Council Regulation (EU) No 57/2011Show full title

Council Regulation (EU) No 57/2011 of 18 January 2011 fixing for 2011 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in EU waters and, for EU vessels, in certain non-EU waters


10. Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State U.K.

10.1.A Member State may permit any of its fishing vessels flying its flag to transfer days present within the area for which it has been authorised to another of its vessels flying its flag within the area provided that the product of the days received by a vessel and its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the days transferred by the donor vessel and the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the EU fishing fleet register.U.K.
10.2.The total number of days present within the area, multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel, shall not be higher than the donor vessel's average annual days track record in the area as verified by the fishing logbook in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel.U.K.
10.3.The transfer of days as described in point 10.1. shall be permitted only between vessels operating within the same gear grouping referred to in point 2 and during the same management period.U.K.
10.4.On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide reports on the transfers that have taken place. A detailed format of spreadsheet for making these reports available to the Commission may be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 30(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002.U.K.

11. Transfer of days between fishing vessels flying the flag of different Member States U.K.

Member States may permit transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.2., 4.4., 6 and 10 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, as a preliminary they shall notify the Commission before the transfer takes place, the details of the transfer, including the number of days transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto, as agreed between them.