Article 9Air traffic controller licence

1.Holders of an air traffic controller licence shall be authorised to provide air traffic control services in accordance with the ratings and endorsements in their licence.

2.The privileges of an air traffic controller licence shall include the privileges of a student air traffic controller licence as set out in Article 8(1).

3.Applicants for the issue of an air traffic controller licence shall:

(a)be at least 21 years old. However, Member States may provide a lower age limit in duly justified cases;

(b)hold a student air traffic controller licence;

(c)have completed an approved unit training plan and successfully passed the appropriate examinations or assessments in accordance with the requirements set out in Part B of Annex II;

(d)hold a valid medical certificate;

(e)have demonstrated an adequate level of language proficiency in accordance with the requirements set out in Article 13.

4.The air traffic controller licence shall be validated by the inclusion of one or more ratings and the relevant rating, unit and language endorsements for which training was successfully completed.