Article 8General principles and use of CE marking


The general principles set out in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 shall apply to the CE marking.


The CE marking shall be affixed to those construction products for which the manufacturer has drawn up a declaration of performance in accordance with Articles 4 and 6.

If a declaration of performance has not been drawn up by the manufacturer in accordance with Articles 4 and 6, the CE marking shall not be affixed.

By affixing or having affixed the CE marking, manufacturers indicate that they take responsibility for the conformity of the construction product with the declared performance as well as the compliance with all applicable requirements laid down in this Regulation and in other relevant Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing.

The rules for affixing the CE marking provided for in other relevant Union harmonisation legislation shall apply without prejudice to this paragraph.


For any construction product covered by a harmonised standard, or for which a European Technical Assessment has been issued, the CE marking shall be the only marking which attests conformity of the construction product with the declared performance in relation to the essential characteristics, covered by that harmonised standard or by the European Technical Assessment.

In this respect, Member States shall not introduce any references or shall withdraw any references in national measures to a marking attesting conformity with the declared performance in relation to the essential characteristics covered by a harmonised standard other than the CE marking.


A Member State shall not prohibit or impede, within its territory or under its responsibility, the making available on the market or the use of construction products bearing the CE marking, when the declared performances correspond to the requirements for such use in that Member State.


A Member State shall ensure that the use of construction products bearing the CE marking shall not be impeded by rules or conditions imposed by public bodies or private bodies acting as a public undertaking, or acting as a public body on the basis of a monopoly position or under a public mandate, when the declared performances correspond to the requirements for such use in that Member State.


The methods used by the Member States in their requirements for construction works, as well as other national rules in relation to the essential characteristics of construction products, shall be in accordance with harmonised standards.