3.1. Transport and preparation of the samples U.K.
Samples shall preferably be sent by express mail or courier to the laboratories referred to in Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003, within 24 hours after collection. If they are not sent within 24 hours, they shall be stored refrigerated. The samples may be transported at ambient temperature provided that excessive heat (namely over 25 °C) or exposure to sunlight is avoided. At the laboratory the samples shall be kept refrigerated until examination, which must be started within 48 hours following receipt and within 4 days after sampling.
Separate preparations shall be made of the boot swabs and dust or the fabric dust swab in the case of samples by the competent authority, but as regards samples by food business operators the different sample types may be combined in one test.
3.1.1. Boot and fabric swab samples U.K.
(a)The two pairs of boot swabs (or ‘socks’) or dust swabs shall be carefully unpacked to avoid dislodging adherent faecal material, pooled and placed in 225 ml of Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) which has been pre-warmed to room temperature, or the 225 ml of diluent must be added directly to the two pairs of boot swabs in their container as received in the laboratory. The boot/socks or fabric swab shall be fully submersed in BPW to provide sufficient free liquid around the sample for migration of Salmonella away from the sample and therefore more BPW may be added if necessary.U.K.
(b)The sample shall be swirled to fully saturate it and culture shall be continued by using the detection method set out in point 3.2.U.K.
3.1.2. Other faecal and dust material U.K.
(a)The faeces samples shall be pooled and thoroughly mixed and a 25-gram sub-sample shall be collected for the culture.U.K.
(b)The 25-gram sub-sample (or 50 ml of suspension containing 25 grams of the initial sample) shall be added to 225 ml of BPW which has been pre-warmed to room temperature.U.K.
(c)Culture of the sample shall be continued by using the detection method set out in point 3.2.U.K.
If ISO standards on the preparation of relevant samples for the detection of Salmonella are agreed on, they shall be applied and replace those set out in points 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
[3.1.3. In case of collection of fabric swabs in accordance with point 2.2.1(a), second paragraph, pooling shall occur in accordance with point 3.1.1.] U.K.
3.2. Detection method U.K.
[The detection of Salmonella spp. shall be carried out according to EN ISO 6579-1.]
After incubation the samples in BPW shall not be shaken, swirled or otherwise agitated.
3.3. Serotyping U.K.
At least one isolate from each positive sample taken by the competent authority shall be serotyped, following the Kaufmann-White-LeMinor scheme. In isolates taken by the food business operators, at least the serotyping for Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium must be carried out.
[3.4. Alternative methods U.K.
Alternative methods may be used instead of the methods for detection and serotyping provided for in points 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of this Annex, if validated in accordance with EN ISO 16140-2 (for alternative detection methods).]
3.5. Testing for antimicrobial resistance U.K.
The isolates shall be tested for antimicrobial resistance in accordance with Article 2 of Commission Decision 2007/407/EC().
3.6. Storage of strains U.K.
The competent authority shall ensure that at least one isolated strain of the relevant Salmonella serotypes from sampling as part of official controls per house and per year is stored for possible future phagetyping or antimicrobial susceptibility testing, using the normal methods for culture collection, which must ensure integrity of the strains for a minimum period of 2 years.
If the competent authority so decides, isolates from sampling by food business operators shall also be stored for these purposes.