TACs applicable to EU vessels in areas where TACs exist by species and by area
Skagerrak, Kattegat, ICES subareas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIV, EU waters of CECAF
North East Atlantic and Greenland, ICES subareas I, II, V, XII and XIV and Greenland waters of NAFO 0 and 1
North West Atlantic — NAFO Convention Area
Highly migratory fish — all areas
Antarctic — CCAMLR Convention Area
South-East Atlantic Ocean — SEAFO Convention Area
Southern bluefin tuna — all areas
WCPFC Convention Area
SPRFMO Convention Area
Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of certain cod, plaice and sole stocks in the Skagerrak, that part of ICES division IIIa not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, ICES subarea IV, EU waters of ICES division IIa and ICES division VIId
Fishing opportunities for vessels fishing for sandeel in ICES divisions IIa, IIIa and ICES subarea IV
Maximum number of fishing authorisations for EU vessels in third-country waters
ICCAT Convention Area
CCAMLR Convention Area
IOTC Convention Area
WCPFC Convention Area
Quantitative limitations of fishing authorisations for third-country vessels fishing in EU waters