Article 1U.K.

[F11. A definitive anti-dumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of certain stainless steel fasteners and parts thereof, currently falling within CN codes 7318 12 10 , ex 7318 14 10 (TARIC codes from the day following the publication of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 830/2014 (1) : 7318 14 10 51 , 7318 14 10 59 , 7318 14 10 81 and 7318 14 10 89 ), 7318 15 30 , 7318 15 51 , 7318 15 61 and 7318 15 70 and originating in the People's Republic of China and Taiwan.

Bi-metal fasteners, defined as: bi-metal self-drilling screws, having a shank and head of stainless steel and a point and leading threads of carbon steel, which are welded together allowing the screw to self-drill its own pilot hole and cut its own thread into hard steel metal; and bi-metal self-tapping screws, having a shank and head of stainless steel and leading threads of carbon steel which are welded together, allowing the screw to cut its own thread into hard steel metal; both currently falling within CN code ex 7318 14 10 , shall not be covered by the definitive anti-dumping duty.]

2.The rate of the definitive anti-dumping duty applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty, for products manufactured by the companies listed below shall be as follows:

CountryCompaniesAD duty rate (%)TARIC additional code
PRCTengzhou Tengda Stainless Steel Product Co. Ltd, Tengzhou City11,4A650
Tong Ming Enterprise (Jiaxing) Co. Ltd, Zhejiang12,2A651
All other companies27,4A999
TaiwanArrow Fasteners Co. Ltd, Taipei15,2A653
Jin Shing Stainless Ind. Co. Ltd, Tao Yuan8,8A654
Min Hwei Enterprise Co. Ltd, Pingtung16,1A655
Tong Hwei Enterprise, Co. Ltd, Kaohsiung16,1A656
Yi Tai Shen Co. Ltd, Tainan11,4A657
Companies listed in the Annex15,8A649
All other companies23,6A999

3.Unless otherwise specified, the provisions in force concerning customs duties shall apply.

[F24. Where any exporting producer in Taiwan provides sufficient evidence to the Commission that:

(a) it did not export to the Union the product described in Article 1(1) during the investigation period ( 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 );

(b) it is not related to any of the exporters or producers in Taiwan which are subject to the measures imposed by this Regulation; and

(c) it has actually exported to the Union the product concerned after the investigation period or it has entered into an irrevocable contractual obligation to export a significant quantity to the Union;

the Annex may be amended by adding the new exporting producer to the cooperating companies not included in the sample and thus subject to the weighted average duty rate of 15,8 %.]

Article 2U.K.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.