CHAPTER IVSampling plans and collection of data on F1Union fishing vessels not subject to fishing logbook and landing declaration requirements


Article 56Establishment of sampling plans

The sampling plans referred to in Articles 16(2) and 25(2) of the Control Regulation for the monitoring of F1Union fishing vessels not subject to fishing logbook and landing declaration requirements shall be established by Member States in accordance with this Chapter to determine the landings of a stock or group of stocks taken by such fishing vessels and, where appropriate, their fishing effort. These data shall be used for the recording of catches and, where appropriate, fishing effort as referred to in Article 33 of the Control Regulation.

Article 57Sampling methodology


The sampling plans referred to in Article 56 of this Regulation shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex XVI.


The size of the sample to be inspected shall be determined on the basis of risk as follows:


‘very low’ risk: 3 % of the sample;


‘low’ risk: 5 % of the sample;


‘medium’ risk: 10 % of the sample;


‘high’ risk: 15 % of the sample;


‘very high’ risk: 20 % of the sample.


Catches per day of a fleet sector for a given stock shall be estimated by multiplying the total number of active F1Union fishing vessels of the fleet sector concerned with the average daily catch per given stock per F1Union fishing vessel based on the catches of the sample of the Union fishing vessels inspected.


X1Member States shall be considered to have met the requirement of a sampling plan as referred to in Article 56 of this Regulation if they collect systematically on at least a monthly basis for each of their fishing vessels not subject to fishing logbook and landing declaration requirements data:


on all landings of catches of all species in kilogram, including zero landings;


on the statistical rectangles where these catches were taken.