1.For the implementation of financial instruments under indirect management, the Commission shall obtain evidence that the entrusted entity fulfils the requirements of Article 60(2) of the Financial Regulation. Once that evidence is obtained, it shall be valid for any future implementation of financial instruments by the relevant entity, unless substantial changes to the entrusted entities’ systems, rules and procedures covered by those requirements have been made.
2.For the selection of entities entrusted with the implementation of financial instruments pursuant to Article 61(2) of the Financial Regulation, the Commission shall publish a call to potential entrusted entities. That call shall include the selection and award criteria.
The call referred to in the first subparagraph shall also indicate whether the entrusted entity is required to allocate its own financial resources to the specific financial instrument or share the risk. Where such indication is made and where it is necessary to mitigate a possible conflict of interest, the call shall also indicate that the entrusted entity is required to propose measures on alignment of interest, as set out in Article 140(2) of the Financial Regulation. The measures on alignment of interest shall be included in the agreement of the specific financial instrument.
The Commission shall open a dialogue with the entities that satisfy the selection criteria in a transparent and objective manner and without giving rise to a conflict of interest. After the dialogue the Commission shall sign delegation agreements with the entity or entities that have submitted the best value for money proposals including, where applicable, the allocation of their own financial resources or risk-sharing.
3.The Commission may enter into direct negotiations with potential entrusted entities before signing delegation agreements where the entrusted entity is identified in the relevant basic act or listed in Article 58(1)(c)(iii) of the Financial Regulation, or in duly justified and properly documented exceptional cases, in particular where:
(a)no suitable proposals were submitted following a call to potential entrusted entities;
(b)financial instruments with specific characteristics require a particular type of entrusted entity on account of its technical competence, its high degree of specialisation or its administrative power;
(c)for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by unforeseeable events not attributable to the Union, it is impossible to comply with the procedure referred to in paragraph 2.