Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 of 9 March 2012 laying down specifications for food additives listed in Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

E 160 a (iii) BETA-CAROTENE FROM Blakeslea trispora

SynonymsCI Food Orange 5
DefinitionObtained by a fermentation process using a mixed culture of the two sexual mating types (+) and (–) of strains of the fungus Blakeslea trispora. The beta-carotene is extracted from the biomass with ethyl acetate or isobutyl acetate followed by propan-2-ol and crystallised. The crystallised product consists mainly of trans beta-carotene. Because of the natural process approximately 3 % of the product consists of mixed carotenoids, which is specific for the product.
Colour Index No40800
Chemical nameBeta-carotene; beta, beta-carotene
Chemical formulaC40H56
Molecular weight536,88

Not less than 96 % total colouring matters (expressed as beta-carotene)

2 500 at approximately 440 nm to 457 nm in cyclohexane

DescriptionRed, brownish-red or purple-violet crystals or crystalline powder (colour varies according to extraction solvent used and conditions of crystallisation)
SpectrometryMaximum in cyclohexane at 453 nm to 456 nm
Solvent residuesEthyl acetateNot more than 0,8 %, singly or in combination
Isobutyl acetate: Not more than 1,0 %
Propan-2-ol: Not more than 0,1 %
Sulphated ashNot more than 0,2 %
Subsidiary colouring mattersCarotenoids other than beta-carotene: not more than 3,0 % of total colouring matters
LeadNot more than 2 mg/kg
Microbiological criteria
MouldsNot more than 100 colonies per gram
YeastsNot more than 100 colonies per gram
Salmonella spp.Absent in 25 g
Escherichia coliAbsent in 5 g