

Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 is amended as follows:


The following entries under the heading ‘Legal persons, groups and entities’ are deleted:


Barakaat North America, Inc., 925, Washington Street, Dorchester, Massachussets, USA; 2019, Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Barakat Computer Consulting (BCC), Mogadishu, Somalia.


Barakat Consulting Group (BCG), Mogadishu, Somalia.


Barakat Global Telephone Company, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE.


Barakat Post Express (BPE), Mogadishu, Somalia.


Barakat Refreshment Company, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE.


The following entry under the heading ‘Natural persons’ is deleted:

Sajid Mohammed Badat (alias (a) Abu Issa, (b) Saajid Badat, (c) Sajid Badat, (d) Muhammed Badat, (e) Sajid Muhammad Badat, (f) Saajid Mohammad Badet, (g) Muhammed Badet, (h) Sajid Muhammad Badet, (i) Sajid Mahomed Badat). Date of birth: 28.3.1979. Place of birth: Gloucester, United Kingdom. Nationality: British. Passport No: (a) 703114075 (United Kingdom passport), (b) 026725401 (United Kingdom passport, expired on 22.4.2007), (c) 0103211414 (United Kingdom passport). Other information: Released from prison in the United Kingdom in November 2010. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 15.12.2005.