ANNEX IProduct information requirements for special purpose products

1.If the chromaticity coordinates of a lamp always fall within the following range:

  • x < 0,270 or x > 0,530

  • y< 2,3172 x2+2,3653 x — 0,2199math or y> 2,3172 x2+2,3653 x — 0,1595math;

the chromaticity coordinates shall be stated in the technical documentation file drawn up for the purposes of conformity assessment in accordance with Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC, which shall indicate that these coordinates make them a special purpose product.

F12.For all special purpose products, the intended purpose shall be stated in all forms of product information, together with the warning that they are not intended for use in other applications.

The technical documentation file drawn up for the purposes of conformity assessment in accordance with Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC shall list the technical parameters that make the product design specific for the stated intended purpose.

If needed, the parameters may be listed in such a way as to avoid disclosing commercially sensitive information linked to the manufacturer's intellectual property rights.

If the product is visibly displayed to the end-user prior to purchase, the following information shall be clearly and prominently indicated on the packaging:

  1. (a)

    the intended purpose;

  2. (b)

    that it is not suitable for household room illumination; and

  3. (c)

    the technical parameters that make the lamp design specific for the stated intended purpose.

The information in point (c) can alternatively be provided inside the packaging.