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a For the standard quality defined in point III of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. | ||
b For the standard quality defined in point II of Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. | ||
c Per 1 % sucrose content. | ||
(EUR) | ||
CN code | Representative price per 100 kg net of the product concerned | Additional duty per 100 kg net of the product concerned |
1701 11 10a | 59,96 | 0,0 |
1701 11 90a | 59,96 | 0,0 |
1701 12 10a | 59,96 | 0,0 |
1701 12 90a | 59,96 | 0,0 |
1701 91 00b | 56,72 | 0,45 |
1701 99 10b | 56,72 | 0,0 |
1701 99 90b | 56,72 | 0,0 |
1702 90 95c | 0,57 | 0,18 |