Entry referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 68(2):
Животински продукти, произведени без използване на антибиотици
Productos animales producidos sin utilizar antibióticos
Živočišné produkty vyprodukované bez použití antibiotik
Animalske produkter, der er produceret uden brug af antibiotika
Ohne Anwendung von Antibiotika erzeugte tierische Erzeugnisse
Loomsed tooted, mille tootmisel ei ole kasutatud antibiootikume
Ζωικά προϊόντα που παράγονται χωρίς τη χρήση αντιβιοτικών
Animal products produced without the use of antibiotics
produits animaux obtenus sans recourir aux antibiotiques
Prodotti animali ottenuti senza l'uso di antibiotici
Dzīvnieku izcelsmes produkti, kuru ražošanā nav izmantotas antibiotikas
nenaudojant antibiotikų pagaminti gyvūniniai produktai
Antibiotikumok alkalmazása nélkül előállított állati eredetű termékek
Il-prodotti tal-annimali prodotti mingħajr l-użu tal-antibijotiċi
Zonder het gebruik van antibiotica geproduceerde dierlijke producten
Produkty zwierzęce wytwarzane bez użycia antybiotyków
Produtos de origem animal produzidos sem utilização de antibióticos
Produse de origine animală obținute a se recurge la antibiotice
Výrobky živočíšneho pôvodu vyrobené bez použitia antibiotík
Živalski proizvodi, proizvedeni brez uporabe antibiotikov
Eläintuotteet, joiden tuotannossa ei ole käytetty antibiootteja
Animaliska produkter som produceras utan antibiotika”
live or unprocessed agricultural products and vegetative propagating material and seeds for cultivation, with the exception of aquaculture products, provided that in the case of apples and pears, imports are subject to the presentation of specific certification from the relevant control body or control authority that no treatment with antibiotics to control fire blight (such as tetracycline and streptomycin) has occurred during the production process;
processed agricultural products for use as food and feed, with the exception of processed aquaculture products, provided that in the case of processed apples and pears, imports are subject to the presentation of specific certification from the relevant control body or control authority that no treatment with antibiotics to control fire blight (such as tetracycline and streptomycin) has occurred during the production process.
products of categories 1(a) and 1(b) and organically grown ingredients in products of category 1(b) that have been grown in the United States or that have been imported into the United States in accordance with US legislation.
Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6501 et seq.), National Organic Program (7 CFR 205).
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), www.usda.gov
A Bee Organic, www.abeeorganic.com
Agricultural Services Certified Organic, www.ascorganic.com/
Baystate Organic Certifiers, www.baystateorganic.org
BCS – Oko Garantie GmbH, www.bcs-oeko.com/en_index.html
BioAgriCert, www.bioagricert.org/English/index.php
CCOF Certification Services, www.ccof.org
Colorado Department of Agriculture, www.colorado.gov
Control Union Certifications, www.skalint.com
Department of Plant Industry, www.clemson.edu/public/regulatory/plant_industry/organic_certification/
Ecocert S.A., www.ecocert.com
Georgia Crop Improvement Association, Inc., www.certifiedseed.org
Global Culture, www.globalculture.us
Global Organic Alliance, Inc., www.goa-online.org
Global Organic Certification Services, www.globalorganicservices.com
Idaho State Department of Agriculture, www.agri.idaho.gov/Categories/PlantsInsects/Organic/indexOrganicHome.php
Indiana Certified Organic LLC, www.indianacertifiedorganic.com
International Certification Services, Inc., www.ics-intl.com
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, www.agriculture.state.ia.us
Kentucky Department of Agriculture, www.kyagr.com/marketing/plantmktg/organic/index.htm
LACON GmbH, www.lacon-institut.com
Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, www.ldaf.state.la.us/portal/DesktopModules/BrowseBy/portal/Offices/AgriculturalEnvironmentalSciences/PesticidesEnvironmentalPrograms/OrganicCertificationPrograms/tabid/435/Default.aspx
Marin County, www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/ag/main/moca.cfm
Maryland Department of Agriculture, www.mda.state.md.us/md_products/certified_md_organic_farms/index.php
Mayacert S.A., www.mayacert.com
Midwest Organic Services Association, Inc., www.mosaorganic.org
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association, www.mncia.org
MOFGA Certification Services, LLC, www.mofga.org/
Montana Department of Agriculture, www.agr.mt.gov.organic/Program.asp
Monterey County Certified Organic, www.ag.co.monterey.ca.us/pages/organics
Natural Food Certifiers, www.nfccertification.com
Nature’s International Certification Services, www.naturesinternational.com/
Nevada State Department of Agriculture, http://www.agri.state.nv.us
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Division of Regulatory Services, http://agriculture.nh.gov/divisions/markets/organic_certification.htm
New Jersey Department of Agriculture, www.state.nj.us/agriculture/
New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Organic Program, http://nmdaweb.nmsu.edu/organics-program/Organic%20Program.html
NOFA – New York Certified Organic, LLC, http://www.nofany.org
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, www.oeffa.org
OIA North America, LLC, www.oianorth.com
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, www.oda.state.ok.us
OneCert, www.onecert.com
Oregon Department of Agriculture, www.oregon.gov/ODA/CID
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic, www.tilth.org
Organic Certifiers, Inc., http://www.organiccertifiers.com
Organic Crop Improvement Association, www.ocia.org
Organic National & International Certifiers (ON&IC), http://www.on-ic.com
Organizacion Internacional Agropecuraria, www.oia.com.ar
Pennsylvania Certified Organic, www.paorganic.org
Primuslabs.com, www.primuslabs.com
Pro-Cert Organic Systems, Ltd, www.pro-cert.org
Quality Assurance International, www.qai-inc.com
Quality Certification Services, www.QCSinfo.org
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, www.dem.ri.gov/programs/bnatres/agricult/orgcert.htm
Scientific Certification Systems, www.SCScertified.com
Stellar Certification Services, Inc., http://demeter-usa.org/
Texas Department of Agriculture, www.agr.state.tx.us
Utah Department of Agriculture, http://ag.utah.gov/divisions/plant/organic/index.html
Vermont Organic Farmers, LLC, http://www.nofavt.org
Washington State Department of Agriculture, http://agr.wa.gov/FoodAnimal?Organic/default.htm
Yolo County Department of Agriculture, www.yolocounty.org/Index.aspx?page=501
as at point 5.
30 June 2015.’.
for ‘California Certified Organic Farmers’, the row concerning third country ‘US’ and code number ‘US-BIO-105’ in point 3 is deleted;
for ‘Organic Certifiers’, the row concerning third country ‘US’ and code number ‘US-BIO-106’ in point 3 is deleted;
for ‘International Certification Services, Inc.’, the row concerning third country ‘US’ and code number ‘US-BIO-111’ in point 3 is deleted;
for ‘Quality Assurance International’, the row concerning third country ‘US’ and code number ‘US-BIO-113’ in point 3 is deleted;
the entry ‘Oregon Tilth’ is deleted entirely;
for ‘Organic Crop Improvement Association’, the row concerning third country ‘US’ and code number ‘US-BIO-120’ in point 3 is deleted;
the entry ‘Washington State Department of Agriculture’ is deleted entirely.