclusive use of the customer;

(i) the provision of accommodation in the hotel sector or in sectors with a similar function, such as holiday camps or sites developed for use as camping sites, including the right to stay in a specific place resulting from the conversion of timeshare usage rights and the like;

(j) the assignment or transfer of rights other than those covered by points (h) and (i) to use the whole or parts of an immovable property, including the licence to use part of a property, such as the granting of fishing and hunting rights or access to lounges in airports, or the use of an infrastructure for which tolls are charged, such as a bridge or tunnel;

(k) the maintenance, renovation and repair of a building or parts of a building, including work such as cleaning, tiling, papering and parqueting;

(l) the maintenance, renovation and repair of permanent structures such as pipeline systems for gas, water, sewerage and the like;

(m) the installation or assembly of machines or equipment which, upon installation or assembly, qualify as immovable property;

(n) the maintenance and repair, inspection and supervision of machines or equipment if those machines or equipment qualify as immovable property;

(o) property management other than portfolio management of investments in real estate covered by point (g) of paragraph 3, consisting of the operation of commercial, industrial or residential real estate by or on behalf of the owner of the property;

(p) intermediation in the sale, leasing or letting of immovable property and in the establishment or transfer of certain interests in immovable property or rights in rem over immovable property (whether or not treated as tangible property), other than intermediation covered by point (d) of paragraph 3;

(q) legal services relating to the transfer of a title to immovable property, to the establishment or transfer of certain interests in immovable property or rights in rem over immovable property (whether or not treated as tangible property), such as notary work, or to the drawing up of a contract to sell or acquire immovable property, even if the underlying transaction resulting in the legal alteration of the property is not carried through.

3. Paragraph 1 shall not cover the following:

(a) the drawing up of plans for a building or parts of a building if not designated for a particular plot of land;

(b) the storage of goods in an immovable property if no specific part of the immovable property is assigned for the exclusive use of the customer;

(c) the provision of advertising, even if it involves the use of immovable property;

(d) intermediation in the provision of hotel accommodation or accommodation in sectors with a similar function, such as holiday camps or sites developed for use as camping sites, if the intermediary is acting in the name and on behalf of another person;

(e) the provision of a stand location at a fair or exhibition site together with other related services to enable the exhibitor to display items, such as the design of the stand, transport and storage of the items, the provision of machines, cable laying, insurance and advertising;

(f) the installation or assembly, the maintenance and repair, the inspection or the supervision of machines or equipment which is not, or does not become, part of the immovable property;

(g) portfolio management of investments in real estate;

(h) legal services other than those covered by point (q) of paragraph 2, connected to contracts, including advice given on the terms of a contract to transfer immovable property, or to enforce such a contract, or to prove the existence of such a contract, where such services are not specific to a transfer of a title on an immovable property.

Article 31b U.K.

Where equipment is put at the disposal of a customer with a view to carrying out work on immovable property, that transaction shall only be a supply of services connected with immovable property if the supplier assumes responsibility for the execution of the work.

A supplier who provides the customer with equipment together with sufficient staff for its operation with a view to carrying out work shall be presumed to have assumed responsibility for the execution of that work. The presumption that the supplier has the responsibility for the execution of the work may be rebutted by any relevant means in fact or law.]

Article 31c U.K.

For the purpose of determining the place of supply of telecommunications, broadcasting or electronically supplied services provided by a taxable person acting in his own name together with accommodation in the hotel sector or in sectors with a similar function, such as holiday camps or sites developed for use as camping sites, those services shall be regarded as being supplied at those locations.]

Subsection 7 U.K. Supply of cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment, and similar services

Article 32U.K.

1.Services in respect of admission to cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment or similar events as referred to in Article 53 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall include the supply of services of which the essential characteristics are the granting of the right of admission to an event in exchange for a ticket or payment, including payment in the form of a subscription, a season ticket or a periodic fee.

2.Paragraph 1 shall apply in particular to:

(a)the right of admission to shows, theatrical performances, circus performances, fairs, amusement parks, concerts, exhibitions, and other similar cultural events;

(b)the right of admission to sporting events such as matches or competitions;

(c)the right of admission to educational and scientific events such as conferences and seminars.

