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Article 29U.K.Submission and validation of applications

1.Applicants wishing to apply for a national authorisation in accordance with Article 17 shall submit an application to the receiving competent authority. The receiving competent authority shall inform the applicant of the fees payable under Article 80(2), and shall reject the application if the applicant fails to pay the fees within 30 days. It shall inform the applicant accordingly. Upon receipt of the fees payable under Article 80(2), the receiving competent authority shall accept the application and inform the applicant accordingly, indicating the date of the acceptance.

2.Within 30 days of acceptance, the receiving competent authority shall validate the application if it complies with the following requirements:

(a)the relevant information referred to in Article 20 has been submitted; and

(b)the applicant states that it has not applied to any other competent authority for a national authorisation for the same biocidal product for the same use(s).

In the context of the validation referred to in the first subparagraph, the receiving competent authority shall not make an assessment of the quality or the adequacy of the data or justifications submitted.

3.Where the receiving competent authority considers that the application is incomplete, it shall inform the applicant as to what additional information is required for the validation of the application and shall set a reasonable time limit for the submission of that information. That time limit shall not normally exceed 90 days.

The receiving competent authority shall, within 30 days of receipt of the additional information, validate the application if it determines that the additional information submitted is sufficient to comply with the requirements laid down in paragraph 2.

The receiving competent authority shall reject the application if the applicant fails to submit the requested information within the deadline and shall inform the applicant accordingly.

4.Where the Register for Biocidal Products referred to in Article 71 shows that a competent authority other than the receiving competent authority is examining an application relating to the same biocidal product or has already authorised the same biocidal product, the receiving competent authority shall decline to evaluate the application. In that event, the receiving competent authority shall inform the applicant of the possibility of seeking mutual recognition in accordance with Article 33 or 34.

5.If paragraph 3 does not apply and the receiving competent authority considers that the application is complete, it shall validate the application and without delay inform the applicant accordingly, indicating the date of the validation.