Article 33Mutual recognition in sequence


Applicants wishing to seek the mutual recognition in sequence, in one or more Member States (‘the Member States concerned’), of the national authorisation of a biocidal product already granted in another Member State in accordance with Article 17 (‘the reference Member State’) shall submit an application to each of the competent authorities of the Member States concerned containing, in each case, a translation of the national authorisation granted by the reference Member State into such official languages of the Member State concerned as it may require.

The competent authorities of the Member States concerned shall inform the applicant of the fees payable under Article 80 and shall reject the application if the applicant fails to pay the fees within 30 days. They shall inform the applicant and the other competent authorities accordingly. Upon receipt of the fees payable under Article 80, the competent authorities of the Member States concerned shall accept the application and inform the applicant indicating the date of acceptance.


Within 30 days of acceptance referred to in paragraph 1, the Member States concerned shall validate the application and inform the applicant accordingly, indicating the date of the validation.

Within 90 days of validating the application, and subject to Articles 35, 36 and 37, the Member States concerned shall agree on the summary of biocidal product characteristics referred to in Article 22(2) and shall record their agreement in the Register for Biocidal Products.


Within 30 days of reaching agreement, each of the Member States concerned shall authorise the biocidal product in conformity with the agreed summary of biocidal product characteristics.


Without prejudice to Articles 35, 36, and 37, if no agreement is reached within the 90-day period referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, each Member State that agrees to the summary of biocidal product characteristics referred to in paragraph 2, may authorise the product accordingly.