3.Paragraph 1 shall not cover the use of facilities such as gymnastics halls and suchlike, in exchange for the payment of a fee.

Article 33U.K.

The ancillary services referred to in Article 53 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall include services which are directly related to admission to cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment or similar events and which are supplied separately for a consideration to a person attending an event.

Such ancillary services shall include in particular the use of cloakrooms or sanitary facilities but shall not include mere intermediary services relating to the sale of tickets.

[F1Article 33a U.K.

The supply of tickets granting access to a cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational, entertainment or similar event by an intermediary acting in his own name but on behalf of the organiser or by a taxable person, other than the organiser, acting on his own behalf, shall be covered by Article 53 and Article 54(1) of Directive 2006/112/EC.]

Subsection 8 U.K. Supply of ancillary transport services and valuations of and work on movable property

Article 34U.K.

Except where the goods being assembled become part of immovable property, the place of the supply of services to a non-taxable person consisting only of the assembly by a taxable person of the various parts of a machine, all of which were provided to him by his customer, shall be established in accordance with Article 54 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Subsection 9 U.K. Supply of restaurant and catering services on board means of transport

Article 35U.K.

The section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community as referred to in Article 57 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall be determined by the journey of the means of transport and not by the journey completed by each of the passengers.

Article 36U.K.

Where restaurant services and catering services are supplied during the section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community, that supply shall be covered by Article 57 of Directive 2006/112/EC.

Where restaurant services and catering services are supplied outside such a section but on the territory of a Member State or a third country or third territory, that supply shall be covered by Article 55 of that Directive.

Article 37U.K.

The place of supply of a restaurant service or catering service carried out within the Community partly during a section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community, and partly outside such a section but on the territory of a Member State, shall be determined in its entirety according to the rules for determining the place of supply applicable at the beginning of the supply of the restaurant or catering service.

Subsection 10 U.K. Hiring of means of transport

Article 38U.K.

1.‘Means of transport’ as referred to in Article 56 and point (g) of the first paragraph of Article 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC shall include vehicles, whether motorised or not, and other equipment and devices designed to transport persons or objects from one place to another, which might be pulled, drawn or pushed by vehicles and which are normally designed to be used and actually capable of being used for transport.

2.The means of transport referred to in paragraph 1 shall include, in particular, the following vehicles:

(a)land vehicles, such as cars, motor cycles, bicycles, tricycles and caravans;

(b)trailers and semi-trailers;

(c)railway wagons;



(f)vehicles specifically designed for the transport of sick or injured persons;

(g)agricultural tractors and other agricultural vehicles;

(h)mechanically or electronically propelled invalid carriages.

3.Vehicles which are permanently immobilised and containers shall not be considered to be means of transport as referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 39U.K.

1.For the application of Article 56 of Directive 2006/112/EC, the duration of the continuous possession or use of a means of transport which is the subject of hiring shall be determined on the basis of the contract between the parties involved.

The contract shall serve as a presumption which may be rebutted by any means in fact or law in order to establish the actual duration of the continuous possession or use.

The fact that the contractual period of short-term hiring within the meaning of Article 56 of Directive 2006/112/EC is exceeded on grounds of force majeure shall have no bearing on the determination of the duration of the continuous possession or use of the means of transport.

2.Where hiring of one and the same means of transport is covered by consecutive contracts between the same parties, the duration shall be that of the continuous possession or use of the means of transport provided for under the contracts as a whole.

For the purposes of the first subparagraph a contract and its extensions shall be consecutive contracts.

However, the duration of the short-term hire contract or contracts preceding a contract which is regarded as long-term shall not be called into question provided there is no abusive practice.

3.Unless there is abusive practice, consecutive contracts between the same parties for different means of transport shall not be considered to be consecutive contracts for the purposes of paragraph 2.

Article 40U.K.

The place where the means of transport is actually put at the disposal of the customer as referred to in Article 56(1) of Directive 2006/112/EC, shall be the place where the customer or a third party acting on his behalf takes physical possession of it.