2.The data elements set down in this Annex comprise a Core Data Set (CDS) and an Additional Data Set (ADS). The data elements belonging to the CDS are considered as the basic data which should, in principle, be provided for all biocidal products.U.K.
With regard to the ADS, the data elements to be provided for a specific biocidal product shall be determined by considering each of the ADS data elements indicated in this Annex taking into account, inter alia, the physical and chemical properties of the product, existing data, information which is part of the CDS and the types of products and the exposure patterns related to these uses.
Specific indications for the inclusion of some data elements are provided in column 1 of the Annex III table. The general considerations regarding adaptation of information requirements as set out in Annex IV to this Regulation shall also apply. In light of the importance of reducing testing on vertebrates, column 3 of the table gives specific indications for the adaptation of some of the data elements which might require the use of such tests on vertebrates.
For some of the information requirements set out in this Annex, it may be possible to satisfy these requirements based on available information of the properties of the active substance(s) contained in the product and the properties of non-active substance(s) included in the product. For non-active substances, applicants shall use the information provided to them in the context of Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, where relevant, and the information made available by [the Agency] in accordance with point (e) of Article 77(2) of that Regulation [. However, the information may not be sufficient or adequate to determine whether or not a non-active substance contained in a biocidal product has hazardous properties and the competent authority may conclude that further data are required].
The relevant calculation methods used for the classification of mixtures as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 shall, where appropriate, be applied in the hazard assessment of the biocidal product. Such calculation methods shall not be used if, in relation to a particular hazard, synergistic and antagonistic effects between the different substances contained in the product are considered likely.
Detailed technical guidance regarding the application of this Annex and the preparation of the dossier is [to be made available online by the competent authority].
[The applicant must initiate a pre-submission consultation with the competent authority. In addition to the obligation set out in Article 62(2), the applicant may also consult with the competent authority with regard to the proposed information requirements and in particular the strategy for avoiding new testing on vertebrates alongside any testing on vertebrates that the applicant proposes to carry out. The applicant must document such pre-submission consultations and their outcomes and must include the relevant documents in the application]
Additional information may need to be submitted if necessary to carry out the evaluation as indicated in Article 29(3) ....
The information submitted shall, in any case, be sufficient to support a risk assessment demonstrating that the criteria in Article 19(1)(b) are met.