ANNEX IIIU.K. Ecodesign requirements


3.1. Product information requirements for directional lamps U.K.

The following information shall be provided as from stage 1, except where otherwise stipulated.

These information requirements do not apply to:

  • filament lamps not fulfilling the efficacy requirements of Stage 2,

  • LED modules when marketed as part of a luminaire from which they are not intended to be removed by the end-user.

In all forms of product information, the term ‘energy-saving lamp’ or any similar product related promotional statement about lamp efficacy may be used only if the energy efficiency index of the lamp (calculated in accordance with the method set out in point 1.1 of this Annex) is 0,40 or below.

3.1.1. Information to be displayed on the lamp itself U.K.

For lamps other than high-intensity discharge lamps, the value and unit (‘lm’, ‘K’ and ‘°’) of the nominal useful luminous flux, of the colour temperature and of the nominal beam angle shall be displayed in a legible font on the surface of the lamp if, after the inclusion of safety-related information such as power and voltage, there is sufficient space available for it on the lamp without unduly obstructing the light coming from the lamp.

If there is room for only one of the three values, the nominal useful luminous flux shall be provided. If there is room for two values, the nominal useful luminous flux and the colour temperature shall be provided.

3.1.2. Information to be visibly displayed to end-users, prior to their purchase, on the packaging and on free access websites U.K.

The information in paragraphs (a) to (o) below shall be displayed on free access websites and in any other form the manufacturer deems appropriate.

If the product is placed on the market in a packaging containing information to be visibly displayed to the end-users, prior to their purchase, the information shall also be clearly and prominently indicated on the packaging.

The information does not need to use the exact wording on the list below. It may be displayed in the form of graphs, drawings or symbols rather than text.


Nominal useful luminous flux displayed in a font at least twice as large as any display of the nominal lamp power;


Nominal life time of the lamp in hours (not longer than the rated life time);


Colour temperature, as a value in Kelvins and also expressed graphically or in words;


Number of switching cycles before premature failure;


Warm-up time up to 60 % of the full light output (may be indicated as ‘instant full light’ if less than 1 second);


A warning if the lamp cannot be dimmed or can be dimmed only on specific dimmers; in the latter case a list of compatible dimmers shall be also provided on the manufacturer's website;


If designed for optimum use in non-standard conditions (such as ambient temperature Ta ≠ 25 °C or specific thermal management is necessary), information on those conditions;


Lamp dimensions in millimetres (length and largest diameter);


Nominal beam angle in degrees;


If the lamp’s beam angle is ≥ 90° and its useful luminous flux as defined in point 1.1 of this Annex is to be measured in a 120° cone, a warning that the lamp is not suitable for accent lighting;


If the lamp cap is a standardised type also used with filament lamps, but the lamp’s dimensions are different from the dimensions of the filament lamp(s) that the lamp is meant to replace, a drawing comparing the lamp’s dimensions to the dimensions of the filament lamp(s) it replaces;


An indication that the lamp is of a type listed in the first column of Table 6 may be displayed only if the luminous flux of the lamp in a 90° cone (Φ90°) is not lower than the reference luminous flux indicated in Table 6 for the smallest wattage among the lamps of the type concerned. The reference luminous flux shall be multiplied by the correction factor in Table 7. For LED lamps, it shall be in addition multiplied by the correction factor in Table 8;


An equivalence claim involving the power of a replaced lamp type may be displayed only if the lamp type is listed in Table 6 and if the luminous flux of the lamp in a 90° cone (Φ90°) is not lower than the corresponding reference luminous flux in Table 6. The reference luminous flux shall be multiplied by the correction factor in Table 7. For LED lamps, it shall be in addition multiplied by the correction factor in Table 8. The intermediate values of both the luminous flux and the claimed equivalent lamp power (rounded to the nearest 1 W) shall be calculated by linear interpolation between the two adjacent values.

Table 6

Reference luminous flux for equivalence claims

Extra-low voltage reflector type
TypePower (W)Reference Φ90° (lm)
MR11 GU420160
MR16 GU 5.320180
Mains-voltage blown glass reflector type
TypePower (W)Reference Φ90° (lm)
1501 000
Mains-voltage pressed glass reflector type
TypePower (W)Reference Φ90° (lm)
Table 7

Multiplication factors for lumen maintenance

Lamp typeLuminous flux multiplication factor
Halogen lamps1
Compact fluorescent lamps1,08
LED lamps where LLMF is the lumen maintenance factor at the end of the nominal life
Table 8

Multiplication factors for LED lamps

LED lamp beam angleLuminous flux multiplication factor
20° ≤ beam angle1
15° ≤ beam angle < 20°0,9
10° ≤ beam angle < 15°0,85
beam angle < 10°0,8

If the lamp contains mercury:


Lamp mercury content as X,X mg;


Indication of which website to consult in case of accidental lamp breakage to find instructions on how to clean up the lamp debris.

3.1.3. Information to be made publicly available on free-access websites and in any other form the manufacturer deems appropriate U.K.

As a minimum, the following information shall be expressed at least as values.

3.2. Additional product information requirements for LED lamps replacing fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast U.K.

In addition to the product information requirements according to point 3.1 of this Annex or point 3.1 of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 244/2009, as from stage 1, manufacturers of LED lamps replacing fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast shall publish a warning on publicly available free-access websites and in any other form they deem appropriate that the overall energy efficiency and light distribution of any installation that uses such lamps are determined by the design of the installation.

Claims that an LED lamp replaces a fluorescent lamp without integrated ballast of a particular wattage may be made only if:

The technical documentation file shall provide the data to support such claims.