CHAPTER 5 Implementation

Article 209Implementation contracts(Article 137 of the Financial Regulation)


Without prejudice to the application of the Directive 2004/18/EC, where implementation of the action or work programme requires the award of a procurement contract, the beneficiary shall award the contract to the tender offering best value for money or, as appropriate, to the tender offering the lowest price, while avoiding any conflict of interests.


Where implementation of the actions or work programme requires the award of a procurement contract with a value of more than EUR 60 000, the authorising officer responsible may require the beneficiary to abide by special rules in addition to those referred to in paragraph 1.

Those special rules shall be based on rules contained in the Financial Regulation and determined with due regard for the value of the contracts concerned, the relative size of the Union contribution in relation to the total cost of the action and the risk. Such special rules shall be included in the grant decision or agreement.