CHAPTER IV National Financial Assistance

Article 95Union reimbursement of the national financial assistance


Member States may request Union reimbursement of approved national financial assistance actually paid to producer organisations, before 1 January of the second year following the year of implementation of the programme.

The request shall be accompanied by evidence showing that the conditions set out in Article 103e(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 have been fulfilled in three of the previous four years, as well as details of the producer organisations concerned, the amount of assistance actually paid and a description of the operational fund broken out between total amount, contributions from Union, Member State (national financial assistance) and producer organisations and members.


The Commission shall take a decision to approve or refuse the request. The request shall be refused where the rules on the authorisation and reimbursement of national financial assistance have not been complied with or where the rules on producer organisations, the operational fund and operational programmes laid down in this Regulation or Regulation (EC) 1234/2007 have not been respected by the requesting Member State.


Where Union reimbursement of the assistance has been approved, the eligible expenditure shall be declared to the Commission in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 5 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 883/200614.


The proportion of Union reimbursement of national financial assistance shall not exceed 60 % of the national financial assistance granted to the producer organisation.