IUPRm = Numeratorm / Denominatorm
‘Numeratorm’ means the numerator of a specific monitor m and is a counter indicating the number of times a vehicle has been operated in such a way that all monitoring conditions necessary for that specific monitor to detect a malfunction have been encountered; and
‘Denominatorm’ means the denominator of a specific monitor m and is a counter indicating the number of vehicle driving cycles that are of relevance to that specific monitor (or, ‘in which events occur that are of relevance to that specific monitor’).
IUPRg = Numeratorg / Denominatorg
‘Numeratorg’ means the numerator of a group g of monitors and is the actual value (Numeratorm) of the specific monitor m that has the lowest in-use performance ratio as defined in Section 6.1.2 of all monitors within that group g of monitors on board a particular vehicle; and
‘Denominatorg’ means the denominator of a group g of monitors and is the actual value (Denominatorm) of the specific monitor m that has the lowest in-use performance ratio as defined in Section 6.1.2 of all monitors within that group g of monitors on board a particular vehicle.